In response to Suntory's Ao, this whisky was released by Nikka for the Japanese market in September 2020. This blend is created from selected malts from the Yoichi and Miyagiyko distillery and from the Scottish distillery Ben Nevis and convinces with its fruity and slightly smoky notes.

Nose: Refreshing aroma of oranges and apples with hints of malt. A gentle and pleasant vanilla scent from the barrels.

Palate: Smooth and creamy mouthfeel. Fruity and light taste in harmony with the sweetness of the oak.

Finish: A light woody note and peat aftertaste slowly spreads.

The bottle does not have its own package

In response to Suntory's Ao, this whisky was released by Nikka for the Japanese market in September 2020. This blend is created from selected malts from the Yoichi and Miyagiyko distillery and from the Scottish distillery Ben Nevis and convinces with its fruity and slightly smoky notes.

Nose: Refreshing aroma of oranges and apples with hints of malt. A gentle and pleasant vanilla scent from the barrels.

Palate: Smooth and creamy mouthfeel. Fruity and light taste in harmony with the sweetness of the oak.

Finish: A light woody note and peat aftertaste slowly spreads.

The bottle does not have its own package

Mixed lot
Nikka Session
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+++++ Compliant products, very well packaged. Super nice and very responsive seller. I highly recommend! +++++

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649 αξιολογήσεις (258 τους τελευταίους 12 μήνες)
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