Nr. 87780583

Giacomo Filippo Tomasini / Abraham Blooteling - De Tesseris Hospitalitatis or Ticket of Hospitality plus Titus Livius Biography - 1670
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Giacomo Filippo Tomasini / Abraham Blooteling - De Tesseris Hospitalitatis or Ticket of Hospitality plus Titus Livius Biography - 1670

BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED EDITION of "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" or "The Ticket of Hospitality" second edition, printed in Amsterdam, 1670. Also included in the same volume is a rich biography of the famous Roman historian Titus Livius (59 BC-AD 17). TWO volumes in ONE, by the same author Giacomo Filippo Tomasini (1595-1655), an Italian bishop, scholar and historian.The first title is the first manual on hospitality among various European and Asian peoples, both free and paid, divided by type: taverns, hospices, restaurants, hotels and stables. It can be considered as the first "Michelin Guide" for the traveler in which he explains the rights and duties already established in ancient times by the Emperors in Roman Law (Corpus Juris Civilis). It offers a description of the structures used since the Greco-Roman era for hospitality with food and lodging, or just lodging for merchants, religious people, officials, tourists, etc. The book talks about hospitality and gastronomy in Northern Europe, among the Franks Germanic tribes, Gallic, Eastern European populations, Balkan populations, Scythians (Ukraine and Black Sea region), Turks, Indians, Christians, Arabs and the ancient Jews. It explains the protection that these places dedicated to hospitality had, considered as informal embassies, the symbols that identified them and the tickets, tokens used to take advantage of this universal right according to the author. The exchange of tickets that guaranteed food, lodging etc...and is depicted on the illustrated frontispiece engraved by Abraham Blooteling, as in the first photo. In one chapter Tomasini clarifies the difference between «Caupona, Taberna, Stabulo, & Diversorio» Restaurant, Tavern, Stable, & Hotel-Hospice and both free and paid hospitality and canteen services. The "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" describes this particular tablet/ticket which, marked with particular symbols, gave the traveler the right to hospitality along his itinerary; "A Tablet...that was marked with particular signs and then broken in two: each of the two guests kept a half with the help of which he was recognized" (Bouillet 1859). It was customary among the Romans and the Greeks, for two individuals to unite together by bonds of hospitality...a symbol of hospitality was exchanged...It was a token, an ivory or wooden plaque bearing either certain agreed symbols/characters, or the names of the characters, or even a copy of the deed between the parties concerned. (René Cagnat, Cours d'épigraphie latine, 1889, p. 324). The second title contained in the volume is a biography of the Roman historian Titus Livius famous for his monumental history of Rome and the Roman people, covering the period from the earliest legends of Rome before the traditional founding in 753 BC through the reign of Augustus in Livy's own lifetime. Tomasini describes his birth and life in the city of Padova, his origins, family, education, monuments and archaeological finds discovered in the city of Padua and attributed to Titus Livius. The author Giacomo Filippo Tomasini was also a native and resident of the same city. Each book contained in the volume has its own separate title and date. Antique hard parchment binding in good condition, almost intact and with titles written in pen on the spine. Illustrated frontispiece by Abraham Blooteling (1634–1690), a Dutch designer and engraver, was a bachelor and a friend of Gerard de Lairesse (1641-1711), who also lived on Prinsengracht. Title: First Title, De tesseris hospitalitatis, liber singularis, in quo jus hospitii universum, apud veteres potissimum, expenditur...(On the ticket of hospitality, a unique book, in which the universal right of hospitality, especially among the ancients, is spent). Second Title, Titus Livius Patavinus. Editio novissima aucta, emendata et figuris aeneis adornata…(Titus Livius from Padova. The latest edition, enlarged, improved, and adorned with bronze figures). Both titles printed in Amsterdam by Andreas Frisius (Fries), same year MDCLXX (1670). Text in Latin. Description: In-18mo size; H 140 x W 90 mm or 5.5 by 3.6 inches. First title, "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" pages [12], 227, [25]. Second title; "Titus Livius Patavinus" pages 125, [17]. Plus 28 engravings including 16 full-page engraved copper plates, 4 folding and 8 in-text. Old hard parchment binding in good condition, almost intact, fully functional and with titles written in pen on the spine. Some stains and signs of wear on the corners, edges and boards. Pages in good condition with wide original margins, text and illustrations clean, almost free from stains and defects. TWO BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME, COMPLETE AND WITH ALL THE ILLUSTRATIONS. References: "This little work is printed with elegant types, and with plates diligently carved and printed between the text" Cicognara 1808; Graesse, VII/170; Jöcher IV, 1156; Drexel 852; Horn/A. 205; Olschki, 18131; Borroni, 13037-1; BING n.1922; Simon G., 1466; Paleari n. 473; S. Testa, Italian academies and their networks, 1525-1700: from local to global, Basingstoke-New York 2015, pp. 130-135; Amy N. Worthen, Brigit Blass-Simmen, Stefan Weppelmann (eds.). "Cassandræ Fidelis venetæ literis clarissimæ in Padua". Padova and Venice: Transcultural Exchange in the Early Modern Age, Berlin-Boston 2017, pp. 123-136. Author: Giacomo Filippo Tomasini (1595-1655) was an Italian Catholic bishop, man of letters, historian and scholar. He received his early education from Benedetto Benedetti, a jurist and theologian who later became bishop of Caorle. At the age of fifteen he entered the order of Canons Regular of San Giorgio in Alga in Venice. He studied theology at the University of Padua, earning a doctorate in 1619. He remained in Padua and devoted himself to writing some of his most important works, "Petrarcha Redivivus", a biography of Francesco Petrarca, and "Prodromus Athenarum Patavinarum" a project of city literary history. Tomasini devoted himself to erudite works, in particular to collecting biographies of the most illustrious men of letters of the past. These are generally collections of anecdotes; nevertheless, Tomasini is usually placed among the first historians of Italian literature. Also noteworthy is her attention to women writers; Tomasini edited the unpublished works of the humanists Cassandra Fedele (1465-1558), the most illustrious woman of letters of the early sixteenth century and Laura Cereta (1469-1499). Shipping: via UPS, DHL, National Postal Services, protected, INSURED and fully tracked package. Estimated time for Europe 3-5 working days. Shipping within one working day, you can combine shipping if you purchases several items from us, saving money and time.

Nr. 87780583

Giacomo Filippo Tomasini / Abraham Blooteling - De Tesseris Hospitalitatis or Ticket of Hospitality plus Titus Livius Biography - 1670

Giacomo Filippo Tomasini / Abraham Blooteling - De Tesseris Hospitalitatis or Ticket of Hospitality plus Titus Livius Biography - 1670

BEAUTIFUL ILLUSTRATED EDITION of "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" or "The Ticket of Hospitality" second edition, printed in Amsterdam, 1670. Also included in the same volume is a rich biography of the famous Roman historian Titus Livius (59 BC-AD 17). TWO volumes in ONE, by the same author Giacomo Filippo Tomasini (1595-1655), an Italian bishop, scholar and historian.The first title is the first manual on hospitality among various European and Asian peoples, both free and paid, divided by type: taverns, hospices, restaurants, hotels and stables. It can be considered as the first "Michelin Guide" for the traveler in which he explains the rights and duties already established in ancient times by the Emperors in Roman Law (Corpus Juris Civilis). It offers a description of the structures used since the Greco-Roman era for hospitality with food and lodging, or just lodging for merchants, religious people, officials, tourists, etc. The book talks about hospitality and gastronomy in Northern Europe, among the Franks Germanic tribes, Gallic, Eastern European populations, Balkan populations, Scythians (Ukraine and Black Sea region), Turks, Indians, Christians, Arabs and the ancient Jews. It explains the protection that these places dedicated to hospitality had, considered as informal embassies, the symbols that identified them and the tickets, tokens used to take advantage of this universal right according to the author. The exchange of tickets that guaranteed food, lodging etc...and is depicted on the illustrated frontispiece engraved by Abraham Blooteling, as in the first photo.

In one chapter Tomasini clarifies the difference between «Caupona, Taberna, Stabulo, & Diversorio» Restaurant, Tavern, Stable, & Hotel-Hospice and both free and paid hospitality and canteen services. The "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" describes this particular tablet/ticket which, marked with particular symbols, gave the traveler the right to hospitality along his itinerary; "A Tablet...that was marked with particular signs and then broken in two: each of the two guests kept a half with the help of which he was recognized" (Bouillet 1859). It was customary among the Romans and the Greeks, for two individuals to unite together by bonds of hospitality...a symbol of hospitality was exchanged...It was a token, an ivory or wooden plaque bearing either certain agreed symbols/characters, or the names of the characters, or even a copy of the deed between the parties concerned. (René Cagnat, Cours d'épigraphie latine, 1889, p. 324).

The second title contained in the volume is a biography of the Roman historian Titus Livius famous for his monumental history of Rome and the Roman people, covering the period from the earliest legends of Rome before the traditional founding in 753 BC through the reign of Augustus in Livy's own lifetime. Tomasini describes his birth and life in the city of Padova, his origins, family, education, monuments and archaeological finds discovered in the city of Padua and attributed to Titus Livius. The author Giacomo Filippo Tomasini was also a native and resident of the same city. Each book contained in the volume has its own separate title and date. Antique hard parchment binding in good condition, almost intact and with titles written in pen on the spine. Illustrated frontispiece by Abraham Blooteling (1634–1690), a Dutch designer and engraver, was a bachelor and a friend of Gerard de Lairesse (1641-1711), who also lived on Prinsengracht.

Title: First Title, De tesseris hospitalitatis, liber singularis, in quo jus hospitii universum, apud veteres potissimum, expenditur...(On the ticket of hospitality, a unique book, in which the universal right of hospitality, especially among the ancients, is spent). Second Title, Titus Livius Patavinus. Editio novissima aucta, emendata et figuris aeneis adornata…(Titus Livius from Padova. The latest edition, enlarged, improved, and adorned with bronze figures). Both titles printed in Amsterdam by Andreas Frisius (Fries), same year MDCLXX (1670). Text in Latin.

Description: In-18mo size; H 140 x W 90 mm or 5.5 by 3.6 inches. First title, "De Tesseris Hospitalitatis" pages [12], 227, [25]. Second title; "Titus Livius Patavinus" pages 125, [17]. Plus 28 engravings including 16 full-page engraved copper plates, 4 folding and 8 in-text. Old hard parchment binding in good condition, almost intact, fully functional and with titles written in pen on the spine. Some stains and signs of wear on the corners, edges and boards. Pages in good condition with wide original margins, text and illustrations clean, almost free from stains and defects. TWO BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME, COMPLETE AND WITH ALL THE ILLUSTRATIONS.

References: "This little work is printed with elegant types, and with plates diligently carved and printed between the text" Cicognara 1808; Graesse, VII/170; Jöcher IV, 1156; Drexel 852; Horn/A. 205; Olschki, 18131; Borroni, 13037-1; BING n.1922; Simon G., 1466; Paleari n. 473; S. Testa, Italian academies and their networks, 1525-1700: from local to global, Basingstoke-New York 2015, pp. 130-135; Amy N. Worthen, Brigit Blass-Simmen, Stefan Weppelmann (eds.). "Cassandræ Fidelis venetæ literis clarissimæ in Padua". Padova and Venice: Transcultural Exchange in the Early Modern Age, Berlin-Boston 2017, pp. 123-136.

Author: Giacomo Filippo Tomasini (1595-1655) was an Italian Catholic bishop, man of letters, historian and scholar. He received his early education from Benedetto Benedetti, a jurist and theologian who later became bishop of Caorle. At the age of fifteen he entered the order of Canons Regular of San Giorgio in Alga in Venice. He studied theology at the University of Padua, earning a doctorate in 1619. He remained in Padua and devoted himself to writing some of his most important works, "Petrarcha Redivivus", a biography of Francesco Petrarca, and "Prodromus Athenarum Patavinarum" a project of city literary history. Tomasini devoted himself to erudite works, in particular to collecting biographies of the most illustrious men of letters of the past. These are generally collections of anecdotes; nevertheless, Tomasini is usually placed among the first historians of Italian literature. Also noteworthy is her attention to women writers; Tomasini edited the unpublished works of the humanists Cassandra Fedele (1465-1558), the most illustrious woman of letters of the early sixteenth century and Laura Cereta (1469-1499).

Shipping: via UPS, DHL, National Postal Services, protected, INSURED and fully tracked package. Estimated time for Europe 3-5 working days. Shipping within one working day, you can combine shipping if you purchases several items from us, saving money and time.

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