No. 93241186

No longer available
Mercedes-Benz - 220 SE Ponton Cabriolet - 1960
Bidding closed
5 weeks ago

Mercedes-Benz - 220 SE Ponton Cabriolet - 1960

-Perfect conditions. -Just restored by specialists. -Full Original Specification on upholstery, body paint color, interior colour, etc. -Matching numbers. History: Model produced between 1958 and 1960, with only 1942 cars produced in this period. According toa n American census, by the year 2015 only 161 had been reported as still existing. This unit was sold in Guatemala Originally. In recent years it was imported to Portugal, where a total professional restoration was carried out during 2020-2021. Since then has seen very little use. Condition: Original Havana Brown or Mokka colour with Upholstery in Beige. Car Fully rebuilt of Mechanics and Bodywork. Very few km made since the total rebuilt, which included engine, gearbox, differential, suspension, brakes, etc. The car is ready to be enjoyed. Documents & Location: Car is in Portugal and fully registered in Portugal, can be seen (highly recommended to see all the car's detail) in Portugal at 1 hr from Lisbon Airport by preview appointment made with Catawiki.

No. 93241186

No longer available
Mercedes-Benz - 220 SE Ponton Cabriolet - 1960

Mercedes-Benz - 220 SE Ponton Cabriolet - 1960

-Perfect conditions.
-Just restored by specialists.
-Full Original Specification on upholstery, body paint color, interior colour, etc.
-Matching numbers.


Model produced between 1958 and 1960, with only 1942 cars produced in this period. According toa n American census, by the year 2015 only 161 had been reported as still existing. This unit was sold in Guatemala Originally. In recent years it was imported to Portugal, where a total professional restoration was carried out during 2020-2021. Since then has seen very little use.


Original Havana Brown or Mokka colour with Upholstery in Beige. Car Fully rebuilt of Mechanics and Bodywork. Very few km made since the total rebuilt, which included engine, gearbox, differential, suspension, brakes, etc. The car is ready to be enjoyed.

Documents & Location:

Car is in Portugal and fully registered in Portugal, can be seen (highly recommended to see all the car's detail) in Portugal at 1 hr from Lisbon Airport by preview appointment made with Catawiki.

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