Great Katana engraved with the inscription "Kunihiro(國廣)”

【About Kunihiro(國廣)】
This Katana is engraved with the name Kunihiro, which is highly acclaimed in Japan. The most famous Kunihiro is Horikawa Kunihiro. He was a master swordsmith who was positioned as the “founder of Shinto” in the late Edo period sword book “Kokon Kaji Bikou” (古今鍛冶備考).

Horikawa Kunihiro was born in the Aya region of Hyuga Province (present-day Miyazaki Prefecture). This area was the front line during the Warring States Period where the forces of the Ito clan, which ruled Hyuga Province, and the Shimazu clan, based in Satsuma Province, clashed. The Ito clan assigned many swordsmiths to forge swords here. Kunihiro's father was one of them.

Horikawa Kunihiro forged swords there, but after the fall of his family, the Ito clan, he became a mountain ascetic. He devoted himself to mountain asceticism. During this time, he is said to have continued to hone his skills as a swordsmith, and it was during this time that he created the famous sword known as “Yamabushi Kunihiro"(山伏國廣).

In 1590, during Hideyoshi Toyotomi's conquest of Odawara, he was commissioned by Akinaga Nagao to forge a sword with the inscription “Made by Kunihiro, resident of Hyuga, Kyushu”. This is the famous sword later called “Yamambagiri Kunihiro” (山姥切 國廣).

Kunihiro created numerous masterpieces like this, all of which are elegant in form and tasteful, and will make any true Katana aficionado swoon. This item is a very good first piece for those interested in Kunihiro.

The sword is in very good condition.
The unique Kitae-Hada(鍛え肌) and Hamon(刃紋) can be enjoyed.
Size Details;
- Hacho: 70.2cm
- Sori: 1.7cm
- Mekugiana: 1 hole
- Moto-Haba : 3.08cm
- Saki-Haba : 2.08cm
- Moto-Kasane : 0.71cm
- Saki-Kasane : 0.55cm

Tsuba : The powerful Sukashi-Tsuba uses well-wrought iron as the base iron.
Tsuba is a little bit loose.
Koshirae total length : 101.5cm

【Attention before bid】
This is a truly domestic Japanese sword that has never left Japan. When exporting, an export permit must be obtained. It takes about 20 business days from the time the buyer makes payment to the time the transportation process begins. This is because exporting Japanese swords requires permission from the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

Export of Japanese swords from Japan to other countries is restricted. Depending on the situation of the shipping company and your country of residence, it may not be possible to ship. We will of course do our best to send the item, but if no carrier is available, we have no choice but to cancel the transaction. (So far we have been able to transport them without any problems in most cases.)

Regardless of the carrier's situation, China and Russia are banned from importing Japanese swords.

Sælger's Historie

Vi udvælger og køber omhyggeligt værdifulde sværd fra det japanske professionelle antikvitetsmarked. Vi ville være mere end glade, hvis folk over hele verden kunne nyde den ægte Katana. Masamune Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
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Great Katana engraved with the inscription "Kunihiro(國廣)”

【About Kunihiro(國廣)】
This Katana is engraved with the name Kunihiro, which is highly acclaimed in Japan. The most famous Kunihiro is Horikawa Kunihiro. He was a master swordsmith who was positioned as the “founder of Shinto” in the late Edo period sword book “Kokon Kaji Bikou” (古今鍛冶備考).

Horikawa Kunihiro was born in the Aya region of Hyuga Province (present-day Miyazaki Prefecture). This area was the front line during the Warring States Period where the forces of the Ito clan, which ruled Hyuga Province, and the Shimazu clan, based in Satsuma Province, clashed. The Ito clan assigned many swordsmiths to forge swords here. Kunihiro's father was one of them.

Horikawa Kunihiro forged swords there, but after the fall of his family, the Ito clan, he became a mountain ascetic. He devoted himself to mountain asceticism. During this time, he is said to have continued to hone his skills as a swordsmith, and it was during this time that he created the famous sword known as “Yamabushi Kunihiro"(山伏國廣).

In 1590, during Hideyoshi Toyotomi's conquest of Odawara, he was commissioned by Akinaga Nagao to forge a sword with the inscription “Made by Kunihiro, resident of Hyuga, Kyushu”. This is the famous sword later called “Yamambagiri Kunihiro” (山姥切 國廣).

Kunihiro created numerous masterpieces like this, all of which are elegant in form and tasteful, and will make any true Katana aficionado swoon. This item is a very good first piece for those interested in Kunihiro.

The sword is in very good condition.
The unique Kitae-Hada(鍛え肌) and Hamon(刃紋) can be enjoyed.
Size Details;
- Hacho: 70.2cm
- Sori: 1.7cm
- Mekugiana: 1 hole
- Moto-Haba : 3.08cm
- Saki-Haba : 2.08cm
- Moto-Kasane : 0.71cm
- Saki-Kasane : 0.55cm

Tsuba : The powerful Sukashi-Tsuba uses well-wrought iron as the base iron.
Tsuba is a little bit loose.
Koshirae total length : 101.5cm

【Attention before bid】
This is a truly domestic Japanese sword that has never left Japan. When exporting, an export permit must be obtained. It takes about 20 business days from the time the buyer makes payment to the time the transportation process begins. This is because exporting Japanese swords requires permission from the Agency for Cultural Affairs.

Export of Japanese swords from Japan to other countries is restricted. Depending on the situation of the shipping company and your country of residence, it may not be possible to ship. We will of course do our best to send the item, but if no carrier is available, we have no choice but to cancel the transaction. (So far we have been able to transport them without any problems in most cases.)

Regardless of the carrier's situation, China and Russia are banned from importing Japanese swords.

Sælger's Historie

Vi udvælger og køber omhyggeligt værdifulde sværd fra det japanske professionelle antikvitetsmarked. Vi ville være mere end glade, hvis folk over hele verden kunne nyde den ægte Katana. Masamune Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
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Meget god
Dynastisk Stil/Periode
Azuchi-Momoyama-perioden (1573-1603)
0,71 cm
70,2 cm
Koshirae, sværdtaske
3,08 cm
Sold with stand
Samlet længde
70,2 cm
Anslået periode

5 anmeldelser (3 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 3
  2. 0
  3. 0

Serious and reactive seller, had doubts at first when I saw the few evaluations, but there you’ll have the proof that quality is better than quantity. Would totally recommend!

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good day got my katana everything tip top super packed always happy greetings from switzerland stefa

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5 anmeldelser (3 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 3
  2. 0
  3. 0

Serious and reactive seller, had doubts at first when I saw the few evaluations, but there you’ll have the proof that quality is better than quantity. Would totally recommend!

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