This katana tachi from the Edo period exemplifies the finest qualities of traditional Japanese sword craftsmanship. Featuring a stunning gunome hamon (wavy temper line), this katana is an exceptional piece, both in form and function. Its deep curvature and intricate details make it a valuable addition to any collection.

Period : Edo
Overall Length: 97 cm
Blade Length (Nagasa): 73.3 cm
Curvature (Sori): 2.4 cm
Width at Base (Motohaba): 36.1 mm
Width at Tip (Sakihaba): 25.4 mm
Thickness at Base (Motokasane): 7.2 mm
Thickness at Tip (Sakikasane): 4.7 mm
Weight (Blade only): 943 g
Habaki (Blade Collar): Silver, 41 g
Mekugi-ana (Peg Hole): 1
Blade Features:
The sword is distinguished by its gunome hamon, a wave-like pattern running along the edge, which is both aesthetically striking and highly functional. The gold line (金筋) within the hamon further enhances its beauty and reflects the meticulous craftsmanship. The itame-hada (plank-like grain) on the body and masame-hada (straight grain) along the ridge give the blade its characteristic texture, ensuring durability and strength.

Scabbard (Saya): The saya is decorated with a sandan-kizami (grooved) design, adding both elegance and grip functionality.

Habaki (Blade Collar): A well-crafted silver habaki provides a perfect fit for the blade, while adding visual appeal and durability.

Sælger's Historie

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This katana tachi from the Edo period exemplifies the finest qualities of traditional Japanese sword craftsmanship. Featuring a stunning gunome hamon (wavy temper line), this katana is an exceptional piece, both in form and function. Its deep curvature and intricate details make it a valuable addition to any collection.

Period : Edo
Overall Length: 97 cm
Blade Length (Nagasa): 73.3 cm
Curvature (Sori): 2.4 cm
Width at Base (Motohaba): 36.1 mm
Width at Tip (Sakihaba): 25.4 mm
Thickness at Base (Motokasane): 7.2 mm
Thickness at Tip (Sakikasane): 4.7 mm
Weight (Blade only): 943 g
Habaki (Blade Collar): Silver, 41 g
Mekugi-ana (Peg Hole): 1
Blade Features:
The sword is distinguished by its gunome hamon, a wave-like pattern running along the edge, which is both aesthetically striking and highly functional. The gold line (金筋) within the hamon further enhances its beauty and reflects the meticulous craftsmanship. The itame-hada (plank-like grain) on the body and masame-hada (straight grain) along the ridge give the blade its characteristic texture, ensuring durability and strength.

Scabbard (Saya): The saya is decorated with a sandan-kizami (grooved) design, adding both elegance and grip functionality.

Habaki (Blade Collar): A well-crafted silver habaki provides a perfect fit for the blade, while adding visual appeal and durability.

Sælger's Historie

Vi sælger autentisk japansk sværd fra Japan
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Dynastisk Stil/Periode
Edo-perioden (1600-1868)
Privat samling
Sold with stand
Samlet længde
97 cm
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