Shipping & Delivery
What if my order has been returned to the seller?

If your order is returned to the seller, you’ll need to message the seller to find out why and come to an agreement on who will pay to ship the object back to you. 

According to our Terms of Use, the reason the first delivery attempt didn't work out determines who will pay for the second attempt. Find out more about the costs of a second shipping attempt.

If you and the seller don’t agree on who should cover the costs of a second shipping attempt, contact us and we’ll support you in finding a solution.

How to prevent an order from being returned to the seller

It's important to track your order on the order page and the shipping company's website. 

If your order is going through customs, keep in touch with the seller and check your emails regularly in case customs authorities contact you. You can also contact the shipping company to find out more about the customs status.

If there are issues with tracking, we'll email or notify you about these. We'll let you know if and when you need to get support in these cases. Find out more about what to do if shipping is delayed.

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