Category specific tips
Disclaimer for Cars & Motorbikes
  • Photos, videos and the object description should be used as a guide only.
  • Catawiki’s in-house experts virtually review and approve all vehicles for sale. Although this happens with the utmost care, in most cases, our experts do not see the vehicle in person. This means that the condition as shown is predominantly based on the photos and information provided by our sellers.
  • We require our sellers to provide the most accurate and transparent object description. However, the condition and description can never provide a full analysis of the vehicle for sale. Any reference to condition in the object description or in a condition report does not amount to a full description of the condition, and images may not show the condition of an object clearly. Also, the condition may look different on the screen compared to how it looks upon physical inspection. Condition reports offer the opinion of a third party but they may not refer to all faults, inherent defects, restoration, alteration or adaptation. Therefore, most of our sellers invite you to view or arrange inspections for their vehicle prior to bidding. We encourage you to embrace this opportunity to be able to place a well-informed bid.
  • Please note that most of the photos and videos of our sellers have been shot or recorded using basic cameras. This means that for photos some details might not show and the sound quality can be average, meaning that in particular, engines and exhaust notes can sound a little different to how they are in reality.
  • Useful information before bidding
  • Transport and registration of the vehicle is not included in your bid: Unless otherwise indicated, your bid excludes transport and export costs. Please consider these costs before you bid. Transport can be arranged by the seller (if stated) or you are also free to arrange your own transport service.
  • Classic vehicles: Most vehicles in our auctions are classic and collector vehicles and should be considered "collector items." They’ve often already had a whole life behind them and as such even a condition 1 vehicle will rarely meet “factory production grade” or be able to be used daily without proper specific routine maintenance.
  • Internal grading system: The grading scheme of the conditions of classic vehicles is based on our internal grading system and as such can differ from those of third party grading / certification authorities such as the TÜV, APK and CT. If there’s a difference in points attributed by our seller and those indicated by a third party, the condition indicated by the seller prevails.
  • Sold “as is”: all cars are sold in the condition as provided by the seller. The condition of this item is the opinion of the seller and may differ from your, your local garage or the dealer’s opinion. This does not automatically mean that the vehicle does not conform to its description / condition.
  • Vehicle registration: Please check your local legislation regarding vehicle registration. Neither the seller nor Catawiki is responsible for the registration of this vehicle in your country. Although the seller will provide assistance with supplying all the possible and available relevant paperwork to help you with the registration process. For example, you might request a certificate of conformity (CoC) from the seller, however in some countries the CoC is not mandatory for registering a vehicle. As a buyer you should then request a CoC at the official dealer in your country.
  • Paint repairs: Localized paint repairs are common with collectable and classic cars, and if they have been professionally carried out, they may be impossible to detect online. So, unless we state otherwise, please assume that any vehicle could have had remedial bodywork at some point in its life. 
  • “Oil sweating”: Classic cars often suffer from "oil sweating", meaning that some minor oil leakage can occur with the use and are generally tolerable. 
  • Odometer: Unless otherwise specified, the stated mileage should be considered as "odometer reading". For some classic vehicles, it is very difficult to determine the real mileage.
  • Test drive: Even if the condition of the vehicle would permit, we always advise - especially if you are not an experienced classic vehicle driver - against driving more than a couple of kilometers with a classic car, before doing the necessary technical checks.
  • Future maintenance: Although the seller will clearly document any needed maintenance and/or restoration, assume that maintenance could be needed in the future depending on your grade of satisfaction with the car's conditions. Every classic car can be improved, restored, over-restored or customized — it's part of the joy of the classic car ownership experience.
  • Comparing driving performance: The driving performance of two classic vehicles, even the same model, should not be compared as their performance and maintenance could be very different in the past.

You can find more information and tips on what it means to be buying a classic vehicle in our Help Centre. If you have any specific questions on a vehicle, do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide you with an answer at our earliest convenience.

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