1950 Chevrolet 3600 Pickup Truck Stepside

- completely restored
- beautiful condition
- beautiful color combination
- 3,500 cc 6-cylinder engine
- loading platform inlaid with wood

American class at its best. This Chevy was built in 1950. Later the car was restored and recently imported from Illinois, United States. Thanks to the restoration it is in excellent condition: rust-free, a dry engine compartment and an interior in very neat condition. In September 2024 the car will be fully professionally detailed.

The green and black paintwork shines like never before, as does the chrome. It is a beautiful "stepside" model with an imposing front and loading platform inlaid with wood. The interior is equipped with burgundy leather upholstery and heating.

The 216 CU (3,500 cc) 6-cylinder engine is served by the 4-speed manual transmission. The engine is also well maintained and the car drives well. A beautiful car with many possibilities: think of wonderful tours, eye-catcher at classic car events, collector's item or marketing purposes.

This Chevrolet may have minor signs of wear, see photos.

You are very welcome to view this car in our showroom and possibly take a test drive before you bid.

This vehicle can be viewed and picked up in Oldemarkt, Netherlands.

We can also arrange export documents and transport for you. Insurance for 2 weeks is also possible.

General information about the Chevrolet 3600 Pick-Up:

The official name of the Chevrolet Pick-Up series is "Advance Design". It was Chevrolet's first major new design after World War II. It was larger, more powerful and sleeker than the previous AK series and was built from 1947 to 1955. Improvements were made annually and the engine was bored out. The model was popular because it was very practical, but also relatively handy. In addition, it was relatively cheap in terms of purchase, maintenance and fuel consumption. Chevrolet also advertised that the car depreciated very little.

Seller's Story

For several years we have been active in the sale of vintage, classic and modern sports cars throughout the Netherlands, Europe and the rest of the world. We offer a wonderful variety of collector and driver cars that you can enjoy for years to come. You can find this online at Carrosso. com or by visiting our showroom in Oldemarkt, an hour's drive from Amsterdam. We have a wide variety of classic sports cars, if you are interested in the specific details of a particular car, feel free to give us a call. We are open to negotiating transactions, we can store cars, and we have an effective and reliable way to sell your cars through our purchase or consignment sales program. So, if you have a (classic) sports car for sale, contact us and we can give you the price your car deserves!

1950 Chevrolet 3600 Pickup Truck Stepside

- completely restored
- beautiful condition
- beautiful color combination
- 3,500 cc 6-cylinder engine
- loading platform inlaid with wood

American class at its best. This Chevy was built in 1950. Later the car was restored and recently imported from Illinois, United States. Thanks to the restoration it is in excellent condition: rust-free, a dry engine compartment and an interior in very neat condition. In September 2024 the car will be fully professionally detailed.

The green and black paintwork shines like never before, as does the chrome. It is a beautiful "stepside" model with an imposing front and loading platform inlaid with wood. The interior is equipped with burgundy leather upholstery and heating.

The 216 CU (3,500 cc) 6-cylinder engine is served by the 4-speed manual transmission. The engine is also well maintained and the car drives well. A beautiful car with many possibilities: think of wonderful tours, eye-catcher at classic car events, collector's item or marketing purposes.

This Chevrolet may have minor signs of wear, see photos.

You are very welcome to view this car in our showroom and possibly take a test drive before you bid.

This vehicle can be viewed and picked up in Oldemarkt, Netherlands.

We can also arrange export documents and transport for you. Insurance for 2 weeks is also possible.

General information about the Chevrolet 3600 Pick-Up:

The official name of the Chevrolet Pick-Up series is "Advance Design". It was Chevrolet's first major new design after World War II. It was larger, more powerful and sleeker than the previous AK series and was built from 1947 to 1955. Improvements were made annually and the engine was bored out. The model was popular because it was very practical, but also relatively handy. In addition, it was relatively cheap in terms of purchase, maintenance and fuel consumption. Chevrolet also advertised that the car depreciated very little.

Seller's Story

For several years we have been active in the sale of vintage, classic and modern sports cars throughout the Netherlands, Europe and the rest of the world. We offer a wonderful variety of collector and driver cars that you can enjoy for years to come. You can find this online at Carrosso. com or by visiting our showroom in Oldemarkt, an hour's drive from Amsterdam. We have a wide variety of classic sports cars, if you are interested in the specific details of a particular car, feel free to give us a call. We are open to negotiating transactions, we can store cars, and we have an effective and reliable way to sell your cars through our purchase or consignment sales program. So, if you have a (classic) sports car for sale, contact us and we can give you the price your car deserves!
Model Type
3600 Pick up
Located in
Mileage reading
99336 mi
Registration papers
with Dutch registration
Horse Power
Cubic capacity
Matching numbers
Matching colours
Service book/history
Valid MOT
CoC (Certificate of Conformity) present
Condition (Paint & body)
Very Good: minor chips or scratches, minor conventional body and paintwork
Condition (Interior)
Very Good: clean, showing minimal wear. May require replacement of minor missing or broken parts
Condition (Frame & underbody)
Very Good: frame/structure is in a well preserved condition, minor signs of usage/wear
Condition (Mechanical)
Very Good: mechanically sound, may require minor service
Condition (Overall)
Very good condition: minimal signs of wear


Catawiki always aims to offer you the best possible buying experience. Our experts virtually review and select every vehicle in line with our submission guidelines and we require our sellers to provide the most accurate description of the vehicle. However, providing a fully detailed analysis of the vehicle is extremely difficult, and close to impossible. To guide you, we ask our sellers to provide information about the vehicle’s condition. Please consider that most vehicles for sale are classic vehicles and they often already have a whole life behind them, meaning that even a condition 1 or 2 vehicle might need maintenance to be ready for the road. It is advised to carefully read our submission guidelines that further describe details about the condition grades and types to manage your expectations. Cars are sold “as is”, meaning as described and in the condition they are in at the time of the sale and without any representation, warranty or assumption of liability of any kind as to the condition by Catawiki or by the seller. The condition of this item is the opinion of the seller and may differ from yours, your local garage, or the dealer’s opinion. This does not automatically mean the car does not conform to its description. Before bidding, please check your local legislation regarding vehicle registration. Neither the seller nor Catawiki is responsible for the registration of the vehicle in your country and will not accept a cancellation for your failure to register the vehicle. We also recommend that, if possible, you arrange a viewing with the seller before placing a bid.

Catawiki always aims to offer you the best possible buying experience. Our experts virtually review and select every vehicle in line with our submission guidelines and we require our sellers to provide the most accurate description of the vehicle. However, providing a fully detailed analysis of the vehicle is extremely difficult, and close to impossible. To guide you, we ask our sellers to provide information about the vehicle’s condition. Please consider that most vehicles for sale are classic vehicles and they often already have a whole life behind them, meaning that even a condition 1 or 2 vehicle might need maintenance to be ready for the road. It is advised to carefully read our submission guidelines that further describe details about the condition grades and types to manage your expectations. Cars are sold “as is”, meaning as described and in the condition they are in at the time of the sale and without any representation, warranty or assumption of liability of any kind as to the condition by Catawiki or by the seller. The condition of this item is the opinion of the seller and may differ from yours, your local garage, or the dealer’s opinion. This does not automatically mean the car does not conform to its description. Before bidding, please check your local legislation regarding vehicle registration. Neither the seller nor Catawiki is responsible for the registration of the vehicle in your country and will not accept a cancellation for your failure to register the vehicle. We also recommend that, if possible, you arrange a viewing with the seller before placing a bid.

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