No. 91027727

Sebastian Münster - World - Monde - Cosmographia, Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - Facsimile 2021 - 1620
Final bid
€ 62
2 days ago

Sebastian Münster - World - Monde - Cosmographia, Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - Facsimile 2021 - 1620

Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia. Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - complete facsimile of the last edition of 1628, published in 2 volumes by Heinrich Petri in Basel 1628 - Berlin, Frederik Palm / Frölich und Kaufman, 2021 - 1892 pp in 2 volumes - hardback - 34 x 25 x 7,5 cm (2x) - weight: 6 kg. Language: German. Condition: new. Complete map part with 900 wood blocks and with 1400 wood blocks from the Holbein school. Cosmographie de Sebastian Münster. Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - fac-similé complet de la dernière édition de 1628, publié en 2 volumes par Heinrich Petri à Bâle 1628 - Berlin, Frederik Palm / Frölich und Kaufman, 2021 - 1892 pp en 2 volumes - couverture rigide - 34 x 25 x 7,5 cm (2x) - poids : 6 kg. Langue : allemand. Condition: Nouveau. Carte complète avec 900 blocs de bois et 1400 blocs de bois de l'école Holbein.

No. 91027727

Sebastian Münster - World - Monde - Cosmographia, Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - Facsimile 2021 - 1620

Sebastian Münster - World - Monde - Cosmographia, Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - Facsimile 2021 - 1620

Sebastian Münster's Cosmographia. Die Beschreibung der ganzen Welt - complete facsimile of the last edition of 1628, published in 2 volumes by Heinrich Petri in Basel 1628 - Berlin, Frederik Palm / Frölich und Kaufman, 2021 -
1892 pp in 2 volumes - hardback - 34 x 25 x 7.5 cm (2x) - weight: 6 kg. Language: German.

Condition: new.

Complete map part with 900 wood blocks and with 1400 wood blocks from the Holbein school.

Cosmography by Sebastian Münster. The Description of the Whole World - complete facsimile of the last edition of 1628, published in 2 volumes by Heinrich Petri in Basel 1628 - Berlin, Frederik Palm / Frölich und Kaufman, 2021 -
1892 pp in 2 volumes - hardcover - 34 x 25 x 7.5 cm (2x) - weight: 6 kg. Language: German.

Condition: New.

Complete map with 900 woodblocks and 1400 woodblocks from the Holbein school.

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