Magazines from or about PROVO and KABOUTER (GNOMES) underground counterculture movement (2) - 24 issues. 1966-2016. Overall condition: Very good, with defects mentioned below. 1st Edition. 1st Printing, unless mentioned otherwise.

The 24 items:
1. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 10 White variant.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Hans Tuynman must be released; Other Provo magazines; Guidelines for demonstrations. White variant. Red color not printed.
Condition: Slightly soiled at the covers.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 30.4 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 40. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27136.
2. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 11. Variant: Provo 11 and Provo symbol in black on a pin and white background.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Revolution and anarchism in Spain; Refusing army service found better than trying to change the system from within as suggested in a previous issue of Provo; Roel van Duyn on Belgium and its Provos; There should be an anti-sugar magician; White poets; Paul Goodman, who invented the white bicycle plan; Cartoons by Willem; Cars are killing machines; Herman "Stiletto" of the Leeuwarden Hawks wants a white "conviction records" plan, as he wants his records cleaned to get a job. Provo 11 and Provo symbol in red on a black and white background.
Condition: Discoloration.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 29.7 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 40. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #26238.
3. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 12.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Proletennummer (Proletarian issue). Black Muslims; Malcolm X; China - Cultural revolution; Cartoon by Willem; Visit Provo to London - Indica bookshop, Jeff Nuttall, Miles, Free school etc.
Condition: Faint staining. Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 30.8 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 48. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27144.
4. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 13.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Ongeluks (Bad luck issue). Letter by Wim Kan (famous Dutch comedian) in which he refuses Provo candidacy for the parliament; Nieuwersluis - Prison for people that refuse army service; Vietnam; Abortion.
Condition: Wear; Folds.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27153.
5. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 15.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Provo proposes to change the Van Heutz monument into a Multatuli monument after bombing it; Provo declares to be against violence; Drawing by Willem; White bicycles in Berkeley; Domela Nieuwenhuis II; Miss Blanche, and emancipativa symbol of the provocating woman, by Roel van Duyn; Dutch consumer organisation.
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Creases; Brown watery staining at the cover and the first inside page. Overall condition: Fair. Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 16. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #14954.
6. Roel van Duyn (Ed.) - Het slechtste uit Provo.
A selection of articles from Provo magazine.
Content: Contributions by all major Provo members. Illustrated with a few pictures and cartoons by e.g. Willem. The title has to be changed from "Het beste uit Provo” (The best rom Provo) to "Het slechtste uit provo” (The worst from Provo), because Reader's Digest threatened with a court case.
Condition: Upper part of the spine damaged (repaired). Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Bezige Bij, Amsterdam.
2nd Edition. 1st Printing. 1967. Soft cover.
Size: 29.8 x 10.8 cm. Pages: 258. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25974.
7. Hans Metz (Ed.) - Willem in Provo.
Content: All the cartoons from Willem (Bernard Holtrop) that appeared in Provo magazine from issue 5. Introduction by Hans Metz.
Publisher: Hans Metz, Haarlem. 2016. Soft cover.
Size: 21.0 x 14.5 cm. Pages: 51. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25316.
8. Roel van Duyn - Miss Blanche en de Van Moppesdiamanten. Een moralisties manifest.
Content: A manifest in story-form about individual and social virtues by one of the leading figures of Provo and the Kabouters (Gnomes). Cover by Olaf Stoop. Back-cover picture by Koen Wessing.
Publisher: Unit, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 19.8 x 14.9 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27081.
9. Henk J. Meier (Ed.) - Ratio vol. 02 no. 06.
Dutch cultural magazine.
Content: Issue on Provo and the BVD. Very nice reproductions of a number of Provo leaflets on the back cover.
Publisher: Meulenhoff & Co., Amsterdam. 1965.
Size: 24.3 x 16.8 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #26463.
10. Jan Donkers et al. (Eds.) - Propria Cures vol. 076 no. 20.
Famous literary Student Paper from Amsterdam.
Content: Special "Oranje Boven" on the marriage of Beatrix and Claus. An overview of the playful actions and protests planned during the marriage; The practical anarchist by Roel van Duyn and Rob Stolk - An update of the article in Provo 1.
Condition: Slight wear.
Publisher: Propria Cures, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 37.7 x 27.4 cm. Pages: 6. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25272.
11. K.A. Soudijn et al. (Eds.) - Propria Cures vol. 077 no. 29.
Famous literary Student Paper from Amsterdam.
Content: Special issue on Provo - Satire on the attraction of Provo to tourists "How to meet (and even photograph) Amsterdam Provos?".
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Browning; Non-printed corners missing. Overall condition: Fair.
Publisher: Propria Cures, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 36.9 x 27.5 cm. Pages: 8. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #28095.
12. Theo Harsman et al. (Eds.) - Recht voor allen no. 592.
Dutch anarchist magazine.
Content: Provo's; Taptoe tabou; Strike right; Italian anarchists; Joan Baez.
Condition: Browning; Wear.
Publisher: Recht voor Allen, Amsterdam. 1965.
Size: 27.6 x 19.7 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23713.
13. Theo Harsman et al. (Eds.) - Recht voor allen no. 617.
Dutch anarchist magazine.
Content: Insert of Provo magazine #7. Contains a loose mimeographed insert that says that Provo and Recht voor Allen have agreed to include their magazines into the one of the other.
Condition: Fold over the length as issued.
Publisher: Recht voor Allen, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 27.5 x 20.0 cm. Pages: 8. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25470.
14. Provo - Teleraaf no. 15 April.
Content: Mock Provo version of the right-wing newspaper Telegraaf.
Condition: Browning as expected. Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 44.4 cm. Pages: 4. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #14329.
15. Provo - Teleraaf no. ?.
Content: Mock Provo version of the right-wing newspaper Telegraaf.
Condition: Browning as expected; Tear throughout (10 cm). Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 44.4 cm. Pages: 4. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23170.
16. J.G. Vermeulen - Douwe Krant no. ?? (Telegraaf May 18, 1940).
The Douwe Krant consists of a reprint of 2nd world war articles from the daily Telegraaf newspaper.
Content: The Telegraaf, a national newspaper that still exists, was collaborating with the Germans.
Condition: Creases; Slightly frayed edges. Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Douwe Krant, Amsterdam.
Size: 41.9 x 29.7 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27099.
17. J.G. Vermeulen - Douwe Krant no. 07 (Telegraaf December 14, 1942).
The Douwe Krant consists of a reprint of 2nd world war articles from the daily Telegraaf newspaper.
Content: Other side: Advertisements. Ca. end of Sixties? The Telegraaf, a national newspaper that still exists, was collaborating with the Germans.
Condition: Folded in 4; Creases; Frayed edges; Browning. Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Douwe Krant, Amsterdam.
Size: 60.8 x 43.0 cm. Pages: 2. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27101.
18. Hans Tuynman & Steef Davidson - De Kabouter Kolonel no. 01.
A magazine related to the Dutch Kabouter (Gnomes) movement. Only 3 issued plus one extra edition to boycot the Volkstelling (Census).
Content: Lowland Weed Company; Proclamation of the Ministry of Offense of Orange Free State; White Panther 10 point program (From Ann Arbor Argus; in English); Partidos de Los Young Lords 13 point program (From Palante; in Spanish); A message from Timothy Leary (Reprinted from L.A. Free Press). Weed and cannabis seeds were included with this issue in an envelope stapled to the magazine with a drawing and text on the cover "U aangeboden ter gelegenheid van de heropening van ons buro Reklameburo Sneek" "Offered to you upon the occasion of the re-opening of our office Advertisement Agency Sneek". An insert/advertisement to take a subscription to the Kabouter Kolonel. In this case still present with weed and seeds. Inserted also Flyer "Loop voor je leven" (Run for your life), Protest ralley against environmental pollution organized by "Strohalm”. Ref.: Tasman, Coen "Louter Kabouter. Kroniek van een beweging 1969-1974" pages 108, 110 and 213.
Publisher: Kabouter Kolonel, Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 43.1 x 30.4 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23265.
19. Anonymous - Nederlandse Staatscourant no. 02.
Mock Dutch State paper to protest against the Volkstelling (Census).
Publisher: Kabouter (Gnomes), Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 63.6 x 45.9 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27103.
20. Kabouter (Gnomes) - Proklamatie van de Oranje - Vrijstaat.
Content: Official proclamation of the foundation of the Kabouter (gnome) State "Oranjevrijstaat" (Orange Free State). Condition: Folded in eight; A few stains; Wear; Browning.
Publisher: Kabouter Pers, Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 60.7 x 42.9 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23623.
21. Anonymous - In Dienst I-V.
A magazine from the Dutch Ministry of Defense for people to be drafted.
Content: Stamped at the back by Provo with a stamp "Extra colour-clothing insert; Provo”. The magazine was inserted in Provo magazine no. 13.
Condition: Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Ministry of Defense, Den Haag. 1967.
Size: 28.9 x 20.6 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27162.
22. Anonymous - In Dienst I-IV.
A magazine from the Dutch Ministry of Defense for people to be drafted.
Content: Stamped at the back by Provo with a stamp "Extra colour-clothing insert; Provo”. The magazine was inserted in Provo magazine no. 13.
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Paper loss and tears in the back cover. Overall condition: Fair.
Publisher: Ministry of Defense, Den Haag. 1967.
Size: 28.8 x 20.3 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25464.
23. A.J. Heerema van Vos (Ed.) - HP (Haagse Post) vol. 63 no. 10.
Content: Dutch weekly. Cover: Smoke bomb during the wedding of Princess Beatrix and Mr. Claus van Amsberg. Provo (9 page article). The day of anarchy March 10, 1966.
Condition: Wear; Slight damage at the staples; Fold over the length. Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Haagse Post, Amsterdam. 1976.
Size: 28.5 x 21.4 cm. Pages: 50. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #28094.
24. R. Ferdinandusse (Ed.) - Vrij Nederland Bijvoegsel no. 31.
Content: Color part of Dutch weekly on Provo.
Condition: Good.
Publisher: Weekbladpers, Amsterdam.
1st Edition. 1st Printing. Published: 1985.
Size: 28.5 x 21.6 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25973.

Magazines from or about PROVO and KABOUTER (GNOMES) underground counterculture movement (2) - 24 issues. 1966-2016. Overall condition: Very good, with defects mentioned below. 1st Edition. 1st Printing, unless mentioned otherwise.

The 24 items:
1. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 10 White variant.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Hans Tuynman must be released; Other Provo magazines; Guidelines for demonstrations. White variant. Red color not printed.
Condition: Slightly soiled at the covers.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 30.4 x 10.5 cm. Pages: 40. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27136.
2. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 11. Variant: Provo 11 and Provo symbol in black on a pin and white background.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Revolution and anarchism in Spain; Refusing army service found better than trying to change the system from within as suggested in a previous issue of Provo; Roel van Duyn on Belgium and its Provos; There should be an anti-sugar magician; White poets; Paul Goodman, who invented the white bicycle plan; Cartoons by Willem; Cars are killing machines; Herman "Stiletto" of the Leeuwarden Hawks wants a white "conviction records" plan, as he wants his records cleaned to get a job. Provo 11 and Provo symbol in red on a black and white background.
Condition: Discoloration.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 29.7 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 40. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #26238.
3. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 12.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Proletennummer (Proletarian issue). Black Muslims; Malcolm X; China - Cultural revolution; Cartoon by Willem; Visit Provo to London - Indica bookshop, Jeff Nuttall, Miles, Free school etc.
Condition: Faint staining. Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 30.8 x 10.6 cm. Pages: 48. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27144.
4. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 13.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Ongeluks (Bad luck issue). Letter by Wim Kan (famous Dutch comedian) in which he refuses Provo candidacy for the parliament; Nieuwersluis - Prison for people that refuse army service; Vietnam; Abortion.
Condition: Wear; Folds.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27153.
5. Roel van Duyn et al. - Provo no. 15.
The first and most important Provo magazine.
Content: Provo proposes to change the Van Heutz monument into a Multatuli monument after bombing it; Provo declares to be against violence; Drawing by Willem; White bicycles in Berkeley; Domela Nieuwenhuis II; Miss Blanche, and emancipativa symbol of the provocating woman, by Roel van Duyn; Dutch consumer organisation.
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Creases; Brown watery staining at the cover and the first inside page. Overall condition: Fair. Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 21.0 cm. Pages: 16. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #14954.
6. Roel van Duyn (Ed.) - Het slechtste uit Provo.
A selection of articles from Provo magazine.
Content: Contributions by all major Provo members. Illustrated with a few pictures and cartoons by e.g. Willem. The title has to be changed from "Het beste uit Provo” (The best rom Provo) to "Het slechtste uit provo” (The worst from Provo), because Reader's Digest threatened with a court case.
Condition: Upper part of the spine damaged (repaired). Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Bezige Bij, Amsterdam.
2nd Edition. 1st Printing. 1967. Soft cover.
Size: 29.8 x 10.8 cm. Pages: 258. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25974.
7. Hans Metz (Ed.) - Willem in Provo.
Content: All the cartoons from Willem (Bernard Holtrop) that appeared in Provo magazine from issue 5. Introduction by Hans Metz.
Publisher: Hans Metz, Haarlem. 2016. Soft cover.
Size: 21.0 x 14.5 cm. Pages: 51. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25316.
8. Roel van Duyn - Miss Blanche en de Van Moppesdiamanten. Een moralisties manifest.
Content: A manifest in story-form about individual and social virtues by one of the leading figures of Provo and the Kabouters (Gnomes). Cover by Olaf Stoop. Back-cover picture by Koen Wessing.
Publisher: Unit, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 19.8 x 14.9 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27081.
9. Henk J. Meier (Ed.) - Ratio vol. 02 no. 06.
Dutch cultural magazine.
Content: Issue on Provo and the BVD. Very nice reproductions of a number of Provo leaflets on the back cover.
Publisher: Meulenhoff & Co., Amsterdam. 1965.
Size: 24.3 x 16.8 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #26463.
10. Jan Donkers et al. (Eds.) - Propria Cures vol. 076 no. 20.
Famous literary Student Paper from Amsterdam.
Content: Special "Oranje Boven" on the marriage of Beatrix and Claus. An overview of the playful actions and protests planned during the marriage; The practical anarchist by Roel van Duyn and Rob Stolk - An update of the article in Provo 1.
Condition: Slight wear.
Publisher: Propria Cures, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 37.7 x 27.4 cm. Pages: 6. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25272.
11. K.A. Soudijn et al. (Eds.) - Propria Cures vol. 077 no. 29.
Famous literary Student Paper from Amsterdam.
Content: Special issue on Provo - Satire on the attraction of Provo to tourists "How to meet (and even photograph) Amsterdam Provos?".
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Browning; Non-printed corners missing. Overall condition: Fair.
Publisher: Propria Cures, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 36.9 x 27.5 cm. Pages: 8. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #28095.
12. Theo Harsman et al. (Eds.) - Recht voor allen no. 592.
Dutch anarchist magazine.
Content: Provo's; Taptoe tabou; Strike right; Italian anarchists; Joan Baez.
Condition: Browning; Wear.
Publisher: Recht voor Allen, Amsterdam. 1965.
Size: 27.6 x 19.7 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23713.
13. Theo Harsman et al. (Eds.) - Recht voor allen no. 617.
Dutch anarchist magazine.
Content: Insert of Provo magazine #7. Contains a loose mimeographed insert that says that Provo and Recht voor Allen have agreed to include their magazines into the one of the other.
Condition: Fold over the length as issued.
Publisher: Recht voor Allen, Amsterdam. 1966.
Size: 27.5 x 20.0 cm. Pages: 8. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25470.
14. Provo - Teleraaf no. 15 April.
Content: Mock Provo version of the right-wing newspaper Telegraaf.
Condition: Browning as expected. Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 44.4 cm. Pages: 4. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #14329.
15. Provo - Teleraaf no. ?.
Content: Mock Provo version of the right-wing newspaper Telegraaf.
Condition: Browning as expected; Tear throughout (10 cm). Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Provo, Amsterdam. 1967.
Size: 60.0 x 44.4 cm. Pages: 4. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23170.
16. J.G. Vermeulen - Douwe Krant no. ?? (Telegraaf May 18, 1940).
The Douwe Krant consists of a reprint of 2nd world war articles from the daily Telegraaf newspaper.
Content: The Telegraaf, a national newspaper that still exists, was collaborating with the Germans.
Condition: Creases; Slightly frayed edges. Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Douwe Krant, Amsterdam.
Size: 41.9 x 29.7 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27099.
17. J.G. Vermeulen - Douwe Krant no. 07 (Telegraaf December 14, 1942).
The Douwe Krant consists of a reprint of 2nd world war articles from the daily Telegraaf newspaper.
Content: Other side: Advertisements. Ca. end of Sixties? The Telegraaf, a national newspaper that still exists, was collaborating with the Germans.
Condition: Folded in 4; Creases; Frayed edges; Browning. Overall condition: Very good.
Publisher: Douwe Krant, Amsterdam.
Size: 60.8 x 43.0 cm. Pages: 2. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27101.
18. Hans Tuynman & Steef Davidson - De Kabouter Kolonel no. 01.
A magazine related to the Dutch Kabouter (Gnomes) movement. Only 3 issued plus one extra edition to boycot the Volkstelling (Census).
Content: Lowland Weed Company; Proclamation of the Ministry of Offense of Orange Free State; White Panther 10 point program (From Ann Arbor Argus; in English); Partidos de Los Young Lords 13 point program (From Palante; in Spanish); A message from Timothy Leary (Reprinted from L.A. Free Press). Weed and cannabis seeds were included with this issue in an envelope stapled to the magazine with a drawing and text on the cover "U aangeboden ter gelegenheid van de heropening van ons buro Reklameburo Sneek" "Offered to you upon the occasion of the re-opening of our office Advertisement Agency Sneek". An insert/advertisement to take a subscription to the Kabouter Kolonel. In this case still present with weed and seeds. Inserted also Flyer "Loop voor je leven" (Run for your life), Protest ralley against environmental pollution organized by "Strohalm”. Ref.: Tasman, Coen "Louter Kabouter. Kroniek van een beweging 1969-1974" pages 108, 110 and 213.
Publisher: Kabouter Kolonel, Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 43.1 x 30.4 cm. Pages: 12. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23265.
19. Anonymous - Nederlandse Staatscourant no. 02.
Mock Dutch State paper to protest against the Volkstelling (Census).
Publisher: Kabouter (Gnomes), Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 63.6 x 45.9 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27103.
20. Kabouter (Gnomes) - Proklamatie van de Oranje - Vrijstaat.
Content: Official proclamation of the foundation of the Kabouter (gnome) State "Oranjevrijstaat" (Orange Free State). Condition: Folded in eight; A few stains; Wear; Browning.
Publisher: Kabouter Pers, Amsterdam. 1970.
Size: 60.7 x 42.9 cm. Pages: 1. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #23623.
21. Anonymous - In Dienst I-V.
A magazine from the Dutch Ministry of Defense for people to be drafted.
Content: Stamped at the back by Provo with a stamp "Extra colour-clothing insert; Provo”. The magazine was inserted in Provo magazine no. 13.
Condition: Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Ministry of Defense, Den Haag. 1967.
Size: 28.9 x 20.6 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #27162.
22. Anonymous - In Dienst I-IV.
A magazine from the Dutch Ministry of Defense for people to be drafted.
Content: Stamped at the back by Provo with a stamp "Extra colour-clothing insert; Provo”. The magazine was inserted in Provo magazine no. 13.
Condition: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ITEM IS IN FAIR CONDITION ONLY!!! Paper loss and tears in the back cover. Overall condition: Fair.
Publisher: Ministry of Defense, Den Haag. 1967.
Size: 28.8 x 20.3 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25464.
23. A.J. Heerema van Vos (Ed.) - HP (Haagse Post) vol. 63 no. 10.
Content: Dutch weekly. Cover: Smoke bomb during the wedding of Princess Beatrix and Mr. Claus van Amsberg. Provo (9 page article). The day of anarchy March 10, 1966.
Condition: Wear; Slight damage at the staples; Fold over the length. Overall condition: Good.
Publisher: Haagse Post, Amsterdam. 1976.
Size: 28.5 x 21.4 cm. Pages: 50. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #28094.
24. R. Ferdinandusse (Ed.) - Vrij Nederland Bijvoegsel no. 31.
Content: Color part of Dutch weekly on Provo.
Condition: Good.
Publisher: Weekbladpers, Amsterdam.
1st Edition. 1st Printing. Published: 1985.
Size: 28.5 x 21.6 cm. Pages: 32. Language: Dutch. Seller inventory: #25973.

Anzahl der Bücher
Underground Provo Kabouter Hippie Gegenkultur Sechzigerjahre Zeitschriften
Provo & Kabouter underground counterculture magazines (2) – 24 issues
Sehr gut
Autor/ Illustrator
Roel van Duyn et al.
Erscheinungsjahr (ältestes Objekt)
Erscheinungsjahr (jüngstes Objekt)
Height of the book
35 cm
Width of the book
25 cm
Anzahl der Seiten

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Great Rare Poster !! Well Packed and Quick Shipment ! THANKS !!!

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