Nr. 87396797

Guineapavian - ausgewachsen - mit CITES-Markennummer - Taxidermie-Ganzkörpermontage - Papio papio (with legal transfer) - 70 cm - 40 cm - 60 cm - CITES Anhang II - Anlage B in der EU
€ 550
Vor 9 Wochen

Guineapavian - ausgewachsen - mit CITES-Markennummer - Taxidermie-Ganzkörpermontage - Papio papio (with legal transfer) - 70 cm - 40 cm - 60 cm - CITES Anhang II - Anlage B in der EU

MIL 236230516 I propose this not usual very nice antique taxidermy baboon with large seed decoration Papio papio : Cites registre II in 1977 and EU règlementation B in 1997 ----------- so this taxidermy is pre Cites inscription----------- -----------quality as you can see in the pictures------------------ take a good look at all the photos for quality so you won't have any surprises at the reception Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - For shipping all will be well protected for nothing break :) so price shipping includ this work no combine shipping Don t be scared . i do perfect protection for nothing break during shipping ... be sure

Nr. 87396797

Guineapavian - ausgewachsen - mit CITES-Markennummer - Taxidermie-Ganzkörpermontage - Papio papio (with legal transfer) - 70 cm - 40 cm - 60 cm - CITES Anhang II - Anlage B in der EU

Guineapavian - ausgewachsen - mit CITES-Markennummer - Taxidermie-Ganzkörpermontage - Papio papio (with legal transfer) - 70 cm - 40 cm - 60 cm - CITES Anhang II - Anlage B in der EU

MIL 236230516
I propose this not usual very nice antique taxidermy
baboon with large seed decoration

Papio papio :
Cites registre II in 1977
and EU règlementation B in 1997

----------- so this taxidermy is pre Cites inscription-----------

-----------quality as you can see in the pictures------------------
take a good look at all the photos for quality
so you won't have any surprises at the reception

Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only -
Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only -
Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only - Europe sell only -

For shipping all will be well protected for nothing break :) so price shipping includ this work
no combine shipping

Don t be scared . i do perfect protection for nothing break during shipping ... be sure

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