Nr. 90994363

Joni Veizaj - Tischlampe - Plastik
€ 161
Vor 50 min

Joni Veizaj - Tischlampe - Plastik

Folding is a splendid way to swiftly create shapes, yet it remains confined to certain materials. This concept is centered around pushing the boundaries of folding as a design technique, with the aspiration of rendering every material ultimately foldable. The experiments stemming from this endeavor offer the potential to unearth novel shapes, structures, and functionalities, while also bestowing a fresh stage upon the joy of creation. The ‘’Muizentrap’’ is folded out of two sheets of plexiglass. This piece is an homage to the classic folding shape I used to create extensively during my primary school years The table lamp is one of the initial experiments for my project 'Folding Fever'. Therefore, this piece is not entirely straight bended and has a few spots, but still a perfectly functional Table Lamp! #cybermonday

Nr. 90994363

Joni Veizaj - Tischlampe - Plastik

Joni Veizaj - Tischlampe - Plastik

Folding is a splendid way to swiftly create shapes, yet it remains confined to certain materials. This concept is centered around pushing the boundaries of folding as a design technique, with the aspiration of rendering every material ultimately foldable. The experiments stemming from this endeavor offer the potential to unearth novel shapes, structures, and functionalities, while also bestowing a fresh stage upon the joy of creation.

The ‘’Muizentrap’’ is folded out of two sheets of plexiglass. This piece is an homage to the classic folding shape I used to create extensively during my primary school years

The table lamp is one of the initial experiments for my project 'Folding Fever'. Therefore, this piece is not entirely straight bended and has a few spots, but still a perfectly functional Table Lamp!


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