Collar tibetano, ¡HECHO A MANO! de Botswana y Ágata de Leche (intuición y clarividencia) MUY RARO, con amuletos antiguos y más fuertes:
Dzi: "Medicina" y "Vaso de néctar" de Ágata.
"Yin - Yang y 4 elementos" de la piedra del Grupo Serpentina.

1) Amuleto , MUY ANTIGUA, "Yin - Yang y 4 elementos" de la piedra del Grupo Serpentina.:

"Yin - Yang":
El yin y el yang son dos opuestos. Como invierno y verano, día y noche, calor y frío. Y la verdad cifrada en el signo yin-yang es que uno no existe sin el otro, y juntos están unidos en algo armonioso. El símbolo del yin-yang nos recuerda que la luz sólo existe donde hay oscuridad.
El principio de la unidad del yang y el yin nos llegó de la filosofía china, donde simboliza la esencia de la creación del Universo: ambas fuerzas se manifiestan en todo. La primera mención del símbolo yin-yang se encuentra en el "Libro de los cambios", que afirma que el yin es responsable de la oscuridad, la tristeza, la pasividad y simboliza el elemento agua. Y el yang es luz, actividad, sol y simboliza el elemento fuego.
El símbolo “yin-yang” nos habla del principio de armonía. Este es uno de los símbolos más reconocibles: un círculo dividido en dos mitades. Uno de ellos es negro y el otro es blanco.

"4 elementos":
4 animales míticos que representan 4 elementos: Fuego; Agua; Tierra; Cielo.
Fénix - Fuego.
Dragón - Cielo
Tortuga - Agua
Rinoceronte - Tierra
4 animales míticos: 4 elementos de las hormonas que tienen una fuerza y un poder increíbles.

Material amuleto: piedra del Grupo Serpentina.
Tamaño: 65 x 66 x 9 mm
Peso: 55 g

Los amuletos Dzi existen desde la antigüedad. Estos son los amuletos más antiguos enriquecidos con la fuerza y el poder de las entrañas de la Tierra, el Espacio, el fuego, el agua y la naturaleza.
Las cuentas tibetanas Dzi son tesoros espirituales asombrosos y uno de los talismanes más poderosos no solo en el Tíbet sino en todo el mundo. Ayudan a su dueño en muchas áreas de la vida y contribuyen al crecimiento espiritual, la mejora de la salud, la buena suerte, el éxito en el trabajo y la navegación.
Las cuentas están hechas de ágata tibetana natural y llevan el poder del Tíbet intencional.
A veces, las cuentas más antiguas se rompen y algunas de ellas se muelen hasta convertirlas en polvo para su uso en la medicina tradicional tibetana. Además, algunas cuentas, consideradas amuletos raros y poderosos, se rompen para regalarlas a sus seres queridos. , familia, amigos, proporcionándoles un fuerte amuleto protector.

Potente amuleto de ágata tibetana Dzi "rayada" (medicinal):

La cuenta Dzi rayada simboliza una vida cómoda y armoniosa y el cumplimiento de todos los deseos. Este dzi ayuda a transformar situaciones negativas en positivas.
El dzi rayado funciona como un transformador. Transformar la energía de una situación desfavorable para que la situación mejore y el dueño de la cuenta Dzi rayada obtenga una situación transformada y favorable. Así, la vida mejora, se vuelve más cómoda y próspera. Aporta dinero, riqueza y comodidad a la vida de su dueño. Mejora la salud.

Material: Natural Agate
Tamaño: 36 x 12 ; 32 x 12 ; 10 mm
Origen: Tíbet

El amuleto tibetano más fuerte Dzi "Vessel of Abundance", (Vaso de néctar), hecho de ágata.

Llevar la vasija Dzi de néctar de la abundancia proporciona mayor seguridad a su dueño, previene desgracias y potencia las virtudes. Dzi de abundancia mejora la calidad de vida, protege contra pérdidas y da armonía en la vida. Contribuye al enriquecimiento y la prosperidad.
Longevity dzi ayuda a obtener buena salud y promueve la longevidad. Este es un muy buen dzi para todos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo tenerlo en su juego de cuentas tibetanas Dzi. También es un gran regalo para amigos y familiares.
Todos queremos ser más sanos, más ricos y vivir más tiempo. Dzi, el recipiente de la abundancia, ayuda en esto. ¡Usa este talismán tibetano y sé más exitoso y feliz!

Material: ágata
Tamaño: 20 mm
Origen: Tíbet

2) Botswana and Milk Agate Necklace (intuition and clairvoyance) - VERY RARE:

Material: Botswana and Milk Agate
Size: 12mm
Necklace length: 126cm
Necklace weight: 256g

Total peso: 311 g

Botswana agate is a variety of quartz that is characterized by its parallel features that can take on sinuous or concentric shapes. It is also characterized by a wide range of colors. Botswana agate, in particular, has white, brown, pink and gray tones. Less known than the more common variety of agate, this fine and rare stone owes its name to the main country from which it is mined, Botswana. However, this remarkable siliceous rock was known to the oldest civilizations. It was already used in the ancient Near East, by the Sumerians and Assyrians, but also later by the Phoenicians, to decorate ornaments. Its powers of protection, strength and longevity were appreciated by the ancient Egyptians, especially by warriors, who used it as an amulet in the shape of a scarab.

The people of the Middle East considered it a talisman against the evil eye and wounds, especially when its colored bands created the shape of an eye. It was also used as an offering to the deities who protected the crops. Finally, in Africa, its virtues were reputed to have a positive effect on sexual and reproductive activities, which made it the stone of fertility rituals: once reduced to powder, it served as the base of a drink that supposedly allowed the future mother will produce vigorous and healthy offspring.

Even today, its multiple benefits for the body and spirit make it a highly appreciated stone. If you are looking for a protective gem with delicate tones, small in size and easy to carry with you, the Botswana agate stone is for you.

Boswana agate is a variety of chalcedony with predominant bands of gray and pink tones, with some layers containing brown or apricot. With a trigonal crystallization system, it is a mineral that belongs to the group of oxides and its chemical formula is: SiO2.

Botswana agate owes its color to the variety of inclusions that are deposited in it during its growth, which can be seen by the circumcentric lines found in it.

This stone is of volcanic origin and the balls of this rock are hollow inside, amethyst or quartz crystallizing in the center. When it is polished you can clearly see the gray color interspersed with the white bands that give it that great beauty.

Botswana agate is the stone chosen for the sixth chakra, the frontal chakra, also called the crown chakra or third eye: it is the energy center of consciousness and reflection, and influences clairvoyance and intuition. A flat Botswana agate stone can be very useful in times of trouble or in times of decreased energy. It will also be a great ally to calm your fears and obsessions, leaving room for greater mental clarity and, therefore, well-being. Finally, also associated with tenderness, innocence and sweetness, Botswana agate allows you to feel safe in the face of adversity.
A powerful stone of harmony, Botswana agate allows for an alignment of energies, which has the effect of fighting states of stress, fatigue and even sadness. Full of positivity, his energy brings strength and motivation.
Thanks to these powers, this stone is also used to calm internal tensions and help increase introspection. By carrying your flat Botswana agate stone close to you, it will calm your feelings of anxiety and anger giving you a feeling of security. In addition, it will increase your self-confidence and concentration, and even make it easier to assimilate your memories.
Botswana agate has powerful stimulating and regenerating virtues for the upper organs of the body, particularly those related to brain and respiratory activities. Thus, by helping to disguise the feeling of withdrawal in smokers, it would help facilitate quitting tobacco, also having a healing effect on the lungs and skin. It would also help the renewal of brain tissue and neurons thanks to its purifying action on the nervous system and the entire organism.
Due to its calming virtues, it reduces sexual dysfunctions. With its toning properties, it stimulates the scalp to combat hair loss and make it more vigorous.
Finally, its ability to keep spiders and poisonous insects away is not inconsiderable. Think about it if you have something at home or if you are planning a trip to the tropics.

Variety of chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz). Has bands, spots or any other pattern. In most cases, agate is understood to be chalcedony with concentric or horizontal stripes of different colors, but there are many other varieties of agate without stripes: bastion, moss, star, etc.
Agate has been used since ancient times as a valuable ornamental and jewelry stone. Vases, figurines, souvenirs and decorative items are made with it. Jewelry-quality specimens are used to make jewelry and to inlay products made of precious and semi-precious metals. Agate mortars are used in chemistry and pharmacy, and in the manufacture of precision instruments, support prisms for agate balances were in demand.
Beware of fakes: Natural agates are often painted and sold as completely natural. More than 70% of agates and products made from them found on the market are artificially colored.
Ayurveda says that agate relieves kapha disorders. In Sanskrit, “kapha” means body water, which is present in various organs and tissues (intercellular fluid according to modern concepts). Kapha provides energy to the heart and lungs, supports the immune system (remember that immunoglobulins are present in the intercellular fluid). According to Ayurveda, agate contains the elements ether, fire and air. Agate is recommended for children: it calms and dispels fear, helps them start walking sooner.
Agate can help with many ailments. Products made from this stone help to increase potency, have a beneficial effect on the lungs, improve vision and hearing, help fight fears, help with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the system lymphatic and pancreas, cure skin diseases. protect against infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Agates are believed to protect the human body when exposed to radiation.
In Mongolia, yellow agate is believed to promote the development of internal Qi energy and give confidence. The lamas believed that this stone expels evil spirits from the human body and home.
Agate is a talisman that gives the ability to speak beautifully, be pleasant in communication, make the right decisions, make the right decisions and actions, strengthens the mind and makes a person insightful. Agates protect their owner from the machinations of enemies, protect against energy attacks and "vampirism". It was believed that agate helps keep lovers faithful to each other. In ancient Rome, agate beads were placed in gardens to protect plants. It was believed that agate could protect its owner from a lightning strike and save him during an earthquake

Se enviará en caja.

Acerca de la entrega:
La entrega se realizará a través de la empresa de transporte
Siempre podrá contar con una entrega cuidadosa y fiable. Al comprar varios artículos, solo pagas el envío una vez, ¡ahorrándote dinero! Tenga la seguridad de que si hay algún problema con sus compras, le daremos un reembolso completo.
Los gastos de aduana son responsabilidad del comprador.

Collar tibetano, ¡HECHO A MANO! de Botswana y Ágata de Leche (intuición y clarividencia) MUY RARO, con amuletos antiguos y más fuertes:
Dzi: "Medicina" y "Vaso de néctar" de Ágata.
"Yin - Yang y 4 elementos" de la piedra del Grupo Serpentina.

1) Amuleto , MUY ANTIGUA, "Yin - Yang y 4 elementos" de la piedra del Grupo Serpentina.:

"Yin - Yang":
El yin y el yang son dos opuestos. Como invierno y verano, día y noche, calor y frío. Y la verdad cifrada en el signo yin-yang es que uno no existe sin el otro, y juntos están unidos en algo armonioso. El símbolo del yin-yang nos recuerda que la luz sólo existe donde hay oscuridad.
El principio de la unidad del yang y el yin nos llegó de la filosofía china, donde simboliza la esencia de la creación del Universo: ambas fuerzas se manifiestan en todo. La primera mención del símbolo yin-yang se encuentra en el "Libro de los cambios", que afirma que el yin es responsable de la oscuridad, la tristeza, la pasividad y simboliza el elemento agua. Y el yang es luz, actividad, sol y simboliza el elemento fuego.
El símbolo “yin-yang” nos habla del principio de armonía. Este es uno de los símbolos más reconocibles: un círculo dividido en dos mitades. Uno de ellos es negro y el otro es blanco.

"4 elementos":
4 animales míticos que representan 4 elementos: Fuego; Agua; Tierra; Cielo.
Fénix - Fuego.
Dragón - Cielo
Tortuga - Agua
Rinoceronte - Tierra
4 animales míticos: 4 elementos de las hormonas que tienen una fuerza y un poder increíbles.

Material amuleto: piedra del Grupo Serpentina.
Tamaño: 65 x 66 x 9 mm
Peso: 55 g

Los amuletos Dzi existen desde la antigüedad. Estos son los amuletos más antiguos enriquecidos con la fuerza y el poder de las entrañas de la Tierra, el Espacio, el fuego, el agua y la naturaleza.
Las cuentas tibetanas Dzi son tesoros espirituales asombrosos y uno de los talismanes más poderosos no solo en el Tíbet sino en todo el mundo. Ayudan a su dueño en muchas áreas de la vida y contribuyen al crecimiento espiritual, la mejora de la salud, la buena suerte, el éxito en el trabajo y la navegación.
Las cuentas están hechas de ágata tibetana natural y llevan el poder del Tíbet intencional.
A veces, las cuentas más antiguas se rompen y algunas de ellas se muelen hasta convertirlas en polvo para su uso en la medicina tradicional tibetana. Además, algunas cuentas, consideradas amuletos raros y poderosos, se rompen para regalarlas a sus seres queridos. , familia, amigos, proporcionándoles un fuerte amuleto protector.

Potente amuleto de ágata tibetana Dzi "rayada" (medicinal):

La cuenta Dzi rayada simboliza una vida cómoda y armoniosa y el cumplimiento de todos los deseos. Este dzi ayuda a transformar situaciones negativas en positivas.
El dzi rayado funciona como un transformador. Transformar la energía de una situación desfavorable para que la situación mejore y el dueño de la cuenta Dzi rayada obtenga una situación transformada y favorable. Así, la vida mejora, se vuelve más cómoda y próspera. Aporta dinero, riqueza y comodidad a la vida de su dueño. Mejora la salud.

Material: Natural Agate
Tamaño: 36 x 12 ; 32 x 12 ; 10 mm
Origen: Tíbet

El amuleto tibetano más fuerte Dzi "Vessel of Abundance", (Vaso de néctar), hecho de ágata.

Llevar la vasija Dzi de néctar de la abundancia proporciona mayor seguridad a su dueño, previene desgracias y potencia las virtudes. Dzi de abundancia mejora la calidad de vida, protege contra pérdidas y da armonía en la vida. Contribuye al enriquecimiento y la prosperidad.
Longevity dzi ayuda a obtener buena salud y promueve la longevidad. Este es un muy buen dzi para todos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo tenerlo en su juego de cuentas tibetanas Dzi. También es un gran regalo para amigos y familiares.
Todos queremos ser más sanos, más ricos y vivir más tiempo. Dzi, el recipiente de la abundancia, ayuda en esto. ¡Usa este talismán tibetano y sé más exitoso y feliz!

Material: ágata
Tamaño: 20 mm
Origen: Tíbet

2) Botswana and Milk Agate Necklace (intuition and clairvoyance) - VERY RARE:

Material: Botswana and Milk Agate
Size: 12mm
Necklace length: 126cm
Necklace weight: 256g

Total peso: 311 g

Botswana agate is a variety of quartz that is characterized by its parallel features that can take on sinuous or concentric shapes. It is also characterized by a wide range of colors. Botswana agate, in particular, has white, brown, pink and gray tones. Less known than the more common variety of agate, this fine and rare stone owes its name to the main country from which it is mined, Botswana. However, this remarkable siliceous rock was known to the oldest civilizations. It was already used in the ancient Near East, by the Sumerians and Assyrians, but also later by the Phoenicians, to decorate ornaments. Its powers of protection, strength and longevity were appreciated by the ancient Egyptians, especially by warriors, who used it as an amulet in the shape of a scarab.

The people of the Middle East considered it a talisman against the evil eye and wounds, especially when its colored bands created the shape of an eye. It was also used as an offering to the deities who protected the crops. Finally, in Africa, its virtues were reputed to have a positive effect on sexual and reproductive activities, which made it the stone of fertility rituals: once reduced to powder, it served as the base of a drink that supposedly allowed the future mother will produce vigorous and healthy offspring.

Even today, its multiple benefits for the body and spirit make it a highly appreciated stone. If you are looking for a protective gem with delicate tones, small in size and easy to carry with you, the Botswana agate stone is for you.

Boswana agate is a variety of chalcedony with predominant bands of gray and pink tones, with some layers containing brown or apricot. With a trigonal crystallization system, it is a mineral that belongs to the group of oxides and its chemical formula is: SiO2.

Botswana agate owes its color to the variety of inclusions that are deposited in it during its growth, which can be seen by the circumcentric lines found in it.

This stone is of volcanic origin and the balls of this rock are hollow inside, amethyst or quartz crystallizing in the center. When it is polished you can clearly see the gray color interspersed with the white bands that give it that great beauty.

Botswana agate is the stone chosen for the sixth chakra, the frontal chakra, also called the crown chakra or third eye: it is the energy center of consciousness and reflection, and influences clairvoyance and intuition. A flat Botswana agate stone can be very useful in times of trouble or in times of decreased energy. It will also be a great ally to calm your fears and obsessions, leaving room for greater mental clarity and, therefore, well-being. Finally, also associated with tenderness, innocence and sweetness, Botswana agate allows you to feel safe in the face of adversity.
A powerful stone of harmony, Botswana agate allows for an alignment of energies, which has the effect of fighting states of stress, fatigue and even sadness. Full of positivity, his energy brings strength and motivation.
Thanks to these powers, this stone is also used to calm internal tensions and help increase introspection. By carrying your flat Botswana agate stone close to you, it will calm your feelings of anxiety and anger giving you a feeling of security. In addition, it will increase your self-confidence and concentration, and even make it easier to assimilate your memories.
Botswana agate has powerful stimulating and regenerating virtues for the upper organs of the body, particularly those related to brain and respiratory activities. Thus, by helping to disguise the feeling of withdrawal in smokers, it would help facilitate quitting tobacco, also having a healing effect on the lungs and skin. It would also help the renewal of brain tissue and neurons thanks to its purifying action on the nervous system and the entire organism.
Due to its calming virtues, it reduces sexual dysfunctions. With its toning properties, it stimulates the scalp to combat hair loss and make it more vigorous.
Finally, its ability to keep spiders and poisonous insects away is not inconsiderable. Think about it if you have something at home or if you are planning a trip to the tropics.

Variety of chalcedony (cryptocrystalline quartz). Has bands, spots or any other pattern. In most cases, agate is understood to be chalcedony with concentric or horizontal stripes of different colors, but there are many other varieties of agate without stripes: bastion, moss, star, etc.
Agate has been used since ancient times as a valuable ornamental and jewelry stone. Vases, figurines, souvenirs and decorative items are made with it. Jewelry-quality specimens are used to make jewelry and to inlay products made of precious and semi-precious metals. Agate mortars are used in chemistry and pharmacy, and in the manufacture of precision instruments, support prisms for agate balances were in demand.
Beware of fakes: Natural agates are often painted and sold as completely natural. More than 70% of agates and products made from them found on the market are artificially colored.
Ayurveda says that agate relieves kapha disorders. In Sanskrit, “kapha” means body water, which is present in various organs and tissues (intercellular fluid according to modern concepts). Kapha provides energy to the heart and lungs, supports the immune system (remember that immunoglobulins are present in the intercellular fluid). According to Ayurveda, agate contains the elements ether, fire and air. Agate is recommended for children: it calms and dispels fear, helps them start walking sooner.
Agate can help with many ailments. Products made from this stone help to increase potency, have a beneficial effect on the lungs, improve vision and hearing, help fight fears, help with chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the system lymphatic and pancreas, cure skin diseases. protect against infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Agates are believed to protect the human body when exposed to radiation.
In Mongolia, yellow agate is believed to promote the development of internal Qi energy and give confidence. The lamas believed that this stone expels evil spirits from the human body and home.
Agate is a talisman that gives the ability to speak beautifully, be pleasant in communication, make the right decisions, make the right decisions and actions, strengthens the mind and makes a person insightful. Agates protect their owner from the machinations of enemies, protect against energy attacks and "vampirism". It was believed that agate helps keep lovers faithful to each other. In ancient Rome, agate beads were placed in gardens to protect plants. It was believed that agate could protect its owner from a lightning strike and save him during an earthquake

Se enviará en caja.

Acerca de la entrega:
La entrega se realizará a través de la empresa de transporte
Siempre podrá contar con una entrega cuidadosa y fiable. Al comprar varios artículos, solo pagas el envío una vez, ¡ahorrándote dinero! Tenga la seguridad de que si hay algún problema con sus compras, le daremos un reembolso completo.
Los gastos de aduana son responsabilidad del comprador.

Kein Laborbericht
Nach 2000
Botswana und Milchachat (Intuition und Hellsehen) – SEHR SELTEN, mit Amuletten: Dzi und
311 g
Zusätzliche Informationen zum Titel
„Yin-Yang, 4 Elemente“
126 cm

579 Bewertungen (161 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 152
  2. 7
  3. 2

The item matches exactly as described. I found it beautiful, I loved it

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Tutto ok grazie. Corrispondente al prodotto proposto. Ben confezionato. Venditore corretto e affidabile 👏👏👏👏😄😄😄

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Everything perfect, a very nice piece, well packaged and fast shipping. Very satisfied, thank you.

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Everything perfect, a very nice piece, well packaged and fast shipping. Very satisfied, thank you.

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Many-many thanks for the beautiful object, which arrived safely and very rapidly. All the best wishes to you!

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excessivement beau, malheureusement un peu trop petit très très bien emballé. merci au vendeur

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Conforme à la description, mais un peu long pour la livraison

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Beautiful bracelet in perfect condition, thank you for the smooth service

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vous n'avez pas répondue, sur l'amulette en bronze qui est toute cabossé au dos (déformé) et sur l'ensemble qui et terne es ce que je peux le nettoyer. Cordialement

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Antwort des Verkäufers

You didn’t ask, a bronze amulet that was made by hand in a Buddhist monastery and therefore its shape is not ideal, but overall it is very bright. I don’t know how to clean it without spoiling it and why. Sincerely

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579 Bewertungen (161 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 152
  2. 7
  3. 2

The item matches exactly as described. I found it beautiful, I loved it

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Bestimmten Edelsteinen und Mineralien werden positive gesundheitliche und spirituelle Eigenschaften zugeschrieben. Allerdings bedeutet das nicht, dass Sie durch die Verwendung bzw. das Tragen von Edelsteinen oder Mineralien Krankheiten behandeln, heilen oder verhindern können. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei allen Gesundheitsfragen an Ihren Arzt und setzen Sie niemals Medikamente oder Behandlungen ab, ohne vorher Ihren Arzt konsultiert zu haben. Die Verwendung von Edelsteinen oder Mineralien als Wellness-Therapie ist eine persönliche Entscheidung. Obwohl Steine bzw. Kristalle in der Vergangenheit durchaus dazu verwendet wurden, Symptome zu lindern oder zu verhindern, gibt es bei den auf unserer Website verkauften Objekten keinerlei Garantie für irgendwelche Resultate. Daher kann Catawiki nicht für die Wirksamkeit der hier verkauften Objekte garantieren oder dafür haftbar gemacht werden.

Bestimmten Edelsteinen und Mineralien werden positive gesundheitliche und spirituelle Eigenschaften zugeschrieben. Allerdings bedeutet das nicht, dass Sie durch die Verwendung bzw. das Tragen von Edelsteinen oder Mineralien Krankheiten behandeln, heilen oder verhindern können. Bitte wenden Sie sich bei allen Gesundheitsfragen an Ihren Arzt und setzen Sie niemals Medikamente oder Behandlungen ab, ohne vorher Ihren Arzt konsultiert zu haben. Die Verwendung von Edelsteinen oder Mineralien als Wellness-Therapie ist eine persönliche Entscheidung. Obwohl Steine bzw. Kristalle in der Vergangenheit durchaus dazu verwendet wurden, Symptome zu lindern oder zu verhindern, gibt es bei den auf unserer Website verkauften Objekten keinerlei Garantie für irgendwelche Resultate. Daher kann Catawiki nicht für die Wirksamkeit der hier verkauften Objekte garantieren oder dafür haftbar gemacht werden.