This is a stunning specimen featuring vibrant orange Spessartine Garnet crystals alongside well-terminated Muscovite crystals on a natural matrix. The garnets exhibit exceptional luster and sharp terminations, while the muscovite adds a beautiful contrast to the piece. Sourced from an old find in Tongbei, Fujian, China, this quality is now increasingly rare on the market. A truly unique and highly sought-after addition to any fine mineral collection!

This is a stunning specimen featuring vibrant orange Spessartine Garnet crystals alongside well-terminated Muscovite crystals on a natural matrix. The garnets exhibit exceptional luster and sharp terminations, while the muscovite adds a beautiful contrast to the piece. Sourced from an old find in Tongbei, Fujian, China, this quality is now increasingly rare on the market. A truly unique and highly sought-after addition to any fine mineral collection!

Κύριο ορυκτό/όνομα μετεωρίτη
ΠΑΛΑΙΟ! Γαρνέτα Σπεσαρτίνη με Μουσκοβίτη
Τύπος ορυκτού/τύπος μετεωρίτη
Κρύσταλλοι στη μήτρα
173 g
Προέλευση (Περιοχή / Πόλη)
Τόνγκμπεϊ, Φουτζιάν
8.2 cm
5 cm
3.7 cm

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