"Let's play"
This work is a captivating expression of the human desire to escape reality and aspire to what we love most - childhood! The idea was created in the midst of the pandemic, when exploration and travel became a rare luxury, the artist managed to translate this desire into a self-portrait. The image shows the artist, in a surreal world of his own, contemplating and imagining his game.
Next to the artist are shells and stones ground for thousands of years by the immortal sea. These elements add depth to the work, suggesting an ancient connection with nature and a memory of moments of relaxation. The children bring to the fore the artist's childhood as it was, with adventures, with fun but with a lot of reconciliation with himself.
The sculpture is a window into the universal feelings of freedom and reverie. It is a call to the viewer to stay connected with the world despite the obstacles.
The sculpture invites anyone to remember the beauty of the world (suggested by the sanding of the material, ) and travel inward, towards the dream.
This sculpture has a hanger on the back for the work to sit on the wall. See photo. It is signed by hand.
The work will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
100% insured delivery with T&T number (Track & Trace)

Links with interviews (specialist magazines and video):
- https://youtu.be/cLxsUe3MH8o?si=KD-alXiNipkGZ5N0
- https://youtu.be/VU1aEkOdI5E?si=WYcZCzyJfF1awznR
- https://youtu.be/I_zY_ws6BzU?si=-KIgLaRkXAughgOQ
- https://youtu.be/ZYYMkQlKSxo?si=YTuTEf2wMN4X6X6X
- https://local.cultartes.com/2020/01/28/interviu-introducere-in-arta-lui-dragos-neagoe-sau-despre-cum-raiul-se-plamadeste-intr-o-groapa/
- https://www.glamouraffair.com/dragos-neagoe-sculptor-dialogue/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-lui-dragos-neagoe-de-la-muzeul-din-targu-jiu/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-lui-dragos-neagoe-de-la-calpe-gallery/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-every-life-contributes-to-history-semnata-de-dragos-neagoe-si-invitata-sa-ramona-guran/


2005-2008 Intensive restoration-conservation course on mobile heritage in wood-polychrome and sculpture
2004 Master’s degree in visual arts, class of professor Vasile Gorduz
2002 Degree in sculpture—class of professor Vasile Gorduz, as Pârvu Adrian University of Art Bucharest
1992-1998 Bucharest University of Construction, Technological Equipment section

2022 HEAD(S)#3–Museum of Art Tg Jiu ,Romania
2021 HEAD(S)#2 –Galeria Calpe ,TIMISOARA,Romania
2021 The imprint of a portrait refound—Muzeul Golesti ,jud Arges
2019–inside matter / outside queenbees–Palatul Teodor Costescu Instalation ,ArT
2017- SHAPE (S) –Contemporary Arts Center Brancovenesti Palace,installation,art organic,sculpture
2017 -HEAD (S) Galleries Carol, ,installation,sculpture,video,performance a Night Gallery
2016-Memory of Dreams-Funnel Contemporary Art Gallery ,sculpture
2012- Dreams of Ion Petrisor-Simeza Gallery,sculpture,installation,video, photography
2011-FORM(S)- Contemporary Arts Center Crevedia Mare, Sculpture, Installation
2022- CSWEEK - Galatecca Gallery, Bucharest
2022-Monumnet Exhibition-For -Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Bucharest
2022-Sculpture Exhibition "Homage to Constantin Brancusi" -Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2021-Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2021- Apocalypse of the White Elephant-Garrizoana, Timisoara
2020- Center for visual arts-Caminul Artei
2020-Art Audiovisual Center Brasov-STUP Group
2019-collateral exhibition group Stup at ArtEncounters-Calpe Gallery, Timisoara
2019-Centre Cultural REDUTA-Group STUP, Brasov
2019-LandArt-Geopark Hateg-installation sculpture-Group STUP
2018-Arts in Bucharest, installation sculpture, Bucharest,
2016 Arts in Bucharest – 3rd prize with the work "Every life contributes to history", installation sculpture
2015 Arts in Bucharest -2015
2015 NEURON Group-Reanimation 2 – Contemporary Art Center – Mogosoaia
2015 Artyourself Gallery – participation in the AnOther project: Same, same, but differen
2014 Exhibition at the Tipografia Gallery as part of the Bucharest experimental print biennial..NEURON group
2014 Exhibition at Gallery IX within the NEURON group
2013 Art Salon in Bucharest-2013, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2012 Arts Fair in Bucharest-2012-Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2012 PERSONAL EXHIBITION, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest—Dreams of Ion Petrisor
2012 Salon BB5-Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2012 Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2011 Sculptor drawings—Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2011 Art Fair in Bucharest-2012-Visual Arts Center (finalist-sculpture section)
2011 Salon of small sculpture - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Sculptor drawings-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Exhibition by the Artmark group-galleries
2009 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2008 Sculptor drawings - Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2008 Salon of small sculpture - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Sculpture exhibition - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2006 "Sculpturogram" - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Sculptor drawings - Center for Visual Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2006 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Bucharest Municipal Salon, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2005 Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2005 Bucharest Municipal Fair, Bucharest
2005 Young contemporary sculptors-Bucharest literature museum
2005 Group exhibition - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2004 Small Sculpture Salon - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2004 Group exhibition (master's degree) - NATIONAL THEATER - BUCHAREST
2004 Group exhibition - Dalles Hall - Bucharest
2004 Bucharest Municipal Salon, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2004 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2004 Graphic Art Salon-Galleria Apollo Bucharest
2003 Bucharest Municipal Salon-Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2003 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2003 Group exhibition - Center for Visual Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2003 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2002 Group exhibition (license) - Museum of Romanian Literature
2002 Bucharest Municipal Hall-Sala Dalles
2002 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest

"Let's play"
This work is a captivating expression of the human desire to escape reality and aspire to what we love most - childhood! The idea was created in the midst of the pandemic, when exploration and travel became a rare luxury, the artist managed to translate this desire into a self-portrait. The image shows the artist, in a surreal world of his own, contemplating and imagining his game.
Next to the artist are shells and stones ground for thousands of years by the immortal sea. These elements add depth to the work, suggesting an ancient connection with nature and a memory of moments of relaxation. The children bring to the fore the artist's childhood as it was, with adventures, with fun but with a lot of reconciliation with himself.
The sculpture is a window into the universal feelings of freedom and reverie. It is a call to the viewer to stay connected with the world despite the obstacles.
The sculpture invites anyone to remember the beauty of the world (suggested by the sanding of the material, ) and travel inward, towards the dream.
This sculpture has a hanger on the back for the work to sit on the wall. See photo. It is signed by hand.
The work will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
100% insured delivery with T&T number (Track & Trace)

Links with interviews (specialist magazines and video):
- https://youtu.be/cLxsUe3MH8o?si=KD-alXiNipkGZ5N0
- https://youtu.be/VU1aEkOdI5E?si=WYcZCzyJfF1awznR
- https://youtu.be/I_zY_ws6BzU?si=-KIgLaRkXAughgOQ
- https://youtu.be/ZYYMkQlKSxo?si=YTuTEf2wMN4X6X6X
- https://local.cultartes.com/2020/01/28/interviu-introducere-in-arta-lui-dragos-neagoe-sau-despre-cum-raiul-se-plamadeste-intr-o-groapa/
- https://www.glamouraffair.com/dragos-neagoe-sculptor-dialogue/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-lui-dragos-neagoe-de-la-muzeul-din-targu-jiu/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-lui-dragos-neagoe-de-la-calpe-gallery/
- https://propagarta.ro/imagini-video/expozitia-every-life-contributes-to-history-semnata-de-dragos-neagoe-si-invitata-sa-ramona-guran/


2005-2008 Intensive restoration-conservation course on mobile heritage in wood-polychrome and sculpture
2004 Master’s degree in visual arts, class of professor Vasile Gorduz
2002 Degree in sculpture—class of professor Vasile Gorduz, as Pârvu Adrian University of Art Bucharest
1992-1998 Bucharest University of Construction, Technological Equipment section

2022 HEAD(S)#3–Museum of Art Tg Jiu ,Romania
2021 HEAD(S)#2 –Galeria Calpe ,TIMISOARA,Romania
2021 The imprint of a portrait refound—Muzeul Golesti ,jud Arges
2019–inside matter / outside queenbees–Palatul Teodor Costescu Instalation ,ArT
2017- SHAPE (S) –Contemporary Arts Center Brancovenesti Palace,installation,art organic,sculpture
2017 -HEAD (S) Galleries Carol, ,installation,sculpture,video,performance a Night Gallery
2016-Memory of Dreams-Funnel Contemporary Art Gallery ,sculpture
2012- Dreams of Ion Petrisor-Simeza Gallery,sculpture,installation,video, photography
2011-FORM(S)- Contemporary Arts Center Crevedia Mare, Sculpture, Installation
2022- CSWEEK - Galatecca Gallery, Bucharest
2022-Monumnet Exhibition-For -Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Bucharest
2022-Sculpture Exhibition "Homage to Constantin Brancusi" -Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2021-Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2021- Apocalypse of the White Elephant-Garrizoana, Timisoara
2020- Center for visual arts-Caminul Artei
2020-Art Audiovisual Center Brasov-STUP Group
2019-collateral exhibition group Stup at ArtEncounters-Calpe Gallery, Timisoara
2019-Centre Cultural REDUTA-Group STUP, Brasov
2019-LandArt-Geopark Hateg-installation sculpture-Group STUP
2018-Arts in Bucharest, installation sculpture, Bucharest,
2016 Arts in Bucharest – 3rd prize with the work "Every life contributes to history", installation sculpture
2015 Arts in Bucharest -2015
2015 NEURON Group-Reanimation 2 – Contemporary Art Center – Mogosoaia
2015 Artyourself Gallery – participation in the AnOther project: Same, same, but differen
2014 Exhibition at the Tipografia Gallery as part of the Bucharest experimental print biennial..NEURON group
2014 Exhibition at Gallery IX within the NEURON group
2013 Art Salon in Bucharest-2013, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2012 Arts Fair in Bucharest-2012-Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2012 PERSONAL EXHIBITION, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest—Dreams of Ion Petrisor
2012 Salon BB5-Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2012 Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2011 Sculptor drawings—Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2011 Art Fair in Bucharest-2012-Visual Arts Center (finalist-sculpture section)
2011 Salon of small sculpture - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Sculptor drawings-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2010 Exhibition by the Artmark group-galleries
2009 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2008 Sculptor drawings - Visual Arts Center, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2008 Salon of small sculpture - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Sculpture exhibition - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2006 "Sculpturogram" - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Sculptor drawings - Center for Visual Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2006 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2006 Bucharest Municipal Salon, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2005 Small Sculpture Salon-Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2005 Bucharest Municipal Fair, Bucharest
2005 Young contemporary sculptors-Bucharest literature museum
2005 Group exhibition - Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2004 Small Sculpture Salon - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2004 Group exhibition (master's degree) - NATIONAL THEATER - BUCHAREST
2004 Group exhibition - Dalles Hall - Bucharest
2004 Bucharest Municipal Salon, Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2004 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2004 Graphic Art Salon-Galleria Apollo Bucharest
2003 Bucharest Municipal Salon-Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2003 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest
2003 Group exhibition - Center for Visual Arts, Caminul Artei, Bucharest
2003 Small Sculpture Salon - Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
2002 Group exhibition (license) - Museum of Romanian Literature
2002 Bucharest Municipal Hall-Sala Dalles
2002 "Accents and Imprints" - Apollo Gallery Bucharest

After 2000
Country of Origin
dust murble, fibre, aditivi,colors, wax
Neagoe Dragos (1974)
Title of artwork
Let's play
Hand signed
Original and unique
Excellent condition
56 cm
25 cm
12 cm
8 kg

22 reviews (22 in last 12 months)
  1. 22
  2. 0
  3. 0

Une oeuvre superbe, emballée avec soin. Merci beaucoup!

View translation

Am avut ocazia sa vad sculptura inainte intr-o expozitie. Sunt foarte fericit ca o pot avea. Totul la superlativ

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Un om exceptional cu niste lucrari superbe. Ma bucur ca am mai adaugat inca o piesa superba colectiei mele.

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Seller's response

eu va multumesc foarte mult

Une magnifique sculpture, parfaitement protégée dans un colis très soigné. C'est un plaisir de recevoir une oeuvre d'art d'une telle qualité. La satisfaction est totale.

View translation

Dragos Neagoe bronze sculpture exceeds all expectations. A masterpiece that exudes talent and creativity. I am delighted with the real beauty over the photos. An outstanding purchase!

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Seller's response

Thank you very much!

Very beautiful sculpture, perfectly packaged, very pleasant experience with the seller who is very concerned about the smooth running of the purchase.

View translation

Very good communication with the seller and really nice art work.

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Many thanks, Mr. Dragoș, both for the wonderful work of art and for the promptness and safety of the package. Delighted with such a purchase!

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Magnifico! Venditore altamente consigliato! Spedizione superveloce

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The sculpture is amazing ! I strongly recomend !

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Neagoe's sculpture is a masterpiece, surpassing all in my collection. His unmatched talent ensures he'll rise among the most valuable contemporary sculptors. Grateful for this exceptional piece.

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Thanks to the artist and congratulations for such a successful work. I am delighted to have such a work in my collection.

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Seller's response

Thank you very much!I am very pleased and honored that you bought me!

superbe et très bien emballé !

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Seller's response

va multumesc foarte mult!Ma străduiesc sa ajunga cât mai in siguranță sculptura!Ma bucur enorm ca va place!

Nice piece (better than the pictures even). The communication was very good and the delivery (especially the packaging) was done with a lot of care. So happy with the piece.

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Seller's response

Thank you very much! I hope that my work will look good in your collection!

Everything is superlative. A wonderful work with a strong artistic message. Thanks for everything !

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Seller's response

Thank you very much! Thank you for your appreciation!

Everything went perfectly. Wonderful artwork with a special message. Thank you for the opportunity to purchase it.

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Seller's response

Thank you very much Mr Bogdan!It's a pleasure for me!

Impressive artwork, professionally packaged. With thanks and gratitude, master.

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View all reviews

22 reviews (22 in last 12 months)
  1. 22
  2. 0
  3. 0

Une oeuvre superbe, emballée avec soin. Merci beaucoup!

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