Siro Pacenti PS - 2001

PS is made from the grapes grown in a single vineyard planted by Siro Pacenti on the north side of Montalcino at the beginning of the Seventies. It's bottled only in exceptional vintages. It is not filtered and requires long aging. PS is well structured, elegant, and potent, possessing the unique character of the land where it is born.

Minimum of 24 months in oak barrels.

Grape Varieties
100% Sangiovese
Alc: 14,5%

Storage: It has been meticulously stored in Italy under optimal cellar conditions, ensuring its quality and integrity.
Collection: This bottle comes from a large private collection, reflecting its exclusivity and careful preservation over the years.
Transport: Recently transported to the Netherlands, it continues to be kept under ideal conditions.

Siro Pacenti PS - 2001

PS is made from the grapes grown in a single vineyard planted by Siro Pacenti on the north side of Montalcino at the beginning of the Seventies. It's bottled only in exceptional vintages. It is not filtered and requires long aging. PS is well structured, elegant, and potent, possessing the unique character of the land where it is born.

Minimum of 24 months in oak barrels.

Grape Varieties
100% Sangiovese
Alc: 14,5%

Storage: It has been meticulously stored in Italy under optimal cellar conditions, ensuring its quality and integrity.
Collection: This bottle comes from a large private collection, reflecting its exclusivity and careful preservation over the years.
Transport: Recently transported to the Netherlands, it continues to be kept under ideal conditions.

Produzent, Name des Weines
Siro Pacenti PS
Anzahl Flaschen
Flasche (0,75 l)
Geografische Herkunft
Brunello di Montalcino
Zustand der Kapsel/ des Korkens
Völlig intakte Metallkapsel
97/100 points, Wine Spectator
Zustand Etikett
Vollständig unbeschädigt, lesbares Etikett