Nr. 84646009

Bobo - Burkina Faso  (Ohne Mindestpreis)
190 €
Vor 3 Wochen

Bobo - Burkina Faso (Ohne Mindestpreis)

A large beautifully crafted Bobo helmet mask, Western Burkina Faso, of a large oval shaped head with opened mouth showing teeth, a pointed triangular nose, square eyes, the forehead is slightly bulging, a mohawk that is surmounted by a leaf like shaped headdress, topped off with a bird, the face has remnants of white pigment that can also be found on the in geometric patterns on the mohawk, the leave design and the bird; a large crack on the side of the face, attachment hols on the rims of the mask, signs of use. Lit.: Christopher D. Roy/Thomas G.B. Wheelock: Land of the Flying Masks. Art and Culture in Burkina Faso. The Thomas G. B. Wheelock Collection, Prestel 2007.

Nr. 84646009

Bobo - Burkina Faso  (Ohne Mindestpreis)

Bobo - Burkina Faso (Ohne Mindestpreis)

A large beautifully crafted Bobo helmet mask, Western Burkina Faso, of a large oval shaped head with opened mouth showing teeth, a pointed triangular nose, square eyes, the forehead is slightly bulging, a mohawk that is surmounted by a leaf like shaped headdress, topped off with a bird, the face has remnants of white pigment that can also be found on the in geometric patterns on the mohawk, the leave design and the bird; a large crack on the side of the face, attachment hols on the rims of the mask, signs of use.

Lit.: Christopher D. Roy/Thomas G.B. Wheelock: Land of the Flying Masks. Art and Culture in Burkina Faso. The Thomas G. B. Wheelock Collection, Prestel 2007.

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