Détournement de panneau réalisé à l'aide d'adhésif découpé à la main. Les détournements de Jinks sont à l'origine réalisé dans la rue. Vous pouvez en découvrir dans une trentaine de pays.

Pour ce détournement, Jinks a utilisé un panneau français neuf.

Jinks Kunst est un artiste urbain franco-suisse né en 1976. Il vit et travaille à Nantes.

Son adolescence est marquée par la culture hip-hop et par celle du skate. Magazines, fanzines, pochettes de disques l’amènent à découvrir les graffs et les illustrations d’artistes comme Lazoo ou Mode 2.

Il s’essaie d’abord au lettrage graffiti, puis en 2006, il se lance dans le pochoir. C’est une véritable révélation et une passion dévorante qui ne le quitte plus. Ces réalisations sont toutes faites mains. Ainsi, armé d’un cutter, il cisèle avec minutie pendant des heures des œuvres grandeur nature.

En janvier 2008, il commence à détourner les panneaux de signalisation de Nantes, puis dans le reste du monde. Intervenir dans les rues du globe est une nécessité pour Jinks Kunst. Ses créations sont visibles dans plus 30 pays.

Ces voyages sont toujours l’occasion de longues marches pour découvrir les bons murs, les bons panneaux. Ils sont riches en rencontres avec les populations locales. Pour Jinks Kunst, l’art urbain est un moyen de créer des liens avec les habitants des pays qu’il explore, de s’engager dans des actions (souvent bénévoles) auprès de publics (bidonvilles, camps de réfugiés, quartiers ouvriers, écoles) n’ayant pas ou peu d’accès à cette forme d’expression culturelle, notamment en organisant des ateliers de création au pochoir.

Seller's Story

Jinks Kunst is a Franco-Swiss urban artist born in 1976. He lives and works in Nantes. His adolescence was marked by hip-hop culture and that of skateboarding. Magazines, fanzines, record covers lead him to discover the graffiti and illustrations of artists like Lazoo or Mode 2. He first tried graffiti lettering, and over the years his practice became multidisciplinary: collage of posters and stickers, painting, land art, photography, diversion of road signs. He works on different media: walls, wood, skateboard decks, vinyl records, etc. In 2006, he launched into stencil. It is a real revelation and a devouring passion that never leaves him. These creations are all handmade. Thus, armed with a cutter, he meticulously chisels for hours life-size works inspired by current events, politics, literature, urban cultures or even animal life. In January 2008, he began to hijack traffic signs in Nantes, then in the rest of the world. Regularly exhibited since the early 2000s, in France and abroad, his works are also present in various private collections, and reproduced in several international works devoted to street art. Intervening in the streets of the globe is a necessity for Jinks Kunst. His stencils, posters, stickers, paintings are visible on the walls and signs of more than 30 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. These trips are always the occasion for long walks to discover the right walls, the right signs. They are rich in encounters with local populations. For Jinks Kunst, urban art is a way to create links with the inhabitants of the countries he explores, to engage in actions (often voluntary) with audiences (slums, refugee camps, working-class neighborhoods, schools ) having little or no access to this form of cultural expression, in particular by organizing stencil creation workshops. To date, Jinks Kunst has produced several hundred stencils and paintings, hijacked with humour, more than a thousand road signs in 28 countries, customized dozens of skateboard decks and vinyl records and produced a portrait of Serge Gainsbourg at the using 23,000 cigarette filters. In 2021, Jinks is one of 76 artists selected from 2,300 candidates to participate in the 2021 Paris Graffiti and Street Art Prize. Jinks participates in many actions such as: - The realization of a painting in the shantytown of Sidi Moumen in Casablanca (Morocco) which represents a scene of Moroccan life. - Collaboration in the Prasad project of the Art Lab association in Kathmandu (Nepal), which organizes street art workshops. A fresco, a tribute to Mahabir Pun (a Nepalese teacher recognized for his work installing wifi in remote areas of the Himalayas) closed the event in Beni (Nepal). This is an opportunity for Jinks to make a portrait of 2.5 x 4.3m. - Organization of the “Djiguene & Goor” volunteer project in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Benin. - Participation in the Strokar exhibition organized by Fred Atax, at the Vandeborght space in Brussels, alongside Jonone, Kasink, Levalet, Jérome Mesnager, Jef Aérosol... - The exhibition of his work at studio 49 in Geneva with Andy Warhol, Taki 183, T-kid, Banksy, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cope2, Blek Le Rat, Os Gemeos... followed by an auction at the Hôtel des Ventes Galartis in Lausanne. - The creation, within the framework of the Cambodia Urban Art festival in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), of a work in homage to the film "Les pépites" by Xavier de Lauzanne, which was shot in this same city. There he meets the director interested in his work. - Organization of the volunteer project "Alibi" in 2019 in Iraqi Kurdistan and in the refugee camps (Chatila, Bar Elias...) in Lebanon.
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Détournement de panneau réalisé à l'aide d'adhésif découpé à la main. Les détournements de Jinks sont à l'origine réalisé dans la rue. Vous pouvez en découvrir dans une trentaine de pays.

Pour ce détournement, Jinks a utilisé un panneau français neuf.

Jinks Kunst est un artiste urbain franco-suisse né en 1976. Il vit et travaille à Nantes.

Son adolescence est marquée par la culture hip-hop et par celle du skate. Magazines, fanzines, pochettes de disques l’amènent à découvrir les graffs et les illustrations d’artistes comme Lazoo ou Mode 2.

Il s’essaie d’abord au lettrage graffiti, puis en 2006, il se lance dans le pochoir. C’est une véritable révélation et une passion dévorante qui ne le quitte plus. Ces réalisations sont toutes faites mains. Ainsi, armé d’un cutter, il cisèle avec minutie pendant des heures des œuvres grandeur nature.

En janvier 2008, il commence à détourner les panneaux de signalisation de Nantes, puis dans le reste du monde. Intervenir dans les rues du globe est une nécessité pour Jinks Kunst. Ses créations sont visibles dans plus 30 pays.

Ces voyages sont toujours l’occasion de longues marches pour découvrir les bons murs, les bons panneaux. Ils sont riches en rencontres avec les populations locales. Pour Jinks Kunst, l’art urbain est un moyen de créer des liens avec les habitants des pays qu’il explore, de s’engager dans des actions (souvent bénévoles) auprès de publics (bidonvilles, camps de réfugiés, quartiers ouvriers, écoles) n’ayant pas ou peu d’accès à cette forme d’expression culturelle, notamment en organisant des ateliers de création au pochoir.

Seller's Story

Jinks Kunst is a Franco-Swiss urban artist born in 1976. He lives and works in Nantes. His adolescence was marked by hip-hop culture and that of skateboarding. Magazines, fanzines, record covers lead him to discover the graffiti and illustrations of artists like Lazoo or Mode 2. He first tried graffiti lettering, and over the years his practice became multidisciplinary: collage of posters and stickers, painting, land art, photography, diversion of road signs. He works on different media: walls, wood, skateboard decks, vinyl records, etc. In 2006, he launched into stencil. It is a real revelation and a devouring passion that never leaves him. These creations are all handmade. Thus, armed with a cutter, he meticulously chisels for hours life-size works inspired by current events, politics, literature, urban cultures or even animal life. In January 2008, he began to hijack traffic signs in Nantes, then in the rest of the world. Regularly exhibited since the early 2000s, in France and abroad, his works are also present in various private collections, and reproduced in several international works devoted to street art. Intervening in the streets of the globe is a necessity for Jinks Kunst. His stencils, posters, stickers, paintings are visible on the walls and signs of more than 30 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. These trips are always the occasion for long walks to discover the right walls, the right signs. They are rich in encounters with local populations. For Jinks Kunst, urban art is a way to create links with the inhabitants of the countries he explores, to engage in actions (often voluntary) with audiences (slums, refugee camps, working-class neighborhoods, schools ) having little or no access to this form of cultural expression, in particular by organizing stencil creation workshops. To date, Jinks Kunst has produced several hundred stencils and paintings, hijacked with humour, more than a thousand road signs in 28 countries, customized dozens of skateboard decks and vinyl records and produced a portrait of Serge Gainsbourg at the using 23,000 cigarette filters. In 2021, Jinks is one of 76 artists selected from 2,300 candidates to participate in the 2021 Paris Graffiti and Street Art Prize. Jinks participates in many actions such as: - The realization of a painting in the shantytown of Sidi Moumen in Casablanca (Morocco) which represents a scene of Moroccan life. - Collaboration in the Prasad project of the Art Lab association in Kathmandu (Nepal), which organizes street art workshops. A fresco, a tribute to Mahabir Pun (a Nepalese teacher recognized for his work installing wifi in remote areas of the Himalayas) closed the event in Beni (Nepal). This is an opportunity for Jinks to make a portrait of 2.5 x 4.3m. - Organization of the “Djiguene & Goor” volunteer project in Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Benin. - Participation in the Strokar exhibition organized by Fred Atax, at the Vandeborght space in Brussels, alongside Jonone, Kasink, Levalet, Jérome Mesnager, Jef Aérosol... - The exhibition of his work at studio 49 in Geneva with Andy Warhol, Taki 183, T-kid, Banksy, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Cope2, Blek Le Rat, Os Gemeos... followed by an auction at the Hôtel des Ventes Galartis in Lausanne. - The creation, within the framework of the Cambodia Urban Art festival in Phnom Penh (Cambodia), of a work in homage to the film "Les pépites" by Xavier de Lauzanne, which was shot in this same city. There he meets the director interested in his work. - Organization of the volunteer project "Alibi" in 2019 in Iraqi Kurdistan and in the refugee camps (Chatila, Bar Elias...) in Lebanon.
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After 2000
Sold by
Jinks Kunst (1976)
Title of artwork
Mixed media
Hand signed
Country of Origin
Excellent condition
35 cm
35 cm
5 cm
5 kg
Brands and advertising, Pop Culture, Sports
Street art
Sold with frame

205 reviews (104 in last 12 months)
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Totalement ravi. Tous mes remerciements.

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un retrait qui fut l'occasion d'une vraie rencontre, passionnate. Tous mes remerciements

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i miei più sentiti complimenti all'artista, autore di un'opera di grandissima espressività, a cui si aggiungono i ringraziamenti per la velocità della consegna.

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Seller's response

Thank you so much :)

Nickel. Artiste au top qui s'intéresse au ressenti de ses acheteurs. Oeuvre exposée au même niveau que les Moabit, Basm et autres.

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The item arrived super fast and in excellent condition. I love it and am very happy I won this bid.

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Seller's response

Thank you for your comment. :)

Bel échange avec l'artiste ! Oeuvre conforme Belle transaction

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Travail pertinent et de grande qualité emballage soigné et envoi rapide vivement recommandé MERCI 😚

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Seller's response

Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire :)

oggetto molto bello , spedizione veloce

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Envoi très rapide et très bien protégé et surtout beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir cette oeuvre .Je l'apprécie beaucoup et je vais vite l'installer. MERCI pour cet envoi pleine d'attentions. MAGNIFIQUE

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Seller's response

Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire. L'oeuvre est aussi dans les rues de Saint Brieuc ;) https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3408378585972888&set=pcb.3408378675972879

Je réitère mes commentaires...très belle acquisition et bel artiste...Merci

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Très satisfaite de cette acquisition ! Ce sera une très belle surprise pour un bel anniversaire...Merci à l'Artiste, M. KUNST

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Belle oeuvre! Vendeur sympathique. Chaudement recommande!

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Belle oeuvre! Vendeur sympathique. Chaudement recommande!

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J'adore ! Parfaitement conforme aux précisions de l'offre et aux photos, envoi rapide et bon emballage. Parfait ! Un petit bout de street art sur mes murs. Merci Jinks Kunst !

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Seller's response

Merci a vous :)

j adore et colis impeccable avec des petits plus. Super merci beaucoup

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205 reviews (104 in last 12 months)
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