Nr. 92507283

The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books - 16 Facsimile editions - 1981
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The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books - 16 Facsimile editions - 1981

Facsimile editions from the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. London/ Sydney, The Bodley Head, 1981: 1) The Mansion of Bliss by T. Newton. 2) The New Picture Book with explanations by Nicholas Bohny. 3) The Baby's own Aesop. Illustrated by Walter Crane. 4) Under the Windows. Pictures and Rhymes for Children by Kate Greenaway. 5) Old Nurse's Book of Rhymes, Jingles and Ditties. Edited and illustrated by Charles H. Bennett. 6) Cinderella with Five Set Scenes and Nine Trick Changes. 7) Hop-o'my-thumb and the seven league boots. 8) The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls. Illustrated by Florence K. Upton words by Bertha H. Upton. 9) Kate Greenaway's Calender for 1884. 10) The Diverting History of John Gilpin. The babes in the wood. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. 11) The Alphabet of Old Friends Puss in Boots. Illustrated by Walter Crane. 12) The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast by William Roscoe. The Peacock at home by Mrs. Dorset. 13) The Death and Burial of Cock Robin. The Adventures of Old Dame Trot and her Comical Cat. W. Darton. 14) Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Johann A. Comenius. 15) A Visit to the Bazaar. Printed for John Harris. 16) The Dog's dinner party. Routlegde & Sons.

Nr. 92507283

The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books - 16 Facsimile editions - 1981

The Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books - 16 Facsimile editions - 1981

Facsimile editions from the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books. London/ Sydney, The Bodley Head, 1981:

1) The Mansion of Bliss by T. Newton.
2) The New Picture Book with explanations by Nicholas Bohny.
3) The Baby's own Aesop. Illustrated by Walter Crane.
4) Under the Windows. Pictures and Rhymes for Children by Kate Greenaway.
5) Old Nurse's Book of Rhymes, Jingles and Ditties. Edited and illustrated by Charles H. Bennett.
6) Cinderella with Five Set Scenes and Nine Trick Changes.
7) Hop-o'my-thumb and the seven league boots.
8) The Adventures of Two Dutch Dolls. Illustrated by Florence K. Upton words by Bertha H. Upton.
9) Kate Greenaway's Calender for 1884.
10) The Diverting History of John Gilpin. The babes in the wood. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott.
11) The Alphabet of Old Friends Puss in Boots. Illustrated by Walter Crane.
12) The Butterfly's Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast by William Roscoe. The Peacock at home by Mrs. Dorset.
13) The Death and Burial of Cock Robin. The Adventures of Old Dame Trot and her Comical Cat. W. Darton.
14) Orbis Sensualium Pictus by Johann A. Comenius.
15) A Visit to the Bazaar. Printed for John Harris.
16) The Dog's dinner party. Routlegde & Sons.

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