No. 92874859

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Antonio Scarpa / Faustino Anderloni - Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux or Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases - 1802
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Antonio Scarpa / Faustino Anderloni - Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux or Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases - 1802

BEAUTIFUL FIRST FRENCH EDITION of Anatomy and Medicine of SCARPA's "Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases" or "Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux" (1802) in TWO volumes by Antonio SCARPA (1752-1832), was an Italian doctor, surgeon and anatomist. "In this work SCARPA first described the operation of iridodialysis. The chapters on diseases of the vessels in the eye, on cataract, and on staphyloma are particularly noteworthy. Scarpa’s books were all superbly illustrated with his own drawings and the plates in this work, engraved by Faustino Anderloni (1766-1847), bear witness to Scarpa’s artistic talent. SCARPA's "Treatise on Eye Diseases" was the first ophthalmology text published in Italian (1801). “The author has been called the father of Italian ophthalmology” (Garrison-Morton). He was awarded the Legion of Honor for scientific merit by Napoleon, and was also decorated with the cross of the Austrian Order of Leopold. He was a member of the most important Italian and foreign academies, including the Royal Society of London, the Société de médecine pratique of Montpellier, the Medical-Surgical Academy of Vienna, the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin, the National Institute of France and the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh...etc. This classic work on ophthalmology remained the standard text for several decades, going through several editions and translations. It established Scarpa’s reputation as a leading ophthalmologist and is especially notable for its copperplate engravings of the anatomy of the eye, drawn by the anatomist” (Heirs of Hippocrates). Duke-Elder considered this the greatest work on ophthalmology that had appeared up to its time. "Becker Garrison considered Scarpa's illustrations to be the “crown and flower of achievement in anatomic pen-drawing.” SCARPA “himself trained the famous Faustino Anderloni (who become the engraver of his illustrations). The latter's brother, Pietro Anderloni, assisted Faustino in the beginning. His anatomic prints are therefore models of anatomic representation as regards faithful differentiation of the tissues, correctness of form, and the utmost perfection of engraving. They rank with Soemmerring’s illustrations and even surpass them in respect of the vigor of the engravings” (Choulant, p. 298). This is the 1802 SCARPA's first French edition after the first Italian edition published just a year before in 1801. Beautiful books with numerous well-defined illustrations and two antique binding in good condition. Title: TRAITE PRATIQUE DES MALADIES DES YEUX ou expériences et observations sur les maladies qui affectent ces organes...(PRACTICAL TREATISE ON EYE DISEASES or experiments and observations on the diseases which affect these organs). Published in Paris, by F. Buisson, An X-1802. Two volumes and text in French. Translated from Italian and annotated by J.B.F. Léveillé (1769-1829), was a first class surgeon in the Italian army (1799), worked at the military hospital in Pavia, then at the Hôtel-Dieu. Description: In 8vo size; H 204 x W 135 mm or 8.1 by 5.3 inches. First volume [4], 411 pages. Second volume [4], 314 pages. Plus 3 folding illustrations. Period half leather binding, in good condition with friezes and titles on the spine. Few signs of wear and small losses to the corners, ends and boards, but the binding is solid and in good working order. Pages in good condition with original margins, rare water stains scattered here and there, very detailed illustrations and well-printed text. COMPLETE WORK IN TWO VOLUMES. References: History of Ophthalmology, pp.87-89; Garrison-Morton 5835 (1801, Italian Edition); Heirs of Hippocrates 1106 (1801, Italian Edition); Waller 8543 (1801, Italian Edition); Norman 1899 (1801, Italian Edition); Becker coll. 327 (1801, Italian Edition); R.N. Wegener, Das Anatomenbildnis (1939), pp.117-118; Wellcome V-37; Richardson, Benjamin Ward (1886). "Antonio Scarpa, F.R.S., and Surgical Anatomy". The Asclepiad. 4 (16). Longmans, Green and Company: 128–157; Barbara I, Tshisuaka: Scarpa, Antonio. In: Werner E. Gerabek, Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil, Wolfgang Wegner (Hrsg.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2005. Author: Antonio SCARPA (1752-1832) studied at the University of Padova, where he served as assistant and personal secretary to Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771), the master of pathological anatomy. After ten years as professor of anatomy and clinical surgery at the University of Modena, Scarpa joined the medical faculty at Pavia and served as chair of anatomy for the rest of his professional life. SCARPA wrote important works in otolaryngology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, neuroanatomy, and general surgery. He was the first to demonstrate cardiac innervation and to accurately describe the pathological anatomy of congenital club-foot. He also introduced the concept of arteriosclerosis, identified "Scarpa's triangle" of the thigh, and provided the first detailed description of sliding hernia of the large bowel. Illustrators: Faustino Anderloni (1766-1847) was an Italian engraver. Brother of Pietro, who was a painter and also an engraver Burin engravers. Faustino can be considered one of the best interpreters of classical burin engraving in the 19th century, a very accurate performer who was able to obtain soft modelling and wonderful shading in the figures he engraved with thin hatching. In 1801 he was appointed professor of drawing at the University of Pavia. Shipping: via UPS, DHL, National Postal Services, protected, INSURED and fully tracked package. Estimated time for Europe 3-5 working days. Shipping within one working day, you can combine shipping if you purchases several items from us, saving money and time.

No. 92874859

No longer available
Antonio Scarpa / Faustino Anderloni - Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux or Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases - 1802

Antonio Scarpa / Faustino Anderloni - Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux or Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases - 1802

BEAUTIFUL FIRST FRENCH EDITION of Anatomy and Medicine of SCARPA's "Practical Treatise on Eye Diseases" or "Traité Pratique Des Maladies Des Yeux" (1802) in TWO volumes by Antonio SCARPA (1752-1832), was an Italian doctor, surgeon and anatomist. "In this work SCARPA first described the operation of iridodialysis. The chapters on diseases of the vessels in the eye, on cataract, and on staphyloma are particularly noteworthy. Scarpa’s books were all superbly illustrated with his own drawings and the plates in this work, engraved by Faustino Anderloni (1766-1847), bear witness to Scarpa’s artistic talent. SCARPA's "Treatise on Eye Diseases" was the first ophthalmology text published in Italian (1801). “The author has been called the father of Italian ophthalmology” (Garrison-Morton). He was awarded the Legion of Honor for scientific merit by Napoleon, and was also decorated with the cross of the Austrian Order of Leopold. He was a member of the most important Italian and foreign academies, including the Royal Society of London, the Société de médecine pratique of Montpellier, the Medical-Surgical Academy of Vienna, the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin, the National Institute of France and the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh...etc.

This classic work on ophthalmology remained the standard text for several decades, going through several editions and translations. It established Scarpa’s reputation as a leading ophthalmologist and is especially notable for its copperplate engravings of the anatomy of the eye, drawn by the anatomist” (Heirs of Hippocrates). Duke-Elder considered this the greatest work on ophthalmology that had appeared up to its time. "Becker Garrison considered Scarpa's illustrations to be the “crown and flower of achievement in anatomic pen-drawing.” SCARPA “himself trained the famous Faustino Anderloni (who become the engraver of his illustrations). The latter's brother, Pietro Anderloni, assisted Faustino in the beginning. His anatomic prints are therefore models of anatomic representation as regards faithful differentiation of the tissues, correctness of form, and the utmost perfection of engraving. They rank with Soemmerring’s illustrations and even surpass them in respect of the vigor of the engravings” (Choulant, p. 298). This is the 1802 SCARPA's first French edition after the first Italian edition published just a year before in 1801. Beautiful books with numerous well-defined illustrations and two antique binding in good condition.

Title: TRAITE PRATIQUE DES MALADIES DES YEUX ou expériences et observations sur les maladies qui affectent ces organes...(PRACTICAL TREATISE ON EYE DISEASES or experiments and observations on the diseases which affect these organs). Published in Paris, by F. Buisson, An X-1802. Two volumes and text in French. Translated from Italian and annotated by J.B.F. Léveillé (1769-1829), was a first class surgeon in the Italian army (1799), worked at the military hospital in Pavia, then at the Hôtel-Dieu.

Description: In 8vo size; H 204 x W 135 mm or 8.1 by 5.3 inches. First volume [4], 411 pages. Second volume [4], 314 pages. Plus 3 folding illustrations. Period half leather binding, in good condition with friezes and titles on the spine. Few signs of wear and small losses to the corners, ends and boards, but the binding is solid and in good working order. Pages in good condition with original margins, rare water stains scattered here and there, very detailed illustrations and well-printed text. COMPLETE WORK IN TWO VOLUMES.

References: History of Ophthalmology, pp.87-89; Garrison-Morton 5835 (1801, Italian Edition); Heirs of Hippocrates 1106 (1801, Italian Edition); Waller 8543 (1801, Italian Edition); Norman 1899 (1801, Italian Edition); Becker coll. 327 (1801, Italian Edition); R.N. Wegener, Das Anatomenbildnis (1939), pp.117-118; Wellcome V-37; Richardson, Benjamin Ward (1886). "Antonio Scarpa, F.R.S., and Surgical Anatomy". The Asclepiad. 4 (16). Longmans, Green and Company: 128–157; Barbara I, Tshisuaka: Scarpa, Antonio. In: Werner E. Gerabek, Bernhard D. Haage, Gundolf Keil, Wolfgang Wegner (Hrsg.): Enzyklopädie Medizingeschichte. De Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2005.

Author: Antonio SCARPA (1752-1832) studied at the University of Padova, where he served as assistant and personal secretary to Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771), the master of pathological anatomy. After ten years as professor of anatomy and clinical surgery at the University of Modena, Scarpa joined the medical faculty at Pavia and served as chair of anatomy for the rest of his professional life. SCARPA wrote important works in otolaryngology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, neuroanatomy, and general surgery. He was the first to demonstrate cardiac innervation and to accurately describe the pathological anatomy of congenital club-foot. He also introduced the concept of arteriosclerosis, identified "Scarpa's triangle" of the thigh, and provided the first detailed description of sliding hernia of the large bowel.

Illustrators: Faustino Anderloni (1766-1847) was an Italian engraver. Brother of Pietro, who was a painter and also an engraver Burin engravers. Faustino can be considered one of the best interpreters of classical burin engraving in the 19th century, a very accurate performer who was able to obtain soft modelling and wonderful shading in the figures he engraved with thin hatching. In 1801 he was appointed professor of drawing at the University of Pavia.

Shipping: via UPS, DHL, National Postal Services, protected, INSURED and fully tracked package. Estimated time for Europe 3-5 working days. Shipping within one working day, you can combine shipping if you purchases several items from us, saving money and time.

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