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Nr. 89632299
LPL Enlarging Easel Masking Frame. 30x25cm / 12x10 Inch. All Metal. In excellent condition with some traces of use
Jobo Varioformat 6810 Multiple Masking Easel In excellent condition. Gute Industrieform IF79. Packed in the original box with hardly any trace of use. Varioformat for 20X25cm / 18x24cm / 13x18cm / 9x13cm.
LPL Enlarging Easel Masking Frame. 30x25cm / 12x10 Inch. All Metal. In excellent condition with some traces of use
Jobo Varioformat 6810 Multiple Masking Easel In excellent condition. Gute Industrieform IF79. Packed in the original box with hardly any trace of use. Varioformat for 20X25cm / 18x24cm / 13x18cm / 9x13cm.
Boa relação qualidade/ preço.
Übersetzung ansehenThanks!!
Si è verificato un problema con l'oggetto acquistato prontamente risolto dal venditore
Übersetzung ansehenAll as expected! it's arrived today, the camera works ! Thank You
Übersetzung ansehenOggetti come descrizione, tenuti molto bene. Spedizione veloce e imballo accurato. Venditore consigliato
Übersetzung ansehenThank you for the feedback.
Boa relação qualidade/ preço.
Übersetzung ansehenThanks!!