Nr. 89313417
Bvlgari - Anhänger - 18 kt Weißgold
Nr. 89313417
Bvlgari - Anhänger - 18 kt Weißgold
Brand: Bvlgari
Line: B.zero1
Country of Origin: Italy
MPN: -,
Necklace Type: Pendant
Gender: Women
Material: White gold (18K)
Weight: 6.2g / 0.21oz.
Pendant Size: 14.7mm x 9mm / 0.57'' x 0.35'', Accessories: None
Condition: Used (very good)
Ranking: Rank A Used - A few traces of usage, some scratches / dirt can be seen but overall in very good Condition
Overall Scratches: Insignificant
Maintenance: Polished, Total Weight: 6.2g / 0.21oz.
This item will be shipped from Japan. Please note that depending on your country of residence, you may be subject to additional duties and import taxes. As a rule of thumb, it is 20% in France, 21% in Spain, and 22% in Italy. Please check your country's laws for more information. For items containing diamonds shipped to France, the buyer might be required to arrange for a broker service to get the package released from customs. If winning bidder decides to cancel / withdraw they will bear risk, cost of all shipping and return import duties of seller. This bag will be packed very well and will be shipped insured.
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