>>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
----------DZI 2 EYES----------
>>> DZI 2 EYES​ is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to start a family or want to strengthen their relationship. The two-eyed Dzi bead helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. Additionally, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person wiser.
>>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also establish good relationships with others, then the 2-eyed Tibetan Dzi bead is the best option for this.
-Two eyed Dzi bead as yin yang concept-
>>> The two-eyed Dzi bead personifies one of the most global foundations of this universe - the harmonious existence of a dual world around us or the Yin-Yang concept. Our world is dual, the concept of Yin and Yang reflects all relationships in this world. Ideally, all these relationships should be balanced, harmonious and complement each other, not counteract each other.
-The concept of Yang is represented by light or day, activity, movement, rigidity and strength. This is masculine energy.
-The concept of Yin symbolizes darkness, softness, flexibility, stationary energy, silence. This is feminine energy.
>>> A Dzi bead of 2 eyes is used to create a balance between these two energies. It balances them and improves stability. This is especially important for creating harmony in family relationships. Additionally, this pearl helps create the right balance between a person's thinking and action, which is the most favorable way to achieve career goals. Moreover, this balance is expressed in wiser decisions and actions that lead to the goal.
-Popularity in Tibet-
>>>Dzi 2 eyes is very popular in Tibet, because Tibetans believe that the essence of the Bodhisattva is embodied in this Dzi (a creature which consciously incarnates on Earth to help everyone live there to escape the chain of rebirths and achieve Enlightenment). Bodhisattvas help people escape from the suffering of this world and become free from all negative karma.
>>> The meaning of the Tibetan Dzi 2 eyes bead reflects the very nature of the Bodhisattva. It helps to emerge from the contradictions of this dual world and to achieve unity. This property manifests itself not only in the harmonization of relationships between men and women, but also in other earthly affairs. Therefore, the cord of 2 eyes of Dzi regulates the relationship between people and even between one's own mind and its manifestations in life, expressed in our actions. This is precisely the quality of wisdom that this Dzi bead gives, creating an optimal balance between our aspirations, our emotions and our common sense.
How to Wear a 2 Eye Dzi Bead
Based on the above, pearl is widely used in the following cases:
-To find love and start a family
-To maintain good marital relations
-To improve relationships with others
-Resolve any conflict situation peacefully
-Harmonize friendly and working relationships
-To become wiser
-To harmonize your life in all its aspects and gain stability and balance
-To start a new relationship, they recommend wearing a two-eyed Dzi bead for 2 weeks continuously. It may take longer. Creating and developing harmonious relationships is one of the most difficult life goals.
>>> If you already have a family and disagreements have arisen, a will help you in this case. Wear it periodically to improve your relationship. It helps to awaken feelings of drowsiness, warm up old passions, harmonize masculine and feminine energy and bring balance and stability to family relationships.
For other tasks, this bead is well suited both on its own and complemented with other beads that help in one or another aspect of life. Even if your main goal is to create a family, you may need to strengthen some of your qualities for its implementation. Look out for these Tibetan Dzi beads that will help you with this.
Remember that Tibetan Dzi beads only help in certain moments of life. But we are all unique and everyone has their own destiny. Therefore, if you have any problem or you have any goal in life, Dzi beads will be of great help to you. You may have to work on yourself to achieve what you want, but the help that Tibetan Dzi beads give us is a good help in life and a good guide.
is one of the main pearls used to create and maintain good relationships. Therefore, if you have such a task, take it in the form of a pendant, bracelet or necklace. It is beautiful and will help you find harmony.

----------DZI 3 EYES----------
>>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----KUBERA - the god of wealth-----
>>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones.
>>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god.
-----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads-----
>>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket.
>>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera.
>>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”.
>>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved.
>>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity.
----------DZI 9 EYES----------
>>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead.
Reputation and fame
>>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal.
>>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society.
-----Dzi 9 virtues-----
>>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness.
It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities:
1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories.
2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers.
3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public.
4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity.
5/Compassion and mercy for people.
6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society.
7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions.
8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages.
9/Achieving high reputation, fame.
>>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income.
>>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.
----------DRAGON DZI----------
>>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength.
-----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads-----
>>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically.
>>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon.
Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious.
>>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious.
>>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life.
----------LOTUS DZI----------
>>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions.
>>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth.
>>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life.
-----Application Beads Lotus Dzi-----
>>> Lotus Dzi gives attractiveness, tranquility and spiritual purity. It cleanses the body and mind and improves human relationships. Bead Dzi two Lotuses maintains the integrity, tranquility and charisma of its owner. She also activates communication with people around him and strengthens his authority among them.
>>> The Dzi Lotus is very popular due to its protective properties against negative influences and all kinds of evil. It has a cleansing effect on the human psyche, helps to ensure safety and supports the body in a healthy state.
>>> This bead helps to clear the mind and psyche of all the negative that has accumulated in our consciousness over the course of many years and even lives. In addition to cleansing the mind and calming the mind, this bead cleanses our heart. In this case, the heart is filled with love and a person comes to a state of peace of mind. The Dzi Lotus Bead is recommended for those who have to make the right decisions and those who have chosen the path of self-improvement and strive for higher levels of awareness. It brings luck and wisdom to its owner.
>>> Lotus Dzi helps in spiritual purification, enlightens the mind and soothes the heart. A person gains a state of love, calmness and serenity. Feels a sense of joy and happiness. This bead protects us from everything negative and gives attractiveness to its owner.
>>> Dzi Lotus is a very good bead both for ordinary people who want to live a more peaceful and quiet life, and for spiritual seekers who seek to calm their mind and achieve enlightenment. Wear this bead and your life will become easier and more harmonious.
----------TREASURE VASE----------
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity.
>>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier.
>>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail.
-----Precious vase-----
>>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth.
>>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again.
>>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner.
>>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people.
-----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads-----
>>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart.
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty.
All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society.
>>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity.
>>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family.
>>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy!
----------KUBERA DZI----------
>>> The Dzi Kubera bead is one of the most popular Tibetan talismans aimed at accumulating wealth. This Dzi symbolizes the god of wealth, Kubera or Dzambala. These are different aspects of the god of wealth and abundance, which are different in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. The power of these gods of wealth is also present in other Dzi beads.
>>> The significance of Kubera Dzi is directed more towards the constant accumulation and maintenance of wealth, unlike the Dzi 3 eye bead, which also symbolizes the god of wealth Kubera. It promotes continuous career growth. And when it is worn, there is a continuous increase in the wealth of its owner.
>>> The 5-eye Dzi bead also symbolizes the god of wealth Dzambala. But wealth in the 5th eye bead of Dzi does not have the property of constant accumulation, as in the bead of Dzi Kubera. There the emphasis is more on the formation and activation of various sources of income. Read more about the Dzi 5-eye bead.
-----Description and application of Kubera Dzi-----
>>> A symbol resembling a man with pens is depicted on a bead of Kubera Dzi. The triangle below symbolizes patronage. Two “pens” - strips represent a stable career with a gradual increase in income. This bead symbolizes wealth and good fortune in business.
>>> The accumulation of wealth, which helps the bead of Dzi Kubera, occurs harmoniously, together with the development of mental strength and intellectual abilities of a person. Good luck in money matters and the accumulation of wealth occurs so that a person does not lose self-esteem and receives respect from colleagues. This is a moral career, which takes place ethically and a person gains wealth without compromising his dignity.
>>> The bead of Dzi Kubera is well suited for those who want to save money, learn not to spend on trifles, reasonably calculate expenses, stop the “money flows through your fingers” condition. It is perfect for those who, having sufficient income, for some “inexplicable” reasons, cannot create savings. It will help to save up money for large things that are just very welcome, for leisure, travel, a car, an apartment, or just create a stable “financial pillow”.
Kubera will help you gain wealth while moving up the career ladder. It helps steady career growth, the accumulation of wealth and leads to the material prosperity of its owner.
>>> If you have the task of achieving a stable and growing income, then get this Dzi and wear it. If you want to quickly achieve a good income, and then consolidate the level of your income, then you can combine this Dzi with other beads directed action on success and money. Pick your package to enrich themselves or with the help of a specialist in Tibetan charms and solve your cash problem.
----------TAI YAN DZI----------
>>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals.
-----This Tibetan talisman gives-----
-Clarity of thought and improves memory.
-Helps in the work of mental mechanisms.
-Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions.
-Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions.
-It supports emotional and emotional balance.
>>> On Dzi bead a large man is depicted a drawing resembling a man with a head at both ends. The name of the bead sounds like “Yes Ren”, which is translated from Mandarin as “Yes” - large and “Ren” - a person. It means greatness, importance, big rank. Therefore, it is also called Dzi Aristocrat.
>>> This Dzi bead helps in cleansing karma, boosts intelligence, determination and ensures safety. Dzi bead big man gives a feeling of integrity and security. This is especially manifested in the mental activity of man. All thought processes are enhanced by this bead.
>>> Dzi Aristocrat is especially favorable for the following groups of people involved in mental activities:
Pupils and students, especially during exams and sessions. Scientists. Teachers
Heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs, managers.
>>> Everyone who needs a sharp mind and clear thinking, as well as older people, to prevent memory impairment and maintain a high level of thinking.
>>> In addition to its function of exerting a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person, a big man's Dzi bead helps to find important people in your environment. These can be mentors who will help you in important life issues. It may be some other people who will help you achieve your goals or support you in various life situations.
>>> The help of such people may not necessarily be expressed in the form of money or some kind of service that will lead to your well-being and a higher status in society. This can be timely and valuable advice, support, or simply approval. Such “arising” people with the help of this Dzi Aristocrat can greatly help you. Carefully watch so as not to dismiss such valuable assistants that will arise in your life.
>>> DZI BIG MAN is a very good helper in the modern world, when in order to live well, you need to operate with a mass of special knowledge and process a large amount of information. Therefore, our mind becomes the main tool for achieving wealth and prosperity. Of course, we must keep it in a highly efficient state. And the bead big man Dzi Aristocrat will help you with this.
>>> Wear this Tibetan talisman for good memory, intelligence, a clear and quick mind, and attract people who will help you in life. Combine this Dzi with other talismans and their combined strength will help you achieve your goals and live a good and happy life.
----------MONEY HOOK DZI----------
>>> The name of the Dzi bead money hook matches its image. Dzi money hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity.
>>> Dzi money hook attracts money. It expands the ability to accumulate wealth. It becomes easier for the owner of this Dzi to take control of cash flows and keep them in the direction that brings the greatest prosperity in financial matters. Money hook provides regular cash receipts, stable sources of income, the emergence of new sources of income. Strengthens the financial situation without stress of vitality, shows new opportunities for generating income.
-----Dzi Money Hook Apply-----
>>> Dzi money hook bead is one of the main Tibetan talismans aimed at obtaining material wealth. Thanks to this Dzi, its owner is given an easier ability to attract money, to keep cash flows so as not to waste incoming funds and let them into really necessary things in order to increase well-being.
>>> Dzi bead money hook as a magnet attracts the life of its owner to situations that, when used correctly, bring the owner of this bead luck in money matters. You just have to catch this luck and keep it, which will also contribute to this Dzi money hook.
>>> Dzi bead money hook helps everyone in gaining wealth and prosperity. This is a powerful money mascot. Wearing it will increase your ability to attract money and hold it, increasing your well-being. Wear this bead along with others aimed at increasing wealth and improve your life and financial situation.
—-------TURTLE DZI (LONGEVITY DZI)—-------
>>> The Dzi bead, the tortoise shell of longevity, symbolizes one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui - the turtle. Bead Dzi turtle prolongs the life of its owner, gives health and helps to recover from diseases faster. In addition, this Dzi gives stability, stability, brings good luck and has the function of support and protection.
Turtles are long-living animals and practically do not get sick. On their carapace there is a peculiar pattern, which is reflected in the bead of Dzi turtle. A person wearing such a bead gradually gains all the best health. In addition, this Dzi supports the decisiveness of its owner in his affairs and perseverance in carrying out the tasks before him.
>>> ​Dzi Turtle helps in protecting a person from diseases that are caused by energy exposure to him such as damage, evil eye and damnation. It also protects against other diseases caused by energy beings and spiritual beings. If you suspect that such an impact has been made on you, or it may be carried out, put on and wear this Dzi bead.
>>> If you want to have a stronger and healthier body, then this bead will also help you with this. It provides healing energy for the body, which is very useful for those who have poor health, who are often sick and suffer from long-term chronic diseases. It helps to recover faster and then maintain a healthy body, protecting from other diseases and ailments.
>>> If you have some important and lengthy work ahead, then the Dzi turtle bead will help to fulfill it. It provides the necessary support and vitality for long-term concentration on the goal and strength for its implementation. Your intention and perseverance to do this job will increase with the use of Dzi Turtle beads.
Sometimes they come across Dzi beads with a pattern of tortoise shell and “eyes”. Such beads carry the main qualities of the "big-eyed" beads, and the tortoise pattern gives durability and stability to their qualities.
>>> The Dzi bead, the tortoise shell of longevity, symbolizes one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui - the turtle. Bead Dzi turtle prolongs the life of its owner, gives health and helps to recover from diseases faster. >>> In addition, this Dzi gives stability, stability, brings good luck and has the function of support and protection.
>>> Turtles are long-living animals and practically do not get sick. On their carapace there is a peculiar pattern, which is reflected in the bead of Dzi turtle. A person wearing such a bead gradually gains all the best health. In addition, this Dzi supports the decisiveness of its owner in his affairs and perseverance in carrying out the tasks before him.
>>> Dzi Turtle helps in protecting a person from diseases that are caused by energy exposure to him such as damage, evil eye and damnation. It also protects against other diseases caused by energy beings and spiritual beings. If you suspect that such an impact has been made on you, or it may be carried out, put on and wear this Dzi bead.
>>> If you want to have a stronger and healthier body, then this bead will also help you with this. It provides healing energy for the body, which is very useful for those who have poor health, who are often sick and suffer from long-term chronic diseases. It helps to recover faster and then maintain a healthy body, protecting from other diseases and ailments.
>>> If you have some important and lengthy work ahead, then the Dzi turtle bead will help to fulfill it. It provides the necessary support and vitality for long-term concentration on the goal and strength for its implementation. Your intention and perseverance to do this job will increase with the use of Dzi Turtle beads.
Sometimes they come across Dzi beads with a pattern of tortoise shell and “eyes”. Such beads carry the main qualities of the "big-eyed" beads, and the tortoise pattern gives durability and stability to their qualities

>>> All the DZI I sell receive a Purification and Awakening Ceremony by my friend and Mongolian Monk Jagdag. This Ritual is inspired by chinese "KAIGUANG" (開光). Kaiguang is the Chinese term for consecration of a statue of a deity. In Chinese, the literal meaning of Kaiguang is "opening of light". While it is often performed in the Buddhist and Taoist faiths. It is believed that if a statue dont go through KAIGUANG, it cannot be worshiped or used for performance, as the eyes are still "closed".
----------DZI 2 EYES----------
>>> DZI 2 EYES​ is a talisman for those who are looking for love, their soul mate to start a family or want to strengthen their relationship. The two-eyed Dzi bead helps create a happy and harmonious marriage and improves family relationships. Additionally, it ensures the achievement of life goals and makes a person wiser.
>>> Basically, this Tibetan bead is worn by people who seek to find marital harmony and family happiness. If you want to create a happy family, find stability and peace of mind in a marital relationship, and also establish good relationships with others, then the 2-eyed Tibetan Dzi bead is the best option for this.
-Two eyed Dzi bead as yin yang concept-
>>> The two-eyed Dzi bead personifies one of the most global foundations of this universe - the harmonious existence of a dual world around us or the Yin-Yang concept. Our world is dual, the concept of Yin and Yang reflects all relationships in this world. Ideally, all these relationships should be balanced, harmonious and complement each other, not counteract each other.
-The concept of Yang is represented by light or day, activity, movement, rigidity and strength. This is masculine energy.
-The concept of Yin symbolizes darkness, softness, flexibility, stationary energy, silence. This is feminine energy.
>>> A Dzi bead of 2 eyes is used to create a balance between these two energies. It balances them and improves stability. This is especially important for creating harmony in family relationships. Additionally, this pearl helps create the right balance between a person's thinking and action, which is the most favorable way to achieve career goals. Moreover, this balance is expressed in wiser decisions and actions that lead to the goal.
-Popularity in Tibet-
>>>Dzi 2 eyes is very popular in Tibet, because Tibetans believe that the essence of the Bodhisattva is embodied in this Dzi (a creature which consciously incarnates on Earth to help everyone live there to escape the chain of rebirths and achieve Enlightenment). Bodhisattvas help people escape from the suffering of this world and become free from all negative karma.
>>> The meaning of the Tibetan Dzi 2 eyes bead reflects the very nature of the Bodhisattva. It helps to emerge from the contradictions of this dual world and to achieve unity. This property manifests itself not only in the harmonization of relationships between men and women, but also in other earthly affairs. Therefore, the cord of 2 eyes of Dzi regulates the relationship between people and even between one's own mind and its manifestations in life, expressed in our actions. This is precisely the quality of wisdom that this Dzi bead gives, creating an optimal balance between our aspirations, our emotions and our common sense.
How to Wear a 2 Eye Dzi Bead
Based on the above, pearl is widely used in the following cases:
-To find love and start a family
-To maintain good marital relations
-To improve relationships with others
-Resolve any conflict situation peacefully
-Harmonize friendly and working relationships
-To become wiser
-To harmonize your life in all its aspects and gain stability and balance
-To start a new relationship, they recommend wearing a two-eyed Dzi bead for 2 weeks continuously. It may take longer. Creating and developing harmonious relationships is one of the most difficult life goals.
>>> If you already have a family and disagreements have arisen, a will help you in this case. Wear it periodically to improve your relationship. It helps to awaken feelings of drowsiness, warm up old passions, harmonize masculine and feminine energy and bring balance and stability to family relationships.
For other tasks, this bead is well suited both on its own and complemented with other beads that help in one or another aspect of life. Even if your main goal is to create a family, you may need to strengthen some of your qualities for its implementation. Look out for these Tibetan Dzi beads that will help you with this.
Remember that Tibetan Dzi beads only help in certain moments of life. But we are all unique and everyone has their own destiny. Therefore, if you have any problem or you have any goal in life, Dzi beads will be of great help to you. You may have to work on yourself to achieve what you want, but the help that Tibetan Dzi beads give us is a good help in life and a good guide.
is one of the main pearls used to create and maintain good relationships. Therefore, if you have such a task, take it in the form of a pendant, bracelet or necklace. It is beautiful and will help you find harmony.

----------DZI 3 EYES----------
>>> DZI 3 EYES brings wealth to its owner. The three eyes of this bead symbolize the god of wealth Kubera in Tibet. Two eyes correspond to the eyes of this deity, and the third to his mouth. The 3 eyes of Dzi also symbolize the unification in one whole of the 3 key components of a person: body, mind and soul. Such a harmonious combination of soul, mind and body contributes to the achievement of good health, success and wealth.
-----KUBERA - the god of wealth-----
>>> Dzi 3-eyed bead is considered an expression of the Hindu god Kubera. Kubera became the god of wealth after he indulged in many years of severe austerities. As a reward for this, the supreme god Brahma made him the keeper of all earthly riches and granted him immortality. The god of wealth Kubera is also known in the Buddhist tradition. Usually depicted as a small chubby man, adorned with precious stones, holding a pot of money and a mongoose, belching precious stones.
>>> The main task of God Kubera on Earth is the protection of earthly riches and their equal distribution in proportion to the karmic merits of people. Therefore, it is believed that wearing a bead of 3 eyes of Dzi helps its owner to get the due share of wealth from the pot of this god.
-----Application of 3-Eye Dzi Beads-----
>>> A Tibetan 3-eyed Dzi bead can be worn as an amulet of wealth on a cord, in a bracelet or necklace. This bead also works well in the form of a keychain on a bag, for keys, etc. You can just put it in a purse or pocket.
>>> The possession of a Tibetan Dzi bead 3 eyes increases the ability of its owner to accumulate wealth through the crystallization of opportunities for making money. It is the accumulation of wealth, that is, its accumulation. This is not a momentary gain in the lottery, but a gradual buildup of one’s wealth, because it symbolizes the wealth of the Tibetan god Kubera.
>>> This bead is intended for the accumulation of benefits, ideal for anyone who wants to save a certain amount, reliably keeps them from spending extra money, money ceases to “leak through your fingers”.
>>> It also balances the vital energy of Ci through a harmonious combination of spiritual forces, mind and bodily energy. Thanks to this, good health is achieved.
>>>Therefore, the Dzi bead 3 eyes not only the bead of wealth affects much larger aspects of our lives and brings both good luck in money matters and the respect of others, happiness and longevity.
----------DZI 9 EYES----------
>>> 9 Eye Dzi is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among jewelry and accessories on the clothing of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to assemble their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase primarily a nine-eyed Dzi bead.
Reputation and fame
>>> This 9-eye Dzi bead attracts the attention of the public and brings its owner great fame and popularity in society. With such fame and good reputation, the owner of the 9-eye Dzi bead is able to achieve material success and well-being much easier. The more popular a person gains, the more material wealth he can get at his disposal.
>>> It is this quality that attracts the success and fame of this Tibetan bead Dzi 9 eyes so highly appreciated by all who seek to become a pop star and gain great popularity. In addition, enhancing your reputation is a very valuable quality both for politicians and for doing business in a business environment. Therefore, the 9-eyed bead Dzi is suitable for representatives of these circles of society.
-----Dzi 9 virtues-----
>>> In addition to the ability of the Dzi 9 eye bead to bring widespread popularity to its owner, it has many more wonderful qualities. The 9 eyes of this bead symbolize the essence of all 9 planets of our solar system. The number "9" in Buddhism is the number of completeness and completeness.
It is believed that this Dzi brings its owner all kinds of luck and gives advantages in life, which are expressed in the following 9 advantages and abilities:
1/The ability to achieve triumphal victories.
2/The ability to protect yourself, people and your business from possible adversities and dangers.
3/The acquisition of wide fame and popularity among the public.
4/Gaining self-esteem and dignity.
5/Compassion and mercy for people.
6/The acquisition of power, strength and power in society.
7/Authority and competence in the field in which the person works, achieving great authority and leadership positions.
8/The ability to both self-control and good control and management of those people and enterprises that this person manages.
9/Achieving high reputation, fame.
>>> As can be seen from the above, the Dzi bead 9 eyes is especially suitable for those people who seek to achieve fame, fame and great popularity among the public. These qualities, along with the ability to manage their affairs well, make it possible to achieve a high position in society and a good level of income.
>>> Dzi 9-eyed bead is well-suited for businessmen, politicians and public figures and cultural figures. It favors those who need a good image and high reputation. The 9-eye Dzi bead is especially good for people in leadership positions, business owners and managers, leaders of social movements and political parties.
----------DRAGON DZI----------
>>> Bead Dzi DRAGON has a pronounced masculine energy Yang and is a symbol of masculine power. Therefore, this Tibetan talisman is best worn by representatives of the Yang energy, i.e., men. This Tibetan talisman helps to find and strengthen all men's qualities.
>>>Dragons are mythical and magical creatures, which, according to legend, can be a source of life and life forms. Dzi dragon bead helps to combine the three most important components of life: body, mind and soul into a single harmonious organism. Such an association gives the owner of this Dzi good bodily health, good luck and success in business, and great spiritual strength.
-----Description and Application of Dzi Dragon Beads-----
>>>On the bead of Dzi dragon the image of the dragon is drawn as it is represented in Tibetan and Chinese traditions. In Tibet, dragons are considered the highest beings in the hierarchy of the animal world. She is the strongest in physical terms, the smartest and most powerful spiritually and magically.
>>>All dragons possess alchemy and can breathe fire and do magic. Dragons are masters of materializing various objects, including living things. They masterfully master magic, creating magical things and themselves live in a magical world. Dragons bring magic in all its forms to the life of the owner of the bead Dzi dragon.
Dragons live in all dimensions from Earth to heaven. When they are on Earth, they tend to live in large underground caves where they live, store their treasures and move around quietly. The underground level represents our subconscious. Therefore, the bead Dzi dragon helps its owner to reveal the secrets of his subconscious.
>>>Dzi Dragon Bead is a great mascot for men. It helps to gain both physical and spiritual strength. Wearing this bead helps to cope with difficulties in life and at work. It helps to overcome both external enemies in the form of competitors and ill-wishers, as well as internal enemies, which until now have been hiding in our subconscious.
>>>Dzi dragon bead helps to achieve the integrity of the body, mind and spirit. This is great Dzi for those who strive to be a leader and for those who just want to become more confident and active in life.
----------LOTUS DZI----------
>>> Dzi Lotus has the ability to clear the mind and soothe the heart. This leads to peace of mind and a clear consciousness. In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes many things. But the main meaning of Dzi Lotus is spiritual disclosure and purity. This is the revelation of the true nature of a being, which is realized through enlightenment, compassion for all living beings and liberation from one’s passions.
>>> Lotus is a water flower. It begins to grow in the mud that has accumulated at the bottom of the reservoir - bottom mud. It grows in conditions in which other water lilies do not survive. The lotus actually grows out of the mud, and its flowers are some of the most beautiful flowers on Earth.
>>> The mission of the lotus flowers is to show us that beauty can grow and flourish even in the dirtiest conditions of existence. Beauty can be found anywhere. Dzi lotus flower helps its owner to create a perfect state of mind and a calm life.
-----Application Beads Lotus Dzi-----
>>> Lotus Dzi gives attractiveness, tranquility and spiritual purity. It cleanses the body and mind and improves human relationships. Bead Dzi two Lotuses maintains the integrity, tranquility and charisma of its owner. She also activates communication with people around him and strengthens his authority among them.
>>> The Dzi Lotus is very popular due to its protective properties against negative influences and all kinds of evil. It has a cleansing effect on the human psyche, helps to ensure safety and supports the body in a healthy state.
>>> This bead helps to clear the mind and psyche of all the negative that has accumulated in our consciousness over the course of many years and even lives. In addition to cleansing the mind and calming the mind, this bead cleanses our heart. In this case, the heart is filled with love and a person comes to a state of peace of mind. The Dzi Lotus Bead is recommended for those who have to make the right decisions and those who have chosen the path of self-improvement and strive for higher levels of awareness. It brings luck and wisdom to its owner.
>>> Lotus Dzi helps in spiritual purification, enlightens the mind and soothes the heart. A person gains a state of love, calmness and serenity. Feels a sense of joy and happiness. This bead protects us from everything negative and gives attractiveness to its owner.
>>> Dzi Lotus is a very good bead both for ordinary people who want to live a more peaceful and quiet life, and for spiritual seekers who seek to calm their mind and achieve enlightenment. Wear this bead and your life will become easier and more harmonious.
----------TREASURE VASE----------
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty contributes to the enrichment of its owner, improves the quality of life and protects against possible losses. Dzi fertility vessel provides safety and prevents misfortune. It improves health and prolongs life. Therefore, it is also called Dzi longevity.
>>> Dzi nectar vessel of plenty helps its owner increase his income. This Dzi has the power to eradicate sadness and suffering. The Dzi fertility vessel attracts luck and helps its owner make money and become richer and healthier.
>>>The picture, depicted on a Dzi bead, a nectar vessel of plenty, personifies one of the auspicious symbols of Buddhism - a precious vase. Consider this Buddhist symbol in more detail.
-----Precious vase-----
>>> A precious vase or vessel of plenty is one of the eight auspicious symbols of Buddhism. The precious vase symbolizes spiritual and material wealth, abundance and happiness. Its symbolic meaning is almost always associated with the accumulation and satisfaction of material wealth. In many cultures, there is a similar concept of an inexhaustible vessel that provides wealth.
>>> There are two aspects to the operation of this precious vase of plenty - external and internal. The external aspect is expressed in the filling of this vase with various valuable substances: gold, silver, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, agate, onyx, pearls, crystal and turquoise. It may also contain food in the form of grains of rice, peas, lentils, etc. The vase is filled to the brim. And if something is taken out of it, then it is filled again.
>>> The inner nature of the precious vase of plenty is the heavenly palace in which, along with other Bodhisattva beings of compassion and the supreme god of wealth, live. This secret aspect of the vessel of plenty makes the owner of such a vase content and happy. Also, this vase helps protect against all kinds of evil and brings good to the life of its owner.
>>> In order to attract wealth into their home, vases of plenty filled with precious and sacred substances are usually placed on the altars. Also, such vases can be buried on mountain passes, under flowing water, or simply somewhere in the area of ​​your home. The presence of such a talisman attracts wealth and at the same time does not violate harmony with the world. In relation to Buddhism, this means the spiritual abundance of the Buddha. These are inexhaustible treasures, the number of which does not decrease, no matter how much he gives them to people.
-----Description and use of Dzi nectar beads-----
>>> On a Dzi bead a nectar vessel of plenty is drawn a vessel in the form of a heart with a cross extending from it. In the vessel itself, quite often, an image in the form of a heart is also drawn. It turns out two hearts embedded in each other. Such Dzi longevity can prevent the occurrence of disease. There are beads with one vessel of the heart.
>>> Dzi bead nectar vessel of plenty prevents death from accidents, improves the strengths of the individual and helps its owner to achieve wealth and longevity. Dzi a vessel of plenty contributes to the acquisition of those things that delight the eye and soul. Thanks to the Dzi of plenty, you can find “milk rivers and jelly banks,” that is, get into a country of plenty.
All the things you only dreamed about could be yours if you have a Dzi bead of nectar-filled abundance. This Tibetan talisman helps to open doors previously closed for you and makes your life easier and more enjoyable. Dzi bead of longevity provides good health and helps to develop charisma, which helps to influence people and achieve a good position in society.
>>> Carrying a Dzi nectar vessel of plenty provides the best safety of its owner, prevents misfortunes and improves virtues. Dzi abundance improves the quality of life, protects against loss and gives harmony in life. It contributes to enrichment and prosperity.
>>> Dzi longevity helps to find good health and promotes longevity. This is a very good Dzi for everyone. Therefore, it is necessary to have it in your set of Tibetan beads Dzi. It is also a great gift for friends and family.
>>> We all want to become healthier, wealthier and live longer. Dzi fertility vessel helps with this. Wear this Tibetan mascot and become more successful and happy!
----------KUBERA DZI----------
>>> The Dzi Kubera bead is one of the most popular Tibetan talismans aimed at accumulating wealth. This Dzi symbolizes the god of wealth, Kubera or Dzambala. These are different aspects of the god of wealth and abundance, which are different in Buddhist and Hindu traditions. The power of these gods of wealth is also present in other Dzi beads.
>>> The significance of Kubera Dzi is directed more towards the constant accumulation and maintenance of wealth, unlike the Dzi 3 eye bead, which also symbolizes the god of wealth Kubera. It promotes continuous career growth. And when it is worn, there is a continuous increase in the wealth of its owner.
>>> The 5-eye Dzi bead also symbolizes the god of wealth Dzambala. But wealth in the 5th eye bead of Dzi does not have the property of constant accumulation, as in the bead of Dzi Kubera. There the emphasis is more on the formation and activation of various sources of income. Read more about the Dzi 5-eye bead.
-----Description and application of Kubera Dzi-----
>>> A symbol resembling a man with pens is depicted on a bead of Kubera Dzi. The triangle below symbolizes patronage. Two “pens” - strips represent a stable career with a gradual increase in income. This bead symbolizes wealth and good fortune in business.
>>> The accumulation of wealth, which helps the bead of Dzi Kubera, occurs harmoniously, together with the development of mental strength and intellectual abilities of a person. Good luck in money matters and the accumulation of wealth occurs so that a person does not lose self-esteem and receives respect from colleagues. This is a moral career, which takes place ethically and a person gains wealth without compromising his dignity.
>>> The bead of Dzi Kubera is well suited for those who want to save money, learn not to spend on trifles, reasonably calculate expenses, stop the “money flows through your fingers” condition. It is perfect for those who, having sufficient income, for some “inexplicable” reasons, cannot create savings. It will help to save up money for large things that are just very welcome, for leisure, travel, a car, an apartment, or just create a stable “financial pillow”.
Kubera will help you gain wealth while moving up the career ladder. It helps steady career growth, the accumulation of wealth and leads to the material prosperity of its owner.
>>> If you have the task of achieving a stable and growing income, then get this Dzi and wear it. If you want to quickly achieve a good income, and then consolidate the level of your income, then you can combine this Dzi with other beads directed action on success and money. Pick your package to enrich themselves or with the help of a specialist in Tibetan charms and solve your cash problem.
----------TAI YAN DZI----------
>>> Dzi Bead The Big Man /Dzi Aristocrat/ is a magnificent talisman for people who are in love with their job, who know how and love to work, who are ready to give all in their work. She is good for intellectuals.
-----This Tibetan talisman gives-----
-Clarity of thought and improves memory.
-Helps in the work of mental mechanisms.
-Promotes clarity and consistency of conclusions.
-Improves the mental stability of a person when working in adverse conditions.
-It supports emotional and emotional balance.
>>> On Dzi bead a large man is depicted a drawing resembling a man with a head at both ends. The name of the bead sounds like “Yes Ren”, which is translated from Mandarin as “Yes” - large and “Ren” - a person. It means greatness, importance, big rank. Therefore, it is also called Dzi Aristocrat.
>>> This Dzi bead helps in cleansing karma, boosts intelligence, determination and ensures safety. Dzi bead big man gives a feeling of integrity and security. This is especially manifested in the mental activity of man. All thought processes are enhanced by this bead.
>>> Dzi Aristocrat is especially favorable for the following groups of people involved in mental activities:
Pupils and students, especially during exams and sessions. Scientists. Teachers
Heads of enterprises, entrepreneurs, managers.
>>> Everyone who needs a sharp mind and clear thinking, as well as older people, to prevent memory impairment and maintain a high level of thinking.
>>> In addition to its function of exerting a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person, a big man's Dzi bead helps to find important people in your environment. These can be mentors who will help you in important life issues. It may be some other people who will help you achieve your goals or support you in various life situations.
>>> The help of such people may not necessarily be expressed in the form of money or some kind of service that will lead to your well-being and a higher status in society. This can be timely and valuable advice, support, or simply approval. Such “arising” people with the help of this Dzi Aristocrat can greatly help you. Carefully watch so as not to dismiss such valuable assistants that will arise in your life.
>>> DZI BIG MAN is a very good helper in the modern world, when in order to live well, you need to operate with a mass of special knowledge and process a large amount of information. Therefore, our mind becomes the main tool for achieving wealth and prosperity. Of course, we must keep it in a highly efficient state. And the bead big man Dzi Aristocrat will help you with this.
>>> Wear this Tibetan talisman for good memory, intelligence, a clear and quick mind, and attract people who will help you in life. Combine this Dzi with other talismans and their combined strength will help you achieve your goals and live a good and happy life.
----------MONEY HOOK DZI----------
>>> The name of the Dzi bead money hook matches its image. Dzi money hook pattern looks like an ordinary “S” shaped hook. And the function of this hook, like a fishing one, is to catch. But not ordinary fish is caught on this hook, but happiness, wealth and prosperity.
>>> Dzi money hook attracts money. It expands the ability to accumulate wealth. It becomes easier for the owner of this Dzi to take control of cash flows and keep them in the direction that brings the greatest prosperity in financial matters. Money hook provides regular cash receipts, stable sources of income, the emergence of new sources of income. Strengthens the financial situation without stress of vitality, shows new opportunities for generating income.
-----Dzi Money Hook Apply-----
>>> Dzi money hook bead is one of the main Tibetan talismans aimed at obtaining material wealth. Thanks to this Dzi, its owner is given an easier ability to attract money, to keep cash flows so as not to waste incoming funds and let them into really necessary things in order to increase well-being.
>>> Dzi bead money hook as a magnet attracts the life of its owner to situations that, when used correctly, bring the owner of this bead luck in money matters. You just have to catch this luck and keep it, which will also contribute to this Dzi money hook.
>>> Dzi bead money hook helps everyone in gaining wealth and prosperity. This is a powerful money mascot. Wearing it will increase your ability to attract money and hold it, increasing your well-being. Wear this bead along with others aimed at increasing wealth and improve your life and financial situation.
—-------TURTLE DZI (LONGEVITY DZI)—-------
>>> The Dzi bead, the tortoise shell of longevity, symbolizes one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui - the turtle. Bead Dzi turtle prolongs the life of its owner, gives health and helps to recover from diseases faster. In addition, this Dzi gives stability, stability, brings good luck and has the function of support and protection.
Turtles are long-living animals and practically do not get sick. On their carapace there is a peculiar pattern, which is reflected in the bead of Dzi turtle. A person wearing such a bead gradually gains all the best health. In addition, this Dzi supports the decisiveness of its owner in his affairs and perseverance in carrying out the tasks before him.
>>> ​Dzi Turtle helps in protecting a person from diseases that are caused by energy exposure to him such as damage, evil eye and damnation. It also protects against other diseases caused by energy beings and spiritual beings. If you suspect that such an impact has been made on you, or it may be carried out, put on and wear this Dzi bead.
>>> If you want to have a stronger and healthier body, then this bead will also help you with this. It provides healing energy for the body, which is very useful for those who have poor health, who are often sick and suffer from long-term chronic diseases. It helps to recover faster and then maintain a healthy body, protecting from other diseases and ailments.
>>> If you have some important and lengthy work ahead, then the Dzi turtle bead will help to fulfill it. It provides the necessary support and vitality for long-term concentration on the goal and strength for its implementation. Your intention and perseverance to do this job will increase with the use of Dzi Turtle beads.
Sometimes they come across Dzi beads with a pattern of tortoise shell and “eyes”. Such beads carry the main qualities of the "big-eyed" beads, and the tortoise pattern gives durability and stability to their qualities.
>>> The Dzi bead, the tortoise shell of longevity, symbolizes one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui - the turtle. Bead Dzi turtle prolongs the life of its owner, gives health and helps to recover from diseases faster. >>> In addition, this Dzi gives stability, stability, brings good luck and has the function of support and protection.
>>> Turtles are long-living animals and practically do not get sick. On their carapace there is a peculiar pattern, which is reflected in the bead of Dzi turtle. A person wearing such a bead gradually gains all the best health. In addition, this Dzi supports the decisiveness of its owner in his affairs and perseverance in carrying out the tasks before him.
>>> Dzi Turtle helps in protecting a person from diseases that are caused by energy exposure to him such as damage, evil eye and damnation. It also protects against other diseases caused by energy beings and spiritual beings. If you suspect that such an impact has been made on you, or it may be carried out, put on and wear this Dzi bead.
>>> If you want to have a stronger and healthier body, then this bead will also help you with this. It provides healing energy for the body, which is very useful for those who have poor health, who are often sick and suffer from long-term chronic diseases. It helps to recover faster and then maintain a healthy body, protecting from other diseases and ailments.
>>> If you have some important and lengthy work ahead, then the Dzi turtle bead will help to fulfill it. It provides the necessary support and vitality for long-term concentration on the goal and strength for its implementation. Your intention and perseverance to do this job will increase with the use of Dzi Turtle beads.
Sometimes they come across Dzi beads with a pattern of tortoise shell and “eyes”. Such beads carry the main qualities of the "big-eyed" beads, and the tortoise pattern gives durability and stability to their qualities

Kristallform/ Art Meteorit
9 DZI (30 mm + 55 mm) – UV-reaktiver Achat – Gesegnet vom Mönch + Kalligraphie
Kunstwerk basierend auf Jagdags Kalligraphie-Übersetzung: „Gesegnet von Namsarai (Lamaname von
55 g
Herkunft (Region/ Stadt)

117 Bewertungen (48 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
  1. 47
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Wonderful Dzis, shipped quickly - perfect, thanks for your present

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Expédition très rapide et perles superbes ,magnifiquement emballées avec beaucoup de soin et de beauté .Merci pour le cadeau dans le paquet ; très touchée.Merci à vous

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Bonjour StoneAge, Merci de votre amicale attention ainsi que de la qualité de tous les éléments du colis entourant le DZI 12 Yeux que j ai bien réceptionné. Cordialement. Fra

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Ordine arrivato,veramente molto bello,grazie per la piacevole sorpresa.A presto

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Absolutely stunning. I love them. Thank you so much. Great service.

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Received ok, well packed, very beautiful stones. Top seller. Thank you só much!

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Ein besonderes hochwertigen Fundstück habe ich hiermit erworben. Danke sehr für den liebevoll verpackten Paket.

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Le vendeur est très attentionné et je le suis reconnaissant de m'avoir transmit dans les meilleures conditions ce joyau de perle DZI 6 Yeux.

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PARFAIT, merci pour votre bienveillance et votre attention avec les présents offerts avec ma commande et d'avoir répondu à mes questions. TOP VENDEUR

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Colis bien reçu. De beaux articles et une jolie attention sous forme de cadeau. Merci. J.L

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Very interesting dZi gems ,Thank you for excellent service and gifts.I appreciate it much.

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Buongiorno, sono molto soddisfatta del mio acquisto. Assieme all' acquisto ho trovato dei regali, grazie.

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Produits de qualité,vendeur top,envois soignés,tout est parfait !

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bonjour , Vendeur Sérieux je suis ravie des perles perles , elles sont très belles . Un grand merci pour les cadeaux , ça fait vraiment plaisir .A bientôt pour de prochains achats .Encore Merci

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I´d give StoneAge 6 stars out of 5 stars, if it was possible. Thank You

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I can highly recommend StoneAge. I´m very happy with the item`s I bought. The parcel was extremely well wrapped. My item`s is exactly, as was advertised. Thank you.

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das Objekt war sehr gut verpackt und liebevolle Beigaben. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und kann Stone Age nur weiterempfehlen

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Merci pour cet envoi rapide et parfait et pour votre délicate attention. Les pierres sont encore mieux que sur les photos. Sophie L

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Wow veramente un oggetto particolare da vedere Grazie Luca

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Colis reçu a date bien emballé et merci pour le petit mots et les cadeaux ☺️ Super 👍

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Très contente de mes objets ils sont magnifiques. J’ai reçu rapidement le colis. En plus le vendeur a rajouté de superbes cadeaux qui m’on fait très plaisir Je recommande à 1000% ce vendeur. Merci🙏🙏🙏

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Toujours super expérience avec ce top vendeur ! Des petites attentions qui font toute la différence et qui méritent toute ma gratitude.. Merci infiniment

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Thank you so much for the fantastic service, gifts and fast delivery.

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117 Bewertungen (48 in den letzten 12 Monaten)
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Wonderful Dzis, shipped quickly - perfect, thanks for your present

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