Beads necklace

- very big and nice -

600 - 400 BC


47 cm long

Condition: Very Good state, see photos.

Provenance: Ex. Private collection, R. P. (1928 - 2013), Barcleona, formed bettween 1950 - 1990. [old inventory number 3773] Thence by descent.

A Phoenician necklace with beads with linear decoration and eyes in vitreous paste is a jewel that encapsulates the artistic sophistication and symbolic beliefs of the Phoenicians.

The eye beads, known as “glass eyes”, are interspersed throughout the necklace and served as protective amulets against the evil eye, a widespread belief in antiquity.

This type of necklace was not only a fashion accessory, but also an object of protection and status, reflecting the wealth and cultural connection of the Phoenicians with other Mediterranean peoples. The combination of aesthetics and symbolism in these pieces highlights the ability of the Phoenicians to create objects that were both beautiful and functional in their beliefs and daily practices.

Phoenician glass bead necklaces are a testament to the technical skill and artistic creativity of this ancient civilization, known for its mastery in glass manufacturing. These necklaces, dating back to the first millennium BC, were made with glass beads of various colors, shapes and sizes, displaying a vibrant and detailed design.

The beads often included symbolic motifs, such as human faces or deities, protective eyes (the “eye of Horus”) and geometric patterns. These decorations served not only an aesthetic purpose, but also a protective one, serving as amulets against the evil eye and other spiritual dangers.

The manufacture of these beads employed advanced techniques, such as hot glass rolling and molding, along with the use of mineral pigments to create brilliant colors. The Phoenicians, great traders, spread this jewelry throughout the Mediterranean, taking them to regions such as Egypt, Greece and the Iberian Peninsula, where they became objects of prestige and evidence of cultural exchange in antiquity.

- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.

Sælger's Historie

VIGTIGE BEMÆRKNINGER: -Vi er en professionel sælger. - Alle solgte varer kommer med deres professionelle faktura. - Alle solgte varer kommer med deres eget ægthedscertifikat (garantidokument), inklusive beskrivelse, billede og herkomst af varen. - Alle varer vil blive sendt via privat kurer med forsikring (DHL express, CORREOS i Spanien eller andet lignende med sporingsnummer). - Alle varer, når de sendes (hvis påkrævet), vil blive erklæret som antikviteter over 100 år gamle og deres pris værdiansættes. - Ved forsendelse uden for EU: Leveringstid med forbehold for toldbehandling. Ansvar og toldbestemmelser eller importkrav gældende i destinationslandet er udelukkende køberens ansvar. Vi er ikke ansvarlige for forsinkelser forårsaget af toldprocedurer. Importafgifter og moms er ikke inkluderet i forsendelsesomkostningerne. Den importafgift eller moms, der skal betales, afhænger af destinationslandet. Betalinger af eventuelle skatter eller eventuelle tvister med toldmyndighederne er udelukkende køberens ansvar. - For nogle af de tilbudte varer er det for forsendelse uden for EU nødvendigt at indhente en eksporttilladelse, som beskriver køberens betaling af eksportgebyrer i henhold til spansk lovgivning. Hvis det er nødvendigt, vil det blive nævnt i beskrivelsen af artiklen, FORDI DET IKKE I ALLE TILFÆLDE ER SÅDAN. Disse gebyrer vil blive tilføjet fakturaen på købers regning. Disse eksportgebyrer er fastsat på den endelige auktionspris, og afgiftssatsen pålægges ikke direkte på den samlede værdi af den vare, der skal eksporteres, men de forskellige procentsatser efter sektioner anvendes på den: Op til 6.000 euro: 5%. Fra 6.001 til 60.000 euro: 10 %. Denne ansøgningsproces for eksporttilladelse kan maksimalt tage mellem 1-2 måneder. - Vi garanterer, at han erhvervede dette stykke i henhold til alle nationale og internationale love, der er relateret til ejendomsretten til kulturejendomme.
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Beads necklace

- very big and nice -

600 - 400 BC


47 cm long

Condition: Very Good state, see photos.

Provenance: Ex. Private collection, R. P. (1928 - 2013), Barcleona, formed bettween 1950 - 1990. [old inventory number 3773] Thence by descent.

A Phoenician necklace with beads with linear decoration and eyes in vitreous paste is a jewel that encapsulates the artistic sophistication and symbolic beliefs of the Phoenicians.

The eye beads, known as “glass eyes”, are interspersed throughout the necklace and served as protective amulets against the evil eye, a widespread belief in antiquity.

This type of necklace was not only a fashion accessory, but also an object of protection and status, reflecting the wealth and cultural connection of the Phoenicians with other Mediterranean peoples. The combination of aesthetics and symbolism in these pieces highlights the ability of the Phoenicians to create objects that were both beautiful and functional in their beliefs and daily practices.

Phoenician glass bead necklaces are a testament to the technical skill and artistic creativity of this ancient civilization, known for its mastery in glass manufacturing. These necklaces, dating back to the first millennium BC, were made with glass beads of various colors, shapes and sizes, displaying a vibrant and detailed design.

The beads often included symbolic motifs, such as human faces or deities, protective eyes (the “eye of Horus”) and geometric patterns. These decorations served not only an aesthetic purpose, but also a protective one, serving as amulets against the evil eye and other spiritual dangers.

The manufacture of these beads employed advanced techniques, such as hot glass rolling and molding, along with the use of mineral pigments to create brilliant colors. The Phoenicians, great traders, spread this jewelry throughout the Mediterranean, taking them to regions such as Egypt, Greece and the Iberian Peninsula, where they became objects of prestige and evidence of cultural exchange in antiquity.

- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.

Sælger's Historie

VIGTIGE BEMÆRKNINGER: -Vi er en professionel sælger. - Alle solgte varer kommer med deres professionelle faktura. - Alle solgte varer kommer med deres eget ægthedscertifikat (garantidokument), inklusive beskrivelse, billede og herkomst af varen. - Alle varer vil blive sendt via privat kurer med forsikring (DHL express, CORREOS i Spanien eller andet lignende med sporingsnummer). - Alle varer, når de sendes (hvis påkrævet), vil blive erklæret som antikviteter over 100 år gamle og deres pris værdiansættes. - Ved forsendelse uden for EU: Leveringstid med forbehold for toldbehandling. Ansvar og toldbestemmelser eller importkrav gældende i destinationslandet er udelukkende køberens ansvar. Vi er ikke ansvarlige for forsinkelser forårsaget af toldprocedurer. Importafgifter og moms er ikke inkluderet i forsendelsesomkostningerne. Den importafgift eller moms, der skal betales, afhænger af destinationslandet. Betalinger af eventuelle skatter eller eventuelle tvister med toldmyndighederne er udelukkende køberens ansvar. - For nogle af de tilbudte varer er det for forsendelse uden for EU nødvendigt at indhente en eksporttilladelse, som beskriver køberens betaling af eksportgebyrer i henhold til spansk lovgivning. Hvis det er nødvendigt, vil det blive nævnt i beskrivelsen af artiklen, FORDI DET IKKE I ALLE TILFÆLDE ER SÅDAN. Disse gebyrer vil blive tilføjet fakturaen på købers regning. Disse eksportgebyrer er fastsat på den endelige auktionspris, og afgiftssatsen pålægges ikke direkte på den samlede værdi af den vare, der skal eksporteres, men de forskellige procentsatser efter sektioner anvendes på den: Op til 6.000 euro: 5%. Fra 6.001 til 60.000 euro: 10 %. Denne ansøgningsproces for eksporttilladelse kan maksimalt tage mellem 1-2 måneder. - Vi garanterer, at han erhvervede dette stykke i henhold til alle nationale og internationale love, der er relateret til ejendomsretten til kulturejendomme.
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Name of object
Perler halskæde. 47 cm L. Fønikisk 600 - 400 f.Kr.
Århundrede/ Tidsramme
600 - 400 BC
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