Nr. 92612699

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Schwarze Rüstung (Yoroi) mit Hoshi'bachi Kabuto - Metall, Seide, Kupfer, Brokat, Lack - Japan - Mittlere Showa-Periode (Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts)
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Schwarze Rüstung (Yoroi) mit Hoshi'bachi Kabuto - Metall, Seide, Kupfer, Brokat, Lack - Japan - Mittlere Showa-Periode (Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts)

Great, complete Japanese black lacquer suit-of-armour (yoroi), laced with purple cords, a multicoloured and orange hem and a 2-piece cuirass (kuro’urushinuri murakashi’ito hi’suso nimaidô tôsei gusoku). - 10-plate hoshi’bachi kabuto (helmet with domed rivets ) with copper raised ridges, long bronzed brass kuwagata-antlers and ken-shaped maedate, 5-tiered chrysanthemum-shaped tehen’no’kanamono (decorative apex fitting), golden age’maki (decorative tassel), 2-tiered ‘itazane’-plate shikoro (neck guards) and broad back-bending fukikaeshi (face guards) with light ‘smoked leather’ and chrysanthemum-shaped (kiku) appliques. - ‘Angry man’-facial mask (resseibô-type menpô) with separate nose-piece boasting a black moustache, gold lacquered teeth, and 4-tiered ‘itazane’-plate gorget (yodarekake). - Sode (shoulder guards), ô-type, constructed of 6 ‘itazane’-plate lames fitted with copper decorative hardware with a chrysanthemum motif, accessorized with golden silk cords and decorative tassels. - Kote (bracers), shino-type, long vertical metal pieces connected by Japanese mail (kaushi-gusari) placed over light brocade silk with a floral design. - Dô (cuirass), ‘dangae’-type (lit. step changing), constructed with three ‘itazane’-plate laced using kebiki-type of lacing above, with four similar lames underneath laced in a ‘sugake’-fashion. In front a pair of agemaki. At the bottom a 6-parts of 5-piece ‘itazane’-plate kusazuri (tassets). - Haidate (thigh armour), iyô-type, small lacquered oblong plates laced in 4 rows of 18, bordered by matching ‘smoked leather’ and brocade silk. - Suneate (shin guards), shino-type, long metal plates connected by Japanese mail on light brown silk with a flower design, and grey blue tateage (knee guards). Complete with a square black lacquered store-box for a suit-of armour (yoroi’bako) with ‘pole carrying’-handles. The front of the store-box decorated with a gold lacquered character mae 前 ('in front') in gold. The Kanji 'Mae' meaning 'the first'; in other words: 'I, who has priority above others'. Height with box: approx. 160 cm. Period: Japan – Mid-Shôwa period (Mid 20th century). In a good condition with some traces of age. Please take a close look at the photos for a condition reference. We include a wooden stand and an explanation how to put this armour on display. When shipped we will add a certificate of authenticity.

Nr. 92612699

Nicht mehr verfügbar
Schwarze Rüstung (Yoroi) mit Hoshi'bachi Kabuto - Metall, Seide, Kupfer, Brokat, Lack - Japan - Mittlere Showa-Periode (Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts)

Schwarze Rüstung (Yoroi) mit Hoshi'bachi Kabuto - Metall, Seide, Kupfer, Brokat, Lack - Japan - Mittlere Showa-Periode (Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts)

Great, complete Japanese black lacquer suit-of-armour (yoroi), laced with purple cords, a multicoloured and orange hem and a 2-piece cuirass (kuro’urushinuri murakashi’ito hi’suso nimaidô tôsei gusoku).

- 10-plate hoshi’bachi kabuto (helmet with domed rivets ) with copper raised ridges, long bronzed brass kuwagata-antlers and ken-shaped maedate, 5-tiered chrysanthemum-shaped tehen’no’kanamono (decorative apex fitting), golden age’maki (decorative tassel), 2-tiered ‘itazane’-plate shikoro (neck guards) and broad back-bending fukikaeshi (face guards) with light ‘smoked leather’ and chrysanthemum-shaped (kiku) appliques.
- ‘Angry man’-facial mask (resseibô-type menpô) with separate nose-piece boasting a black moustache, gold lacquered teeth, and 4-tiered ‘itazane’-plate gorget (yodarekake).
- Sode (shoulder guards), ô-type, constructed of 6 ‘itazane’-plate lames fitted with copper decorative hardware with a chrysanthemum motif, accessorized with golden silk cords and decorative tassels.
- Kote (bracers), shino-type, long vertical metal pieces connected by Japanese mail (kaushi-gusari) placed over light brocade silk with a floral design.
- Dô (cuirass), ‘dangae’-type (lit. step changing), constructed with three ‘itazane’-plate laced using kebiki-type of lacing above, with four similar lames underneath laced in a ‘sugake’-fashion.
In front a pair of agemaki. At the bottom a 6-parts of 5-piece ‘itazane’-plate kusazuri (tassets).
- Haidate (thigh armour), iyô-type, small lacquered oblong plates laced in 4 rows of 18, bordered by matching ‘smoked leather’ and brocade silk.
- Suneate (shin guards), shino-type, long metal plates connected by Japanese mail on light brown silk with a flower design, and grey blue tateage (knee guards).

Complete with a square black lacquered store-box for a suit-of armour (yoroi’bako) with ‘pole carrying’-handles. The front of the store-box decorated with a gold lacquered character mae 前 ('in front') in gold. The Kanji 'Mae' meaning 'the first'; in other words: 'I, who has priority above others'.

Height with box: approx. 160 cm.

Period: Japan – Mid-Shôwa period (Mid 20th century).

In a good condition with some traces of age. Please take a close look at the photos for a condition reference.

We include a wooden stand and an explanation how to put this armour on display. When shipped we will add a certificate of authenticity.

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