5 delen van het meest bekende propaganda tijdschrift van de Duitsers
Dit tijdschrift was 35 jaar verboden in Duitsland en mocht pas in 1977 herdrukt worden.
Elk deel heeft de belangrijkste artikels uit dat bepaalde jaar gebundeld.
Zoals op de foto te zien zijn de ruggen licht beschadigd, verder alles vlekkeloos.

Signal was a German illustrated photo journal and army propaganda tool, meant specifically for audiences in neutral, allied, and occupied countries. As such, Signal was never distributed in Germany itself. The promoter of the magazine was the chief of the Wehrmacht Propaganda Troops, Colonel Hasso von Wedel. It was published fortnightly in as many as 25 editions and 30 languages, and at its height in 1943 had a circulation of 2,500,000 copies. It was even available in the United States in English until December 1941.

5 delen van het meest bekende propaganda tijdschrift van de Duitsers
Dit tijdschrift was 35 jaar verboden in Duitsland en mocht pas in 1977 herdrukt worden.
Elk deel heeft de belangrijkste artikels uit dat bepaalde jaar gebundeld.
Zoals op de foto te zien zijn de ruggen licht beschadigd, verder alles vlekkeloos.

Signal was a German illustrated photo journal and army propaganda tool, meant specifically for audiences in neutral, allied, and occupied countries. As such, Signal was never distributed in Germany itself. The promoter of the magazine was the chief of the Wehrmacht Propaganda Troops, Colonel Hasso von Wedel. It was published fortnightly in as many as 25 editions and 30 languages, and at its height in 1943 had a circulation of 2,500,000 copies. It was even available in the United States in English until December 1941.

Number of Books
Book Title
5 delen Signal - 1940-1945
Very good
Author/ Illustrator
Publication year oldest item
Original language
Jahr Verlag Hamburg
Binding/ Material
Number of pages


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The objects comprising this lot are meant exclusively for collectors of military-historical objects. The owner of this website does not have any political and/or other motives than providing a platform that allows third parties to buy or sell auction lots, and assumes no responsibility for their contents.