Abstract decorations Bauhaus period 1925/1933

La scatola in metallo xox cake è un originale databile tra il 1925 e il 1933. Non conosco il designer, ma Bahlsen produceva scatole come questa, dal 1900 circa, designer come Emanuel Josef Margold per H. Bahlsens Cookie Factory era famoso per le sue creazioni.
Questa scatola in metallo, per biscotti, presenta 4 decori sui 4 lati e un grande decoro sul coperchio. Questi decori sono tipici del periodo Bauhaus di Weimar e richiamano certi lavori di Kandinsky,
László Moholy-Nagy e altri, non è escluso che possano essere intervenuti a influenzare questo tipo di decori.
Il piano di appoggio sul fondo, riporta in rilievo 4 appoggi e al centro, sempre in rilievo la scritta XOX Biskuits.
lunghezza cm 21- larghezza cm 14 – altezza cm 7,5
Decori astratti dipinti in vari colori.

(The xox cake metal box is an original dating between 1925 and 1933. I don't know the designer, but Bahlsen was producing boxes like this, from around 1900, designers like Emanuel Josef Margold for H. Bahlsens Cookie Factory were famous for his creations .
This metal biscuit box features 4 decorations on 4 sides and a large decoration on the lid. These decorations are typical of the Weimar Bauhaus period and recall certain works by Kandinsky,
László Moholy-Nagy and others, it is not excluded that they may have intervened to leave this type of decoration.
The support surface on the bottom has 4 supports in relief and in the centre, the writing XOX Biskuits is also in relief.
length 21 cm - width 14 cm - height 7.5 cm
Abstract decorations painted in various colours )

Abstract decorations Bauhaus period 1925/1933

La scatola in metallo xox cake è un originale databile tra il 1925 e il 1933. Non conosco il designer, ma Bahlsen produceva scatole come questa, dal 1900 circa, designer come Emanuel Josef Margold per H. Bahlsens Cookie Factory era famoso per le sue creazioni.
Questa scatola in metallo, per biscotti, presenta 4 decori sui 4 lati e un grande decoro sul coperchio. Questi decori sono tipici del periodo Bauhaus di Weimar e richiamano certi lavori di Kandinsky,
László Moholy-Nagy e altri, non è escluso che possano essere intervenuti a influenzare questo tipo di decori.
Il piano di appoggio sul fondo, riporta in rilievo 4 appoggi e al centro, sempre in rilievo la scritta XOX Biskuits.
lunghezza cm 21- larghezza cm 14 – altezza cm 7,5
Decori astratti dipinti in vari colori.

(The xox cake metal box is an original dating between 1925 and 1933. I don't know the designer, but Bahlsen was producing boxes like this, from around 1900, designers like Emanuel Josef Margold for H. Bahlsens Cookie Factory were famous for his creations .
This metal biscuit box features 4 decorations on 4 sides and a large decoration on the lid. These decorations are typical of the Weimar Bauhaus period and recall certain works by Kandinsky,
László Moholy-Nagy and others, it is not excluded that they may have intervened to leave this type of decoration.
The support surface on the bottom has 4 supports in relief and in the centre, the writing XOX Biskuits is also in relief.
length 21 cm - width 14 cm - height 7.5 cm
Abstract decorations painted in various colours )

1 kg
No. of items
Country of Origin
Good condition - used with small signs of ageing
21 cm
14 cm
7.5 cm
Estimated Period

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7 reviews (1 in last 12 months)
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