artist's statement
Color in painting fascinates me because it is a mood-building element. Wherever I am, I pay attention to light, color and this affects my art. I follow my own path and I am convinced that it is the right path. The words of the outstanding painter, Józef Hałas, stuck in my head, which in my opinion reflect the essence of the matter. "(...) Above all, a painter needs sensitivity. It doesn't have to be artistically oriented sensitivity, but in general - sensitivity to the world. Nature is important. There is everything in nature, you just have to discover it. (...)" I think that this is the quintessence of true, valuable art, authentic art, preceded by long reflections, cognitive process, hard work and not calculated only for the effect.

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska graduated with distiction from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (Poland) (main field of study : Painting) and received her Masters in Fine Arts in 2012.

On 2017 Master of Arts Albertyna received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in the discipline of fine arts. She runs therapeutic art sessions, creative work with chlidren and adults. But first and foremost she is a paitner. Her works can be found in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Malta, Poland).

About work:
A modern painting showing an abstract landscape, painted on a canvas with dimensions: 140 x 150 x 2,5 cm (H x W x D).

Lately, I've been enjoying going back to Studio Ghibli films. They charmed me with their animation. Additionally, they are illustrated with amazing music. And the stories are simply amazing - incredibly interesting, non-one-dimensional and often bordering on magic. I wanted the painting to be soaked in this world. Have I succeeded? See for yourself!

Picture painted with oil paints on canvas.

The painting is protected with a matt damar varnish.

The edges are painted black, the painting does not require framing.

*Colors in the photo may slightly differ from the original depending on individual display settings.

I attach a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY to the painting!

Sælger's Historie

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska dimitterede med udmærkelse fra Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design i Wroclaw (Polen) (hovedområde: Maleri) og modtog sin Master i Fine Arts i 2012. I 2017 modtog Master of Arts Albertyna graden Doctor of Fine Arts i disciplinen billedkunst. Hun afholder terapeutiske kunstsessioner, kreativt arbejde med børn og voksne. Men først og fremmest er hun maler. Hendes værker kan findes i private samlinger i Canada, USA, Europa (Tyskland, Schweiz, Østrig, Italien, Tjekkiet, Norge, Malta, Polen. ) Farver i maleriet fascinerer mig, fordi det er et stemningsskabende element. Uanset hvor jeg er, er jeg opmærksom på lys, farve og det påvirker min kunst. Jeg følger min egen vej, og jeg er overbevist om, at det er den rigtige vej. Ordene fra den fremragende maler, Józef Hałas, satte sig fast i mit hoved, som efter min mening afspejler sagens essens. "(...) Frem for alt har en maler brug for følsomhed. Det behøver ikke at være kunstnerisk orienteret følsomhed, men generelt - følsomhed over for verden. Naturen er vigtig. Der er alt i naturen, du skal bare opdage det (...)" Jeg tror, at dette er kvintessensen af ægte, værdifuld kunst, autentisk kunst, forudgået af lange refleksioner, kognitiv proces, hårdt arbejde og ikke kun beregnet for effekten.
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artist's statement
Color in painting fascinates me because it is a mood-building element. Wherever I am, I pay attention to light, color and this affects my art. I follow my own path and I am convinced that it is the right path. The words of the outstanding painter, Józef Hałas, stuck in my head, which in my opinion reflect the essence of the matter. "(...) Above all, a painter needs sensitivity. It doesn't have to be artistically oriented sensitivity, but in general - sensitivity to the world. Nature is important. There is everything in nature, you just have to discover it. (...)" I think that this is the quintessence of true, valuable art, authentic art, preceded by long reflections, cognitive process, hard work and not calculated only for the effect.

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska graduated with distiction from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (Poland) (main field of study : Painting) and received her Masters in Fine Arts in 2012.

On 2017 Master of Arts Albertyna received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in the discipline of fine arts. She runs therapeutic art sessions, creative work with chlidren and adults. But first and foremost she is a paitner. Her works can be found in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Malta, Poland).

About work:
A modern painting showing an abstract landscape, painted on a canvas with dimensions: 140 x 150 x 2,5 cm (H x W x D).

Lately, I've been enjoying going back to Studio Ghibli films. They charmed me with their animation. Additionally, they are illustrated with amazing music. And the stories are simply amazing - incredibly interesting, non-one-dimensional and often bordering on magic. I wanted the painting to be soaked in this world. Have I succeeded? See for yourself!

Picture painted with oil paints on canvas.

The painting is protected with a matt damar varnish.

The edges are painted black, the painting does not require framing.

*Colors in the photo may slightly differ from the original depending on individual display settings.

I attach a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY to the painting!

Sælger's Historie

Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska dimitterede med udmærkelse fra Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design i Wroclaw (Polen) (hovedområde: Maleri) og modtog sin Master i Fine Arts i 2012. I 2017 modtog Master of Arts Albertyna graden Doctor of Fine Arts i disciplinen billedkunst. Hun afholder terapeutiske kunstsessioner, kreativt arbejde med børn og voksne. Men først og fremmest er hun maler. Hendes værker kan findes i private samlinger i Canada, USA, Europa (Tyskland, Schweiz, Østrig, Italien, Tjekkiet, Norge, Malta, Polen. ) Farver i maleriet fascinerer mig, fordi det er et stemningsskabende element. Uanset hvor jeg er, er jeg opmærksom på lys, farve og det påvirker min kunst. Jeg følger min egen vej, og jeg er overbevist om, at det er den rigtige vej. Ordene fra den fremragende maler, Józef Hałas, satte sig fast i mit hoved, som efter min mening afspejler sagens essens. "(...) Frem for alt har en maler brug for følsomhed. Det behøver ikke at være kunstnerisk orienteret følsomhed, men generelt - følsomhed over for verden. Naturen er vigtig. Der er alt i naturen, du skal bare opdage det (...)" Jeg tror, at dette er kvintessensen af ægte, værdifuld kunst, autentisk kunst, forudgået af lange refleksioner, kognitiv proces, hårdt arbejde og ikke kun beregnet for effekten.
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Efter 2000
Solgt af
Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska
Værkets titel
Memory Paths - XXL
Olie på lærred
Blå, Brun, Cremefarvet, Grøn, Gul, Hvid, Orange
fremragende stand
140 cm
150 cm
2,5 cm
10 kg
Abstrakt landskab
Abstrakt ekspressionisme
Solgt med ramme