No. 93362417

Gyrfalcon x Peregrine Hybrid Taxidermy full body mount - Falco rusticolus x Falco peregrinus (with full EU Article 10, Commercial Use) - 75 cm - 35 cm - 40 cm - CITES Appendix I - Annex A in the EU
Final bid
€ 150
5 weeks ago

Gyrfalcon x Peregrine Hybrid Taxidermy full body mount - Falco rusticolus x Falco peregrinus (with full EU Article 10, Commercial Use) - 75 cm - 35 cm - 40 cm - CITES Appendix I - Annex A in the EU

Hybride tussen Falco peregrinus Falco rusticolus Ze heeft het formaat van een giervalk, maar het kleurpatroon van een slechtvalk, zeer uitzonderlijk Komt met Cites papier BOD

No. 93362417

Gyrfalcon x Peregrine Hybrid Taxidermy full body mount - Falco rusticolus x Falco peregrinus (with full EU Article 10, Commercial Use) - 75 cm - 35 cm - 40 cm - CITES Appendix I - Annex A in the EU

Gyrfalcon x Peregrine Hybrid Taxidermy full body mount - Falco rusticolus x Falco peregrinus (with full EU Article 10, Commercial Use) - 75 cm - 35 cm - 40 cm - CITES Appendix I - Annex A in the EU

Hybrid between Falco peregrinus Falco rusticolus
She is the size of a gyrfalcon, but the color pattern of a peregrine falcon, very exceptional

Comes with Cites paper BOD

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