The Gupta dynasty settled in the North of India at the end of the 3rd century but its origins are not well known. From the 4th century, they developed, reached their peak during the first half of the 5th century and then declined following external invasions.

The piece presented for sale was initially described as a representation of Visnu accompanied by two servants. We know that during the first three centuries of our era, Krsna was presented as an "aratara" of Visnu or the form that Visnu took when he descended on earth. This particular relationship between Visnu and Krsna is at the base of the appearance in the region of Mathura, in representation of god with three heads called "VAIKUNTHA" and in particular, at the Gupta period of time.

It is in the Mathura school that we see Visnu, a god with 4 arms, standing out on a large halo. Experts generally agree that 7 to 8 sculptures of this type, from Mathura, have been identified and that they represent the oldest examples of this type of Visnu. One of them is on display at the Archaeological Museum of Mathura. Note that the piece exhibited at the Mathura museum is very similar to the one we are selling.

Acquired during the second half of the 20th century, it enters a private collection. It is neither mounted nor exposed. The owner at the time sold this piece to a Belgian investor. The piece goes through the hands of italian experts in 2017 then joined our own collection.

1. If the buyer is located in an European Community country, a named export license will be required. The seller undertakes to carry out the necessary procedures. They generally take between 2 and 4 weeks (estimate);
2. If the buyer is located outside the European community, an export license is also required. This procedure is longer and can last up to 4 months. It is also registered in the name of the buyer.

If such a procedure involves fees to be paid to the licensing bodies, these will be paid by the buyer.

The seller is responsible for requesting licenses and providing the administration with all the required information. If the export license is refused - for any reason - the sale will be canceled.

The seller takes care of delivery. The goods are insured during shipping.


The Gupta dynasty settled in the North of India at the end of the 3rd century but its origins are not well known. From the 4th century, they developed, reached their peak during the first half of the 5th century and then declined following external invasions.

The piece presented for sale was initially described as a representation of Visnu accompanied by two servants. We know that during the first three centuries of our era, Krsna was presented as an "aratara" of Visnu or the form that Visnu took when he descended on earth. This particular relationship between Visnu and Krsna is at the base of the appearance in the region of Mathura, in representation of god with three heads called "VAIKUNTHA" and in particular, at the Gupta period of time.

It is in the Mathura school that we see Visnu, a god with 4 arms, standing out on a large halo. Experts generally agree that 7 to 8 sculptures of this type, from Mathura, have been identified and that they represent the oldest examples of this type of Visnu. One of them is on display at the Archaeological Museum of Mathura. Note that the piece exhibited at the Mathura museum is very similar to the one we are selling.

Acquired during the second half of the 20th century, it enters a private collection. It is neither mounted nor exposed. The owner at the time sold this piece to a Belgian investor. The piece goes through the hands of italian experts in 2017 then joined our own collection.

1. If the buyer is located in an European Community country, a named export license will be required. The seller undertakes to carry out the necessary procedures. They generally take between 2 and 4 weeks (estimate);
2. If the buyer is located outside the European community, an export license is also required. This procedure is longer and can last up to 4 months. It is also registered in the name of the buyer.

If such a procedure involves fees to be paid to the licensing bodies, these will be paid by the buyer.

The seller is responsible for requesting licenses and providing the administration with all the required information. If the export license is refused - for any reason - the sale will be canceled.

The seller takes care of delivery. The goods are insured during shipping.


Das alte Indien - Gupta-Reich
Name of object
Stele mit der Darstellung von Visnu in Begleitung von zwei Dienern. – Gupta-Reich, ca. 321–550 n.
Jahrhundert/ Zeitraum
Ca 321 - 550 A.D
Europa, Europa
24 cm
14 cm
5 cm


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Der Verkäufer garantiert und kann belegen, dass das Objekt legal erworben wurde. Der Verkäufer wurde von Catawiki darüber informiert, dass er die Unterlagen, die gemäß den Gesetzen und Vorschriften seines Landes erforderlich sind, zur Verfügung stellen muss. Der Verkäufer garantiert, dass er berechtigt ist, das Objekt zu verkaufen/auszuführen. Der Verkäufer wird dem Käufer alle Informationen, die zur Provenienz des Objekts vorliegen, zur Verfügung stellen. Der Verkäufer versichert, dass alle erforderlichen Genehmigungen eingeholt wurden/werden. Der Verkäufer wird den Käufer unverzüglich über etwaige Verzögerungen bei der Einholung dieser Genehmigungen informieren.