No. 84164851

"Rare Patterns" 5 DZI 38mm - "Blessed by Monk" - Wealth/Love/spiritual awakening- 39 g
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"Rare Patterns" 5 DZI 38mm - "Blessed by Monk" - Wealth/Love/spiritual awakening- 39 g

>>> DZI 4 EYES - with Ideograms of the 4 Bodhisattva >>> DRAGON DZI - with Pearl in front of mouth >>> 2 EYES PHOENIX DZI >>> DRAGON EYE DZI - with Mantra Ideograms instead of Eyes (OM MANI PADME OM DZI) >>> FORTUNE WAVE DZI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed". - CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube): - CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------DZI 4 EYES-----------with Ideograms of the 4 Bodhisattva >>> Dzi Bead 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths. >>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas. -----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads----- >>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas: -Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom -Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love -Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence -Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness >>> To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead Dzi 4 eyes, which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them. -----Maitreya----- Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity. -----Avalokiteshvara----- Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig. In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world." -----Manjushri----- Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left. -----Mahasthamaprapta----- Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism. In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha. -----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes----- >>> The 4-eye bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal. >>> Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity. >>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage. >>> All these qualities possessed by the Dzi 4-eye bead, together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation. ----------2 EYES PHOENIX DZI---------- >>> The unique and rare Dzi bead 2 eyes of the Phoenix is ​​a wonderful helper in love, in the formation of a harmonious union in all areas of life. This bead depicts 2 eyes of an unusual shape. In Tibet, such eyes are called the “Eye of the Buddha” or the “Eye of the Bodhisattva.” >>> These 2 eyes are located on different sides of the beads and have attractive power. If you look at them for a long time, you can feel the wisdom and compassion in the depths of these eyes. Let us consider how this Dzi with such mystical eyes helps people. -----Help create the perfect match----- >>> With this Dzi you can find your perfect match. This bead will help you call the best possible for you at the moment, the closest - a friend, a loving and beloved person. With this person, the most complete mutual understanding, harmony and harmony will be possible, both physically and emotionally, spiritually and in everyday life. >>> To create the perfect pair for a person, it is necessary to discover many qualities in yourself, to see something new in yourself and others, learn to radiate and accept love and be responsible, able to be reborn and not go out many times, like the magic bird Phoenix. >>> Burning in our former form, discarding the old and obsolete, we learn to never lose the fire of the soul, not to change our true essence, while changing, gaining wisdom and flourishing. Dzi 2 Eyes of the Phoenix for a harmonious relationship with a partner >>> In Dzi 2 Eyes of the Phoenix, we see another powerful symbol, close in meaning to the Two-Eyed Dzi - this is the ability to establish contact, establish harmonious relationships with your partner. >>> There is such an expression: love is not when two are looking at each other, but when they are looking one way. This is not only the radiation of Dzi, but also the ability and daily realization of this ability, which depends on both partners. -----Conclusion----- >>> Dzi 2 Phoenix Eyes is one of the strongest beads recommended by Dzi Masters, designed to attract new love. You can wear it both on its own, and complete with other Dzi. Talismans that have a related meaning, but with different shades, go well with this bead. For example , Dzi Kamasutra and Dzi Buddha Kamasutra. If you are not sure which beads to choose, contact our specialists. We will choose the most suitable option for your situation. ----------DRAGON DZI----------with pearl in front of mouth >>>Dzi Dragon has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities. >>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength. -----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads----- >>> On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically. >>> All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon. >>> Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious. >>> With the help of Dzi dragon, you can find negative thoughts hidden in the subconscious, cases from the past, all that affects us in the present and creates our karma. All the material found can be worked out so that it no longer has a negative effect on us. This will be the study of karma. A thoroughly "purified" in this way subconscious is a big step towards enlightenment. >>> Dragons love to save and guard their wealth. Wealth is not necessarily expressed in abundance of money. It can be both creativity and spiritual achievements. Dzi dragon can help its owner learn how to accumulate the wealth that he wants. Dzi dragon helps to learn how to acquire wealth, as well as how to maintain and increase it. -----Conclusion----- >>> Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious. >>> Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life. Wear this Dzi and achieve all your goals! ----------The Dragon Pearl---------- >>> The luminous ball or pearl often depicted under the dragon’s chin or seen to be spinning in the air, pursued by one or two dragons is thought to be a symbolic representation of the ‘sacred pearl’ of wisdom or yang energy. Pearl symbolism, like lunar symbolism arises from Daoist roots and the connections, are extremely The dragon's pearlcomplex. This pearl can be said to stand most often for ‘truth’ and ‘life’ – perhaps even everlasting life which is made available to those who perceive the truth and attain enlightenment. >>> The dragon’s pearl can also be thought of as a symbol for universal Qi the progenitor of all energy and creation. The dragons seem to be depicted in attitudes of pursuit. He is seen to be reaching out eagerly to clutch at the elusive object, mouth open in anticipation and eyes bulging with anticipation of achieving the prize afforded by clutching the pearl. >>> In connection with the dragon the pearl has been called the image of thunder, of the moon, of the sun, of the egg emblem of the dual influences of nature, and the ‘pearl of potentiality’. The pearl is most often depicted as a spiral or a globe. In some paintings it is sometimes red, dragons eggsometimes gold, sometimes the bluish white of a true pearl. The pearl is often accompanied by little jagged flashes that seem to spark out from it, like flames; and it almost always has an appendage in the form of a small undulating sprout, not unlike the first young shoot from a bean. >>> In Daoist concepts the moon, pearls, dragons and serpents are inextricably linked. Like the snake that is reborn when it sheds its skin, the moon is reborn each month, and both are symbols of immortality. Like the dragon, the moon is always associated with water; its undeniable power over the tides is believed to extend to all liquids on earth. The dragons that lived in the sea were said to be inordinately fond of pearls and collected them and watched over them in great submarine palaces. ----------FORTUNE WAVE DZI---------- >>> Dzi Wave bead symbolizes running water. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, water is an inexhaustible source of money, our emotional sphere and subconscious. Dzi wave helps its owner to achieve material well-being and stabilize the emotional sphere of life. >>> On a Dzi bead, a wave usually has a pattern of two or three wavy lines, separated by straight lines. There may be many variations of the drawings, but the wavy lines that symbolize the flowing water are necessarily present. >>> Water is a powerful source of energy, which is manifested in this Dzi in the form of assistance in the accumulation of wealth, stabilization and improvement of the human inner world. Consider the meaning of Dzi wave in more detail. -----Disclosure of the human emotional sphere----- >>> We are used to trying not to show our emotions, as this is not accepted in society. By suppressing our emotions in this way, we harm ourselves. It is as if we are collecting negative energy within ourselves, which accumulates and remains in us. This is manifested in depressive states, outbursts of anger, a depressed and woeful state, diseases, and many other equally unpleasant images. But the basis of all this is our suppressed emotions from some negative moments of our past. >>> The Dzi wave bead helps to unlock these stuck emotions. It helps to understand and overcome emotional outbursts and overcome depression. The owner of this Dzi will be better able to manage their emotions, not allowing them to negatively affect their lives. On the contrary, negative emotions are transformed into vital energy, which helps a person to live well and achieve their goals. >>> The flowing water, expressed in the figure of a Dzi wave bead, gives an inexhaustible source of wealth and prosperity. It gives energy and confidence to overcome all obstacles. It symbolizes flexibility, stability in difficult situations, smooths sharp corners, protects and symbolizes a constant stream of luck. >>> If you wear this Dzi wave in a bracelet, it is best to wear it on your right hand. In this position, the effect of energizing wealth will be especially strong. If you are faced with the task of improving your well-being, then besides wearing this Dzi, use the services of a Feng Shui specialist and activate wealth zones in your home and at work. In this case, the effects of wearing this Dzi and harmonized on the richness of space reinforce each other. -----Conclusion----- >>> The Dzi wave bead is an excellent tool for regulating our internal emotional energy flows in order to become more stable, energetic and successful in life. This Dzi helps to get out of difficult emotional situations in life associated with the loss of relatives, loved ones and other serious emotional injuries. >>> In addition to the emotional sphere, this Dzi helps to organize the receipt of material goods from sources that are available to us at a given time. Wear a Dzi wave, become more stable, wealthier and happier! ----------DRAGON EYE DZI----------with Mantra characters instead of eyes -----OM MANI PADME OM DZI----- >>> The Dragon eye Dzi has the power of the Buddhist six syllable mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". Each eye of this Dzi personifies one of the syllables of this mantra. In addition, the eye of the dragon Dzi carries the power of a mythical creature - the dragon. >>> Bead Dzi dragon eyes helps overcome negative forces, cope with enemies and competitors. It helps in learning, preserves, maintains the welfare of its owner and allows you to gain wealth in the material world and make spiritual achievements. -----The meaning of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum----- >>> The dragon eye's bead Dzi is the embodied sound of the great mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. By reciting this mantra aloud to oneself or to oneself, or even using the spinning drum where this mantra is written, a person receives friendly attention and blessing from the Buddha of compassion Chenrezing. That is the name of this Buddha in Tibet. In Sanskrit, he is known as the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and in China as Kuan Yin. >>> The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra contains all the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, it is almost impossible to translate into any phrase or sentence. Allegorically, it is translated as "Pearl shining in a lotus flower." Each syllable of this mantra has its own sacred meaning. The six syllables of the "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" hum mantra contain the perfection of six paramitas: The first syllable “Om” of blessings glorifies us in order to achieve excellence in the practice of charity. The syllable “Ma" helps to improve practice in achieving purity of morality, ethics and awareness. "No" helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance. “Pad” helps to achieve perfection in perseverance. “Me” is the achievement of perfection in the practice of concentration and meditation. “Hum” is the achievement of excellence in the practice of wisdom. >>> The repetition of this mantra, symbolically depicted on the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, helps to achieve perfection in these six practices from generosity to wisdom. In this way the Buddha went to his enlightenment. The same path is also relevant at present for those who wish to achieve enlightenment and get out of a continuous series of births and deaths. >>> The six syllables of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra also help get rid of the suffering that awaits us at the six levels of being. "Om" - clears from the neurotic attachment to bliss and from pride. "Ma" - from jealousy and thirst for entertainment. "None" - from passions and desires. "Pad" - from stupidity and prejudice. "Me" - from an irresistible thirst for possessiveness. "Hum" - from anger and hatred. >>> Thus, by practicing this mantra one can transform an imperfect body, speech and mind into a pure body, speech and perfect mind of Buddha. You can read more about 6 paramit and six levels of being in the article on the Dzi bead of 6 eyes. Watch this video with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra and you can start your practice by chanting or reciting this mantra aloud or to yourself. -----Application of Dzi Dragon Eye Bead----- >>> In the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, each syllable of the six syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum represents a peculiar pattern that represents the dragon's eye. It also gives this Dzi bead the power contained in such a mythical creature as a dragon. >>> On this Dzi dragon eye, only eyes are represented, so this bead does not possess all the power of this creature. However, this Dzi carries some qualities of a Dzi Dragon bead. Of the dragon qualities, this bead gives the ability to see and overcome obstacles, helps fight negative forces and contributes to the accumulation of wealth. -----Conclusion----- >>> The Tibetan bead Dzi dragon eye is a great helper for those who want to follow the path that Buddha walked to get out of the trap of this material world and achieve enlightenment. It helps to get rid of everything that prevents the achievement of this state and helps to reach the intended goal. >>> Also, the Dzi eye bead of the dragon’s eye helps to cope with obstacles in life, helps to improve karma and the accumulation of wealth. Wear this Dzi and achieve prosperity both in the material world and in the spiritual!

No. 84164851

"Rare Patterns" 5 DZI 38mm - "Blessed by Monk" - Wealth/Love/spiritual awakening- 39 g

"Rare Patterns" 5 DZI 38mm - "Blessed by Monk" - Wealth/Love/spiritual awakening- 39 g

>>> DZI 4 EYES - with Ideograms of the 4 Bodhisattva
>>> DRAGON DZI - with Pearl in front of mouth
>>> DRAGON EYE DZI - with Mantra Ideograms instead of Eyes (OM MANI PADME OM DZI)
All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
- CEREMONY VIDEO (youtube):
- CEREMONY VIDEO (1st half-30mn):
----------DZI 4 EYES-----------with Ideograms of the 4 Bodhisattva
>>> Dzi Bead 4 eyes is a bead of 4 Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva is the designation of a person in Buddhism who practices spiritual practices to become a Buddha (enlightened) and to bring benefit to all beings on earth. Bodhisattva's consciously remain in this world and do not go into nirvana to help people and other living beings get out of Samara — an endless cycle of rebirths.
>>> They devote all their strength and energy to getting rid of the suffering of this world. Guided by compassion and relying on knowledge of the laws of this world and their wisdom, they make the salvation of all living things on earth a matter of their whole lives. The four-eyed bead Dzi represents the power of quality of these 4 Bodhisattvas.
-----Qualities of four-eyed Dzi beads-----
>>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of four Bodhisattvas:
-Maitreya - Compassion and Wisdom
-Avalokiteshvara - compassion, protector from danger, supreme love
-Manjushri - the wisdom and power of the Buddha, memory and intelligence
-Mahasthamaprapta - Wisdom and Awareness
>>> To understand the power that is contained in this Tibetan bead Dzi 4 eyes, which symbolizes these four Bodhisattvas, we will briefly consider each of them.
Maitreya is a Bodhisattva that is recognized and respected by all modern schools of Buddhism. Many Buddhists believe that he will soon reincarnate on earth, and after achieving full enlightenment he will begin to teach people the universal laws of life. This is the “Lord named Compassion” who will become the Teacher of humanity.
Avalokiteshvara is one of the most revered Bodhisattva in Buddhism. He embodies the compassion of all Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism, Avalokiteshvara is known as Padmapani (lotus holder), as well as Chenrezig.
In East Asia, this Bodhisattva is known as Kuan Yin, or Cannon, both of which are female incarnations. Kuan Yin is a revered Bodhisattva of compassion in East Asia. In the West, she is widely known as the Goddess of Mercy. Kuan Yin is also revered by the Chinese Taoists as a symbol of immortality. The name Kuan Yin means "watching the sounds of the world."
Manjushri is one of the eight great Bodhisattva who were the closest disciples of Gautama Buddha. This is a Bodhisattva of higher wisdom. It symbolizes the embodiment of prajnaparamita - the knowledge and transcendental wisdom of all Buddhas. In the images he can be seen with a sword in his right hand, with which he fights with the darkness of ignorance, and a text scroll in his left.
Mahasthamaprapta is a Buddhist Bodhisattva that personifies the power of wisdom. He is often portrayed in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara and Amitabha. In Chinese Buddhism, he is usually portrayed as a woman similar to Kuan-Yin. He is also one of thirteen Buddhas in Japanese Buddhism.
In the Surangama Sutra, the Bodhisattva Mahasthamaprapta talks about how he gained enlightenment by attaining the state of samadhi through the constant pure awareness of the Buddha.
-----Value Dzi Beads 4 Eyes-----
>>> The 4-eye bead Dzi is endowed with the qualities of all 4 Bodhisattva. It helps to increase the wisdom of its owner, helps to fulfill desires, brings good luck and prosperity in life. It also performs a protective function well - it drives away evil spirits and removes obstacles to the goal.
>>> Thanks to the great spiritual power, the Dzi 4-eye bead helps to overcome the negative influences of both the external world and those coming from our subconscious. It contributes to success in life and longevity.
>>> The four-eyed bead Dzi is very favorable for people who are engaged in spiritual practices, as it helps to fight with their inner mental demons that poison our lives. She also protects against induced negative energy influences such as evil eye or damage.
>>> All these qualities possessed by the Dzi 4-eye bead, together with wisdom and compassion for all living creatures on earth, makes it an excellent choice for constant wear in any life situation.
----------2 EYES PHOENIX DZI----------
>>> The unique and rare Dzi bead 2 eyes of the Phoenix is ​​a wonderful helper in love, in the formation of a harmonious union in all areas of life. This bead depicts 2 eyes of an unusual shape. In Tibet, such eyes are called the “Eye of the Buddha” or the “Eye of the Bodhisattva.”
>>> These 2 eyes are located on different sides of the beads and have attractive power. If you look at them for a long time, you can feel the wisdom and compassion in the depths of these eyes. Let us consider how this Dzi with such mystical eyes helps people.
-----Help create the perfect match-----
>>> With this Dzi you can find your perfect match. This bead will help you call the best possible for you at the moment, the closest - a friend, a loving and beloved person. With this person, the most complete mutual understanding, harmony and harmony will be possible, both physically and emotionally, spiritually and in everyday life.
>>> To create the perfect pair for a person, it is necessary to discover many qualities in yourself, to see something new in yourself and others, learn to radiate and accept love and be responsible, able to be reborn and not go out many times, like the magic bird Phoenix.
>>> Burning in our former form, discarding the old and obsolete, we learn to never lose the fire of the soul, not to change our true essence, while changing, gaining wisdom and flourishing.
Dzi 2 Eyes of the Phoenix for a harmonious relationship with a partner
>>> In Dzi 2 Eyes of the Phoenix, we see another powerful symbol, close in meaning to the Two-Eyed Dzi - this is the ability to establish contact, establish harmonious relationships with your partner.
>>> There is such an expression: love is not when two are looking at each other, but when they are looking one way. This is not only the radiation of Dzi, but also the ability and daily realization of this ability, which depends on both partners.
>>> Dzi 2 Phoenix Eyes is one of the strongest beads recommended by Dzi Masters, designed to attract new love. You can wear it both on its own, and complete with other Dzi.
Talismans that have a related meaning, but with different shades, go well with this bead. For example , Dzi Kamasutra and Dzi Buddha Kamasutra.
If you are not sure which beads to choose, contact our specialists. We will choose the most suitable option for your situation.
----------DRAGON DZI----------with pearl in front of mouth
>>>Dzi Dragon has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength.
-----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads-----
>>> On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically.
>>> All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon.
>>> Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious.
>>> With the help of Dzi dragon, you can find negative thoughts hidden in the subconscious, cases from the past, all that affects us in the present and creates our karma. All the material found can be worked out so that it no longer has a negative effect on us. This will be the study of karma. A thoroughly "purified" in this way subconscious is a big step towards enlightenment.
>>> Dragons love to save and guard their wealth. Wealth is not necessarily expressed in abundance of money. It can be both creativity and spiritual achievements. Dzi dragon can help its owner learn how to accumulate the wealth that he wants. Dzi dragon helps to learn how to acquire wealth, as well as how to maintain and increase it.
>>> Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious.
>>> Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life. Wear this Dzi and achieve all your goals!
----------The Dragon Pearl----------
>>> The luminous ball or pearl often depicted under the dragon’s chin or seen to be spinning in the air, pursued by one or two dragons is thought to be a symbolic representation of the ‘sacred pearl’ of wisdom or yang energy. Pearl symbolism, like lunar symbolism arises from Daoist roots and the connections, are extremely The dragon's pearlcomplex. This pearl can be said to stand most often for ‘truth’ and ‘life’ – perhaps even everlasting life which is made available to those who perceive the truth and attain enlightenment.
>>> The dragon’s pearl can also be thought of as a symbol for universal Qi the progenitor of all energy and creation. The dragons seem to be depicted in attitudes of pursuit. He is seen to be reaching out eagerly to clutch at the elusive object, mouth open in anticipation and eyes bulging with anticipation of achieving the prize afforded by clutching the pearl.
>>> In connection with the dragon the pearl has been called the image of thunder, of the moon, of the sun, of the egg emblem of the dual influences of nature, and the ‘pearl of potentiality’. The pearl is most often depicted as a spiral or a globe. In some paintings it is sometimes red, dragons eggsometimes gold, sometimes the bluish white of a true pearl. The pearl is often accompanied by little jagged flashes that seem to spark out from it, like flames; and it almost always has an appendage in the form of a small undulating sprout, not unlike the first young shoot from a bean.
>>> In Daoist concepts the moon, pearls, dragons and serpents are inextricably linked. Like the snake that is reborn when it sheds its skin, the moon is reborn each month, and both are symbols of immortality. Like the dragon, the moon is always associated with water; its undeniable power over the tides is believed to extend to all liquids on earth. The dragons that lived in the sea were said to be inordinately fond of pearls and collected them and watched over them in great submarine palaces.
----------FORTUNE WAVE DZI----------
>>> Dzi Wave bead symbolizes running water. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, water is an inexhaustible source of money, our emotional sphere and subconscious. Dzi wave helps its owner to achieve material well-being and stabilize the emotional sphere of life.
>>> On a Dzi bead, a wave usually has a pattern of two or three wavy lines, separated by straight lines. There may be many variations of the drawings, but the wavy lines that symbolize the flowing water are necessarily present.
>>> Water is a powerful source of energy, which is manifested in this Dzi in the form of assistance in the accumulation of wealth, stabilization and improvement of the human inner world. Consider the meaning of Dzi wave in more detail.
-----Disclosure of the human emotional sphere-----
>>> We are used to trying not to show our emotions, as this is not accepted in society. By suppressing our emotions in this way, we harm ourselves. It is as if we are collecting negative energy within ourselves, which accumulates and remains in us. This is manifested in depressive states, outbursts of anger, a depressed and woeful state, diseases, and many other equally unpleasant images. But the basis of all this is our suppressed emotions from some negative moments of our past.
>>> The Dzi wave bead helps to unlock these stuck emotions. It helps to understand and overcome emotional outbursts and overcome depression. The owner of this Dzi will be better able to manage their emotions, not allowing them to negatively affect their lives. On the contrary, negative emotions are transformed into vital energy, which helps a person to live well and achieve their goals.
>>> The flowing water, expressed in the figure of a Dzi wave bead, gives an inexhaustible source of wealth and prosperity. It gives energy and confidence to overcome all obstacles. It symbolizes flexibility, stability in difficult situations, smooths sharp corners, protects and symbolizes a constant stream of luck.
>>> If you wear this Dzi wave in a bracelet, it is best to wear it on your right hand. In this position, the effect of energizing wealth will be especially strong. If you are faced with the task of improving your well-being, then besides wearing this Dzi, use the services of a Feng Shui specialist and activate wealth zones in your home and at work. In this case, the effects of wearing this Dzi and harmonized on the richness of space reinforce each other.
>>> The Dzi wave bead is an excellent tool for regulating our internal emotional energy flows in order to become more stable, energetic and successful in life. This Dzi helps to get out of difficult emotional situations in life associated with the loss of relatives, loved ones and other serious emotional injuries.
>>> In addition to the emotional sphere, this Dzi helps to organize the receipt of material goods from sources that are available to us at a given time. Wear a Dzi wave, become more stable, wealthier and happier!
----------DRAGON EYE DZI----------with Mantra characters instead of eyes
>>> The Dragon eye Dzi has the power of the Buddhist six syllable mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum". Each eye of this Dzi personifies one of the syllables of this mantra. In addition, the eye of the dragon Dzi carries the power of a mythical creature - the dragon.
>>> Bead Dzi dragon eyes helps overcome negative forces, cope with enemies and competitors. It helps in learning, preserves, maintains the welfare of its owner and allows you to gain wealth in the material world and make spiritual achievements.
-----The meaning of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum-----
>>> The dragon eye's bead Dzi is the embodied sound of the great mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. By reciting this mantra aloud to oneself or to oneself, or even using the spinning drum where this mantra is written, a person receives friendly attention and blessing from the Buddha of compassion Chenrezing. That is the name of this Buddha in Tibet. In Sanskrit, he is known as the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and in China as Kuan Yin.
>>> The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra contains all the teachings of Buddha. And therefore, it is almost impossible to translate into any phrase or sentence. Allegorically, it is translated as "Pearl shining in a lotus flower." Each syllable of this mantra has its own sacred meaning.
The six syllables of the "Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum" hum mantra contain the perfection of six paramitas:
The first syllable “Om” of blessings glorifies us in order to achieve excellence in the practice of charity.
The syllable “Ma" helps to improve practice in achieving purity of morality, ethics and awareness.
"No" helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance.
“Pad” helps to achieve perfection in perseverance.
“Me” is the achievement of perfection in the practice of concentration and meditation.
“Hum” is the achievement of excellence in the practice of wisdom.
>>> The repetition of this mantra, symbolically depicted on the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, helps to achieve perfection in these six practices from generosity to wisdom. In this way the Buddha went to his enlightenment. The same path is also relevant at present for those who wish to achieve enlightenment and get out of a continuous series of births and deaths.
>>> The six syllables of the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra also help get rid of the suffering that awaits us at the six levels of being.
"Om" - clears from the neurotic attachment to bliss and from pride.
"Ma" - from jealousy and thirst for entertainment.
"None" - from passions and desires.
"Pad" - from stupidity and prejudice.
"Me" - from an irresistible thirst for possessiveness.
"Hum" - from anger and hatred.
>>> Thus, by practicing this mantra one can transform an imperfect body, speech and mind into a pure body, speech and perfect mind of Buddha. You can read more about 6 paramit and six levels of being in the article on the Dzi bead of 6 eyes.
Watch this video with the Om Mani Padme Hum mantra and you can start your practice by chanting or reciting this mantra aloud or to yourself.
-----Application of Dzi Dragon Eye Bead-----
>>> In the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, each syllable of the six syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum represents a peculiar pattern that represents the dragon's eye. It also gives this Dzi bead the power contained in such a mythical creature as a dragon.
>>> On this Dzi dragon eye, only eyes are represented, so this bead does not possess all the power of this creature. However, this Dzi carries some qualities of a Dzi Dragon bead. Of the dragon qualities, this bead gives the ability to see and overcome obstacles, helps fight negative forces and contributes to the accumulation of wealth.
>>> The Tibetan bead Dzi dragon eye is a great helper for those who want to follow the path that Buddha walked to get out of the trap of this material world and achieve enlightenment. It helps to get rid of everything that prevents the achievement of this state and helps to reach the intended goal.
>>> Also, the Dzi eye bead of the dragon’s eye helps to cope with obstacles in life, helps to improve karma and the accumulation of wealth. Wear this Dzi and achieve prosperity both in the material world and in the spiritual!

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