What does Spain have, prostitution and photography? One of the best-known collections of post-war Spanish photographs is Joan Colom's remarkable study of prostitutes hanging out in Barcelona. This was published as a book in 1964.
Many years later we have the set of photographs by Txema Salvans that show prostitution in urban and rural spaces on the side of the road. The women stand or sit on plastic chairs on the side of the road, since their main clientele are drivers. The women get into the cars and whatever has to happen happens there.The difference in style between these two sets of photographs is clear. Colom's work features grainy captured moments in black and white, where Txema Salvans produces 5/4 inch color photographs of landscapes with an isolated figure almost hidden within the frame. Spain is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. But the Spanish tourist office will not knock on Salvans' door to license any of these photos, since the urban landscape it portrays is not a pleasant sight. Yet it is instantly recognizable to us: the no man's land between city and countryside is so well documented in these photographs. That strange and ugly mixture so invasive and so prolific. So, in addition to seeing the prostitutes in their extraordinary settings, we also learn about the contemporary urban landscape. Even without its core players, this would be an impressive set of photographs.
This is not Salvans' first book. He produced the lovely black and white publication 'Nice to Meet You' in 2005. But this latest book for me constitutes a more mature and complete set of images. It's very exciting to see this new energy and direction. This wonderful set of photographs by Salvans makes a very positive contribution to a developing trend.

Martin Parr

Sælger's Historie

Dartbooks er en boghandel med base i Barcelona, Spanien, vi er specialiserede i fotobøger, sjældne bøger, arkitektur og kunst. I vores katalog kan du finde både nye bøger og de første udgaver, der er mest efterspurgte af samlere fra hele verden.
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What does Spain have, prostitution and photography? One of the best-known collections of post-war Spanish photographs is Joan Colom's remarkable study of prostitutes hanging out in Barcelona. This was published as a book in 1964.
Many years later we have the set of photographs by Txema Salvans that show prostitution in urban and rural spaces on the side of the road. The women stand or sit on plastic chairs on the side of the road, since their main clientele are drivers. The women get into the cars and whatever has to happen happens there.The difference in style between these two sets of photographs is clear. Colom's work features grainy captured moments in black and white, where Txema Salvans produces 5/4 inch color photographs of landscapes with an isolated figure almost hidden within the frame. Spain is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe. But the Spanish tourist office will not knock on Salvans' door to license any of these photos, since the urban landscape it portrays is not a pleasant sight. Yet it is instantly recognizable to us: the no man's land between city and countryside is so well documented in these photographs. That strange and ugly mixture so invasive and so prolific. So, in addition to seeing the prostitutes in their extraordinary settings, we also learn about the contemporary urban landscape. Even without its core players, this would be an impressive set of photographs.
This is not Salvans' first book. He produced the lovely black and white publication 'Nice to Meet You' in 2005. But this latest book for me constitutes a more mature and complete set of images. It's very exciting to see this new energy and direction. This wonderful set of photographs by Salvans makes a very positive contribution to a developing trend.

Martin Parr

Sælger's Historie

Dartbooks er en boghandel med base i Barcelona, Spanien, vi er specialiserede i fotobøger, sjældne bøger, arkitektur og kunst. I vores katalog kan du finde både nye bøger og de første udgaver, der er mest efterspurgte af samlere fra hele verden.
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Antal bøger
The Waiting Game
Som ny
Forfatter/ Tegner
Signed; Txema Salvans
Udgivelsesår ældste artikel
33,5 cm
1. udgave
25 cm
RM Verlag
Signeret af forfatter
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