Shipping & Delivery
What is the best way to handle an issue after my order has been delivered?

We recommend you discuss options for resolving the case with the seller, as this can speed up the process of solving your issue. Possible options for resolving the case may include (with the seller's agreement)

  • If there are any issues with the order you received, please inform us within 3 days after delivery (the exact date will be recorded through Track & Trace). Please be aware that once the 3 day period has expired, your payment will be sent to the seller and we can no longer open a claim on your behalf.
  • An appropriate partial refund from the seller; the amount to be agreed with the seller .
  • A replacement for the lot, if the seller is able to offer an appropriate replacement of similar condition and value.
  • Cancellation and refund with the seller's agreement and with the lot being returned in the same condition as you received it. The refund would only be provided to you after the lot has been confirmed as arriving with the seller, and there is a chance that the return costs for shipping would be yours to pay.
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