Shipping & Delivery
What should I do if I received a empty box?

If you received an empty package, we advise you to message the seller and contact us as soon as possible and within 3 days after delivery (the exact date will be recorded through track & trace). 

It’s important to do so for the seller to open an investigation with the shipping company and for us to secure your payment while this investigation takes place.

Please be aware that once this 3-day period has expired, your payment will be released to the seller and we can no longer open a claim on your behalf or guarantee a refund.

In your message to the seller, please include pictures of the package you received (outside and inside packaging) and describe your problem. We also ask that you open a claim with the delivery company and file a police report. We can mediate the case with the seller if necessary.

To help us resolve your case, it is important that you provide detailed evidence. Below is the info we will need from you:

  • At least 6 pictures of the packaging, showing all sides of the box clearly and fully, where one picture should have the shipping label clearly visible and legible.

  • A picture of the parcel on top of a scale, with the weight of the parcel clearly visible and legible.

  • A copy of your claim to the shipping company.

  • A copy of your report filed with the police.

If you have a video of the unboxing, sharing it will greatly aid our investigation.

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