Were used as parade weapons, as votives, and as attributes of cult statues.

IRON AGE, 1200 – 1000 BC

Ideal for collectors of ancient bronze weaponry artifacts or those interested in ancient metalware , this impressive Axehead offers a glimpse into the luxurious aspects of ceremonial events in ancient times.

Length: 19.5 cm 

Height: 7 cm 

Height on stand: 17 cm

Condition: Good condition with earthy encrustations natural patina

Nicely displayed on a custom made plexiglass display stand of high quality (Included).

We are licensed dealers to trade ancient art by the Israel Antiquities Authority in Jerusalem - Israel. A certificate of authenticity will accompany all purchases and an export approval issued by the Antiquities department.

Please allow 1 to 3 weeks to obtain an export license before shipping.

Shipping via the First class Express airmail.


IAA: 3846

Several axes of this kind, have been found in tombs, confirming their symbolic use in the worship of the dead.

Elaborate blades and non-functional axe heads of this sort were used as parade weapons, as votives, and as attributes of cult statues. They may have been associated especially with the god Hadad.

Literature: Cf. P. R. S. Moorey, 'Catalogue of the Ancient Persian Bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum', 1971, Plates 2 and 3, nos. 14-19. Also items 51 and 52; Luristan Bronzes in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.


Sælger's Historie

Jerusalem baseret gammelt kunstgalleri siden 1960. Vi kan imødekomme behovene og budgettet hos erfarne og afslappede samlere.
Oversat af Google Oversæt

Were used as parade weapons, as votives, and as attributes of cult statues.

IRON AGE, 1200 – 1000 BC

Ideal for collectors of ancient bronze weaponry artifacts or those interested in ancient metalware , this impressive Axehead offers a glimpse into the luxurious aspects of ceremonial events in ancient times.

Length: 19.5 cm 

Height: 7 cm 

Height on stand: 17 cm

Condition: Good condition with earthy encrustations natural patina

Nicely displayed on a custom made plexiglass display stand of high quality (Included).

We are licensed dealers to trade ancient art by the Israel Antiquities Authority in Jerusalem - Israel. A certificate of authenticity will accompany all purchases and an export approval issued by the Antiquities department.

Please allow 1 to 3 weeks to obtain an export license before shipping.

Shipping via the First class Express airmail.


IAA: 3846

Several axes of this kind, have been found in tombs, confirming their symbolic use in the worship of the dead.

Elaborate blades and non-functional axe heads of this sort were used as parade weapons, as votives, and as attributes of cult statues. They may have been associated especially with the god Hadad.

Literature: Cf. P. R. S. Moorey, 'Catalogue of the Ancient Persian Bronzes in the Ashmolean Museum', 1971, Plates 2 and 3, nos. 14-19. Also items 51 and 52; Luristan Bronzes in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery.


Sælger's Historie

Jerusalem baseret gammelt kunstgalleri siden 1960. Vi kan imødekomme behovene og budgettet hos erfarne og afslappede samlere.
Oversat af Google Oversæt
Gammel ceremoni
Name of object
bronzedekoreret øksehoved, C. 1000 f.Kr. - Med eksportlicens fra Israel
Århundrede/ Tidsramme
Ancient Persia, C 1000 BC
Galleri / Antikvitetshandler


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Sælger garanterer og kan bevise, at genstanden er erhvervet på lovlig vis. Sælger er blevet informeret af Catawiki om, at skulle fremskaffe den dokumentation, der kræves af love og regler i dennes bopælsland. Sælger garanterer at være berettiget til, at måtte sælge/eksportere denne genstand. Sælger sørger for, at al information vedrørende proveniensen af en genstand vil blive videregivet til køber. Sælger sørger for, at eventuelle nødvendige tilladelser er blevet eller vil blive indhentet. Sælger vil omgående informere køber om eventuelle forsinkelser i forbindelse med indhentelse af sådanne tilladelser.