No. 91857159

No longer available
Ancient Roman Gold Ring - 16.85 cm
Bidding closed
8 weeks ago

Ancient Roman Gold Ring - 16.85 cm

Roman gold ring (1st century BC – 1st century AD) with a smooth band featuring a glass paste intaglio imitating banded agate. The intaglio depicts a scene, possibly mythological, with two male figures, one of whom has a shield at his feet. Dimensions: 20,2 x 16,80 cm. Dimensions of the intaglio: 16,50 x 9,80 cm. The ancient Romans considered jewellery to be an essential accessory, for it provided a public display of their wealth. Roman jewellery at first followed trends set by the Etruscans, using gold and glass beads, but as the power and spread of the Roman Empire increased, so too did jewellery designs became increasingly elaborate. Different cultural styles from Greece, Egypt, North Africa, and the Orient were all incorporated to reflect Rome’s prosperity as a dominant, conquering city. The wide range of natural resources enabled artisans to create ostentatious jewellery using a diverse selection of materials: this increasingly included sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, garnet and amber from India, and pearls (which were particularly prized). Archaeological finds of Roman jewellery are relatively rare, considering the magnitude of Roman civilisation, and the historical and geographical span of the Empire. Provenance: Private Spanish collection (A.Presa). The Supplier warrants that he obtained this lot legally. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki. Important information. The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. The seller will take care that any necessary permits will be arranged. The seller will inform the buyer about this if this takes more than a few days. Important: For destinations out of Spanish territory: all our objects will be shipped after obtaining CERTIFICATE OF EXPORTATION by Ministry of Culture of Spain. We inform our clients that it may take between 4-8 weeks.

No. 91857159

No longer available
Ancient Roman Gold Ring - 16.85 cm

Ancient Roman Gold Ring - 16.85 cm

Roman gold ring (1st century BC – 1st century AD) with a smooth band featuring a glass paste intaglio imitating banded agate. The intaglio depicts a scene, possibly mythological, with two male figures, one of whom has a shield at his feet.

Dimensions: 20,2 x 16,80 cm.
Dimensions of the intaglio: 16,50 x 9,80 cm.

The ancient Romans considered jewellery to be an essential accessory, for it provided a public display of their wealth. Roman jewellery at first followed trends set by the Etruscans, using gold and glass beads, but as the power and spread of the Roman Empire increased, so too did jewellery designs became increasingly elaborate. Different cultural styles from Greece, Egypt, North Africa, and the Orient were all incorporated to reflect Rome’s prosperity as a dominant, conquering city. The wide range of natural resources enabled artisans to create ostentatious jewellery using a diverse selection of materials: this increasingly included sapphires, diamonds, emeralds, garnet and amber from India, and pearls (which were particularly prized). Archaeological finds of Roman jewellery are relatively rare, considering the magnitude of Roman civilisation, and the historical and geographical span of the Empire.

Provenance: Private Spanish collection (A.Presa).

The Supplier warrants that he obtained this lot legally. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki. Important information. The seller guarantees that he is entitled to ship this lot. The seller will take care that any necessary permits will be arranged. The seller will inform the buyer about this if this takes more than a few days.

Important: For destinations out of Spanish territory: all our objects will be shipped after obtaining CERTIFICATE OF EXPORTATION by Ministry of Culture of Spain. We inform our clients that it may take between 4-8 weeks.

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